How to Avoid the Stress of Downsizing

Downsizing is no longer for empty nesters only, but younger couples who’re looking for ways to free up their finances or simplify their lives find the idea appealing. Gone are the days when you’d only think of downsizing when facing financial challenges or you’re too old to take care of the property. The benefits of downsizing are;

  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Fewer possessions to manage and store
  • Lower utility bills
  • Lower mortgage payments
  • You’ll be more organized
  • Lowered living expenses
  • More financial freedom

However, the transition from a bigger to a smaller home can be stressful, and here are ways to avoid the stresses. 

Hire a Reliable Moving Company

A professional moving company can make the whole process from pre-planning, packing to unpacking and settling less stressful, time-saving, and cost-effective. You’ll also be able to focus on family and other demands as you’re assured of dependable services.

To make sure that you get professional services, check the company’s experience and whether it offers customizable services. For instance, when moving from one state to another or within a state, State movers would be an ideal choice.


It’s more challenging deciding what to give away, sell or dispose of when your house is filled with clutter. Go through all your possessions and separate clutter from items you use or need. 

You might be shocked to realize how much you’ve accumulated over the years. Probably, you’re still holding on to old toys, kids’ clothes, and other items you’ll never use. 

To make the exercise more manageable and less stressful, start small. Start with one room and slowly move on to other parts of the house. It also helps when you involve all the family members. 

Decide What to Take with You

Moving from a big house to a smaller one means that you can’t take everything with you. You’ll have to sell or give away some possessions no matter how dear they are to you. Before making the decision, look at the new house’s size and each room’s dimensions. If your furniture takes up a lot of space, you might have to sell and buy newer and smaller-sized ones.

It might be a hard decision to let go of possessions you’ve held dear for years, but after the exercise, you’ll feel lighter and better. Once you’ve made the decision, think of holding a garage sale either in your house or online.

Focus on the Positive Side

Selling or giving away your possessions and a home you’ve lived in for many years might not be an easy decision. You’ve created memories you’re soon going to let go of, and this might feel sad. To avoid sadness and doubts:

  • Focus on the positive
  • Think of how you’ll be able to live a simpler, more manageable, and affordable life
  • Think of how you’ll free up your money to cater to meaningful ideas such as more family vacations 

Downsizing is not a one-day event, but once you find and move into the right house, it’s worth all the effort. Your life will be more meaningful and not controlled by what you own. 


Moving Home Safely During Covid

If you are thinking about moving home right now, this is one of the many things which are going to be a lot more difficult than usual, owing to the global pandemic. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it is not possible, just that you are going to need to think about some of the changes you might need to make, compared to the usual moving home routine. In particular, you are going to need to ensure that you move home in a safe way, which is something that should be easier than you think as long as you bear a few particular things in mind.

Let’s take a look at how you might be able to move home safely during covid, so that everyone can keep as safe as possible throughout the process.

Check Your Local Restrictions

A lot of this is obviously very locally-based, so you will need to make sure that you are falling in line with the local restrictions in your area first and foremost. You might be surprised how much they can differ from all of the surrounding areas, and it is going to be vital that you are working hard to fall in line with them, in order to ensure that you can remain safe and not put anyone at risk unnecessarily.

The best way to check your local restrictions, if you are not aware of them already, is to look online, or to ask your local authority about them. In all likelihood, you will already be aware of them, but it is always best to check, especially if you have not been keeping up with them recently, as they might have changed more than you might assume.

Time It Right

When moving home, it is generally always going to be important that you time it right, so this is not unique to moving home during a pandemic. But it might prove to be especially important at this time, and that is owing in part to the fact that you might be restricted, as we mentioned above. However, restrictions are not the only consideration when it comes to trying to time the move right. You also need to think about when you can get time off work – and this in itself is something that might be affected by the covid pandemic.

Essentially this all means that you need to think about it far in advance and then plan accordingly, while also working hard to update your plans as necessary along the way. As long as you can do that, you should find that you are going to be able to move home much more easily and more safely, despite what point in the pandemic you might be in and what might be going on in your local area specifically.

Make It Speedy

There are many advantages to making a home move as quick as possible when you are doing it during the pandemic. The less time you all spend out on the roads and moving around, the less of an impact you are likely going to have in terms of how likely you are to spread the virus, so that is obviously important. This means that you need to find a way to speed up your move as much as you possibly can – which is pretty easy to do once you start trying to do it.

One of the simplest ways to do this is to get some help – although you are also going to want to limit how many people are helping you, so it is best to just stick to one or two. However, if those individuals are working for a local movers, then you know that the whole process is going to be over and done with so much faster, and you will be able to limit the likelihood that you are spreading the virus around while moving home. Be sure to use movers who seem to be particularly covid-aware to help reduce the risk even further.

Portrait of happy delivery men carrying cardboard box and carpet outside van

You can also make it speedy by planning ahead as much as possible, working hard to do it at a time when it is likely to be quicker, and generally being sensible about how you do it.

Be Careful With Viewings

If you are selling your current home, you are probably going to want people to be able to come and see the property, as such viewings are essential for anyone who might be putting money down on a property of any kind. But you obviously need to take great care with these situations, as they are potentially an opportunity for the virus to spread. The simple rules to follow are that you should wear masks during the visit, having your guests sanitize their hands and do the same yourself, and keep as much of a distance between you as possible at all times.

You should also limit how many people come for a viewing at any one time – which might well mean it is not the best time to be doing open house viewings right now, where lots of people come to visit in one day. However, by taking care and being sensible, you should still be able to see a lot of people through the house in a day, so there is no reason you won’t be able to sell the property still. You just have to be a little careful in the process.

Is It A Good Time To Move?

As well as the safety element, you will want to consider whether it is a good time to move home anyway, considering everything that is going on. In other words, look closely at the property market and try to work out whether you think that you are going to get the best deal right now. You might decide it is best to hold it off for another year, or you might just want to take the plunge – it’s up to you, but in any case make sure that you are not simply barrelling ahead.

Moving Abroad? Here’s How To Lower The Costs

Moving home can be a costly experience. Moving abroad can be even more expensive. It is manageable though, and there are some great tips for reducing the overall costs of your move abroad. Ranging from finding storage solutions to finding the right accommodation and property, here are some great tips.

Get quotes for shipping

One of the things that is often a last thought when moving abroad is the shipping costs. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to many people but shipping your household items across the globe is expensive. In the same way that exporting and importing business goods is expensive, moving household items means it all adds up. Even if you are not filling up a container with all your goods, you’re likely to still be charged similar rates.

So, is there a way to reduce costs? Yes. But you may not like it. You just need to be really selective. It is manageable though. If you’re leaving the UK, then your electronics are likely to be useless if you are moving abroad. Despite there now being a gap in the market for electronic adapters, sometimes it just easier and less stressful to get electrical items in your new habitat as you know they will work.

One prime example is the fridge or TV. Unless you have a serious devotion to either of these items, it makes more sense to buy a new one when you’ve moved into your new property. You can recover the costs by selling your old fridge. You can buy a cheaper one abroad and also save money on the shipping costs. Can you see where we are going?

Book your flights well in advance

This is a lot easier said than done for many people. Sometimes, relocating for work or for personal reasons comes abruptly. You cannot always plan so far in advance that you can take advantage of cheaper flights. Booking in advance for travel usually means the prices are cheaper. If you have the opportunity to be given long-term notice then this is something you can consider.

If you are looking enough to have a date and plan, this is a great money-saving technique. If the property you are moving into abroad is ready and there is no chain, you can begin making preparations. If it is a new build, then you need to be slightly more careful to ensure there are no mishaps so make sure you’ve done your research and planning.

Plan for the long-term

As was mentioned earlier, planning for the long-term is easier said than done. However, you can save costs through self-storage, which is also less stressful actually. If you are moving abroad and have done the huge clear-out that was suggested earlier, then you can think about placing your items into self storage for six months. This sounds expensive and unnecessary but its more important than you think. Interestingly, whether you’re moving to the UK or away from the UK then safestore prices are actually an affordable way of saving money.

The reason it is important to plan for the long-term and put items into self storage is you just do not know if your move abroad will work out. No one can predict the future. Even if you’re adamant to make it work, it is still recommended that you have a backup plan and don’t get rid of everything. You can get rid of your fridge and TV as those items are accessible and available.

As you can see, the main ways of reducing your costs involve long-term planning where you can and also shopping around. Whether you’re looking around for shipping cost quotes, storage prices, or

cheaper flights, the further you can plan in advance, the more likely you are to able to reduce the costs.

Handling The Stressful Aspects of Moving

Moving home is an exciting time, but it’s not without its complications. Indeed, there are times when it feels like the complications make themselves known a little too well. Not for nothing do they say that moving is one of life’s most stressful events, up there with getting a divorce. 

While it’s true that moving would be stressful without proper planning and that there’ll always be stressful elements, there are things you can do that’ll minimize the stress levels. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some useful ways to proactively manage the most common causes of stress when moving.

The Paperwork

It’s not just the actual moving process that you have to contend with. It’s all the paperwork and logistical stuff that you need to handle before you can actually get around to moving. There will always be a long list of things to do when you’re selling your property and moving elsewhere. The two best pieces of advice are to, first, accept that you’re going to be filling out forms, waiting for documents, and so on. It won’t be completely smooth sailing. The second is to work with expert real estate agents. They can make your job so much easier. When you’re going through the moving process, ask friends and family for recommendations on who you should use (or avoid).

Sorting Through the Home

It’s always a shock to people to see that, wow, they have accumulated just so many items during the course of living in their home. And it’s not hard to see why — we humans are pretty good at buying goods, less good at getting rid of them. Whatever amount of time you think it’ll take you to sort through your belongings, be sure to add much more to that number. These things take a while! Start as early as possible. Even if you’re not moving for months, it’s never too early to slowly begin chipping away at the job you have to do.

Moving the Goods

It’s one thing to collect the stuff you want to take with you and to get rid of the things that you don’t. It’s another thing entirely to transport all your belongings to another home. This is, understandably, a huge job, and it’s unlikely that you have too much experience in doing it well. Most people only move a few times in their life, after all. Instead, hand the job over to other people. A company like Nashville Master Movers LLC will ensure that your belongings are transported to your new home smoothly and efficiently. You’ll still have other things to take care of on moving day, but at least you’ll have peace of mind that the biggest job has been taken care of. 

Work and Children

It would be handy if other aspects of life could be put on pause when we’re moving. After all, moving home occupied a big chunk of our time! While you can’t avoid your other responsibilities entirely, you can ensure that they don’t interfere with your moving process. It’s best to take a couple of days off from work when you’re moving, before and after the big day. If you have children, then it’s best to arrange for them to stay with other family members and friends for at least part of the day. It’ll be fun to have them there on the day, but there might be a couple of hours where it’ll just be easier if they’re at their grandparents’ house! You can also take care of other essentials too, such as by preparing meals and snacks beforehand.

Resting Up 

You’ll be a ball of excitement in the run up to your moving day. However, it’s a good idea to quell that excitement a little bit, in order to ensure that you can have plenty of rest. There’s a big difference between having slept well and rested in the days/week before your move, and having pushed yourself to the limit. We all know how much better we’re able to handle difficult situations when it doesn’t feel like we need many more hours of sleep!

Saying Goodbye

Finally, don’t forget your old house! It’s sad to leave a place where you created so many memories, even if you know that the next move is good for you. Be sure to spend some time honoring your soon to be former house, by going over memories, taking photos, things like that — it’ll bring a bit of joy into the moving process. 

What To Look Out For Whilst Searching For A New Home

Viewing properties and planning your move to a new home is an exciting time for Americans looking to change things up. There are some points to consider during the viewing process, as well as both before and after viewing.

Quality Of The Structure One of the most important elements you should look out for when searching for a new home, is the quality of the materials used in construction. This refers to the foundations, floors, walls, paints, windows and the basement integrity. Older homes, and certainly neglected homes, are more suspectable to damage and a reduced quality of life. For example, dampness is costly to repair and can damage lungs.

Affordability For The Area And Mortgages

Certain states will be cheaper to live in, even if two homes are the exact same in every way. Location is very important to the realtor market, and sometimes is the sole reason behind why people purchase homes. Generally speaking, homes that have good transport links nearby will be considered more premium, as it allows for ease for work travel and school connections.

It’s not just the area you should look to be able to afford. You need to look at your finances, and work out how you can afford to pay for a home. Knowing this will help you narrow down your search, and give you more insight into home purchasing. You should use a home loan calculator such as the one provided by The Home Loan Expert to work out how much you will be paying each month on a property, when you take interest into account.

They will be able to work out your term length, alongside the interest rate loan amount, to give you estimated figures. Call them for more information on the process, to help you understand mortgages.

Safety Of The Location

Areas may be cheaper to invest in, if the crime rate is higher. You should take this into account during your search, as you may find that areas are going downhill for a reason. You can use apps to help track crime stats and general safety within neighborhoods. These online tools can provide scores for zip codes, with most of them free.

If you’ve already moved and are worries about crime in the area, then consider speaking to neighbors and forming a neighborhood watch to help keep each other safe. You can use location-based tracking apps for your family to help reassure everyone in case of any emergencies too.

Yard And Exterior

The yard of homes is a detail that some don’t think about when viewing a home. Whilst the interiors of homes can be largely renovated and extended, yards usually are stuck with their size, due to neighbor yards.

You can still do a lot to a yard to make it different, but the size may be the same. The exterior of a new home is important to look out for as well. Both in terms of the look and sustainability. The exterior can be changed further down the line.

Relocating? Be The Backbone Your Family Needs

Moving home can be a stressful time for the whole family. As parents, you may struggle with the financial side of moving as well as all of the packing and arranging that you need to do. As children, moving home can be tough, especially if you’re leaving your childhood home and have fond memories. At times like these, your family needs someone to come through and be the person that makes it that little bit easier on them all.  A reputable moving company like can help you. 

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Today we’ve got some great tips on how to be the backbone and support your family needs when moving home.

Get as many people on board as possible

Moving all of your belongings from your existing property to your new one can be time-consuming and exhausting, particularly if you and your partner are doing all of the heavy lifting. Gathering your family and friends to help you move home is a brilliant way to speed things up and cut your workload in half. As a thank you for their assistance, you might offer them pizza and a few drinks once you’ve moved in. It’s the ideal time to throw a housewarming party!


If you don’t have any nearby family or friends who can assist you, you can find yourself in the same situation as before, where you have to transfer everything amongst yourself. In situations like these, hiring a moving company such as Best Of Vegas Moving Company that can also assist with packing may be a smart idea so you don’t have to raise a finger. This will also allow you time to finish your other tasks, such as making final home repairs or closing sales.

Sort childcare

If you have small children, getting them around as you go from point A to point B isn’t fair to them or to you. Make arrangements for childcare ahead of time so that your children can enjoy a day out with a family member or friend while you are settling into your new home. It will not only give you and your partner more room to do what you need, but it will also help to distract any children who are worried about the transfer.

If you’ve decided to hire experienced movers, why not plan a family day out while they’re at work? Perhaps a trip to Legoland or Seaworld would provide your family with the much-needed morale boost!

Organise sharing out belongings

As a family, you’ve most likely amassed a diverse collection of items over the years. As a family, sit down and decide what you’ll bring to your new home. Consider the size of your new house, as well as any amenities that might already be in place, such as white goods, when deciding what to keep and what to discard. There’s a good chance you won’t be taking many things with you, particularly if your children are of an age where they want to get rid of their childhood belongings, so it’s a good idea to look into skip hire to avoid hundreds of trips to the skip.

Get everyone excited

Moving home, as previously mentioned, can be a difficult time for children, particularly if you’re taking them away from the friends and life they’ve established in your current residence. Take the time to get the kids excited about the move by discovering fun things to do in the area, showing them around their new school, and even letting them choose how to decorate their room in your new house. Allow your children plenty of opportunities to learn about your new home so that they can become as excited as you are about the change. Allowing teens to have mobile phones in order to communicate with their peers would also aid in the forthcoming transition.

Hire storage space

Very frequently, you’ll have to vacate your current residence before entering your new one, which can be daunting because you’ll need to find a spot for all of your belongings. If your transfer dates conflict, consider renting storage space so that you and your family just have to find a place to sleep before you receive the keys to your new house. 

Clear your debts

One thing you can focus on is paying off your debts so that you can start this new chapter of your life debt-free. Pay off credit cards, make sure your bills are current, and settle all other debts so there’s one less thing hanging over your head. Keeping an eye on your credit score will also help you stay in the clear financially once you’ve moved.

Tie up loose ends

It’s easy to forget about stupid little things that need to be done before the big day while you’re moving, so take a look at these loose ends you should be tying up before the big day:

  1. Notifying delivery services, such as your milkman, of your move.
  2. Informing your neighbours that you are planning to move.
  3. Calling your internet provider and transferring your service so that you have a secure internet connection when you arrive at your new home.
  4. Notifying other service providers, such as gas, electric, and water, that you’re moving so they can give you a final bill.
  5. Paying off any debts you might have.
  6. Finalizing repairs to your house in preparation for the new owners/landlord.
  7. Organizing transportation for any pets you might have and ensuring that, if you must rehome them, they go to a caring home.
  8. Ascertaining that you will be able to move in on the agreed-upon date.
  9. Plan a get-together.


Finally, when everyone is feeling deflated because they know the move will be long and difficult, it’s a good idea to raise everyone’s spirits by throwing a farewell party. It would be easier to leave your home if you invite close neighbours, relatives, colleagues, and even your children’s friends over for a final farewell. Just make sure you have your party first before packing too much away, or you’ll end up sitting on cardboard boxes!

Make Your Move As Smooth As Possible; Top Tips For Moving House.

Moving house can be stressful. There is so much to do and you are up against the clock when you do it. Throw in the added life complications of work, children, and your daily to-do list; finding the time to organize and successfully pack up and move your entire worldly possessions suddenly seems like an insurmountable mountain to climb. You may even need to hire a moving company like Here is a list of top tips for helping reduce stress and make your move as smooth as possible.


Whether you’re prone to hoarding or not, collecting unneeded items is unavoidable as the years go by. Decluttering is often ignored and put off, but decluttering regularly can avoid gathering lots of unwanted possessions. Decluttering before a house move is essential, and it will keep removal costs down as you will have fewer items to pack, box and move. Also you will need smaller transportation and less manpower to do so. Start with one room and create four piles; keep, throw, sell and donate. Go through all the items and put them in the appropriate pile. Anything broken beyond repair should be thrown. Anything you no longer use or need should be donated or sold. Be ruthless and ask yourself whether you really need an item. You’ll be grateful for your stringent decluttering in the long run. There is no point moving things from one house to another just to be thrown out. 

Hire the pros

When you have decluttered and have a better idea of just how much stuff is moving with you consider contacting your local moving company to help with the move. The earlier you can contact them, the better. Moving is most common at weekends and public holidays, so if you plan on moving at these times, you’ll want to be sure the help you need is available.

Moving day is often time-sensitive and a long and arduous day, especially if you have children and pets in tow. Opting for a removal company to do the heavy lifting for you will considerably reduce your stress levels and free up your time.  They are professionals and will have plenty of experience moving heavy and difficult objects on time. Freeing you up to start on the unpacking and ensuring the rest of the move goes smoothly.

Label Label Label 

One of the best tips for saving time and keeping stress levels low is to label boxes. All boxes should be labelled with the room they need to be unpacked in and a brief description of what is in them. There is nothing worse than a hungry family searching through every box, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake as they search for utensils, plates, or cutlery to start cooking.

Don’t forget to include words such as ‘heavy’ or ‘delicate’ to enable whoever is lifting the boxes to do so accordingly. 

Speaking of children (and pets)

Are you moving with pets or a family? If your children are too young to help carry a box or unpack its contents effectively, making alternative arrangements, where possible, for the day will serve you well. As idealistic as a fun family move might sound and as excited as the kids might be to see their new room the reality is far from fun. Children will be bored. Fact. And you will not have the time or inclination to entertain them. A trip to Grandma’s or a day with friends will be time much better spent for them. That way when they do arrive at the new house you will have more time to spend with them unpacking and getting excited about their new room.

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Redirect your mail 

If someone is moving into the property, you are leaving, you will want to use a mail forwarding service. This is to ensure any and all correspondence still being sent to your old address is received at you by your new address. 

Pack a move day essentials kit

You will need some items close to hand on moving day, so have them organized in an easy-to-reach bag or box. Contents of this kit may vary from person to person, but some staples to include are coffee, snacks, drinks, mugs/cups, toilet roll, bin bags, cleaning cloths, sanitizer, paracetamol, and of course, a charger. 

Finally, Rome wasn’t built in a day. 

While the urge will be there to get everything moved, unpacked, rebuilt, and put away on day one, it just will not be possible. Lower your expectations. Moving day isn’t just that one day so do not put the added pressure on yourself to have your new house ‘home ready’ in 12 hours. Setting up your new home will take time, and you want to get it right first time. Be kind to yourself and give yourself the time you need to make your new house a home.


One Free Way Mothers Can Pull Off a Stellar Move

Packing up and putting down roots in a new place is exciting.

Moving rouses the imagination, prompting you to anticipate the people and experiences you’ll come across in your new home and neighborhood. And while it can be emotionally stirring (in a good way), it can also be physically and mentally exhausting — especially if you’re not prepared.

Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, your moving day will be stressful. With so many checkpoints to manage and coordinate, one can’t help but feel anxious. Don’t worry, it’s only natural. More importantly, you’re not alone in your angst. It’s widely accepted that moving is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. A fact to which we say: Don’t let it be! Especially when there are proven steps you can take to make it an easier, smoother and less demanding process than you ever thought possible.

It all starts with a checklist.

The pros at Coleman American Moving Services have put together a rock solid moving checklist that’ll help you stay organized while you track your progress and stay on schedule en route to one of the most important days of the year. Use it as you see fit, although it’s best to start earlier and work your way up to moving day. Handling important tasks one at a time will give you an uncommon sense of tranquility in the months, weeks and days leading up to your relocation. Now wouldn’t that be something?

Coleman American provides the checklist on its Huntsville movers page.

A Brief Look At Our New Home

Above is a picture of our new house. Disregard the 2002 date stamp. The photo was taken a few weeks ago by my stepdad…I guess he wasn’t paying attention. I’ve always liked houses built in this style, with the porch going across the front. It’s very cute and simple, and sort of country looking, which I like. We still have to paint the porch and the shutters, and we’re probably going to break up the “walk way” that comes out from the middle of the porch and just let the grass go over it. And we’re going to build new flowerbeds, but we probably won’t do that till next spring.

All in all, it’s a very nice house, especially for a “starter” home. And of course it has its pluses and minuses.

Pluses: Big back yard, Huge outbuilding, Brand new laundry room (just added on to the house), Big kitchen/dining area, 3 bed rooms, 1 1/2 baths, Has a living room + the previous owner closed in the garage to make a den area (this room will be our office), Large deck area. Plus we’ll have new appliances, fans, carpet, and paint.

Minuses: The bedrooms & bathrooms are small. Lack of closet space (I sense a post coming on this). The outbuilding needs some work. No garage/carport. (but we have room to build one off to the right of the house, or we could use part the outbuilding to park cars.) Also, not sure how energy efficient the house will be.

My Favorite Feature: The Kitchen Area or the den/office room.
My Husband’s Favorite Feature: The Den/office. His second favorite feature is the outbuilding aka his “Man Cave” or “The He-Man Woman Hater’s Club.” (he’s a Little Rascals fan)

I’ve been imagining where all the furniture will go and how all our stuff will be arranged in cabinets…but imagining just isn’t quite the same as actually doing. I can’t wait to move in!

Planning the Move, Phase One is Complete!

The other day I got out my handy dandy notebook and made out a “to do” list of things we need to do before & during the move (see the list below). Well, phase one of the moving process is over. Thank goodness! Packing is the worst! I keep thinking of that DirecTV commercial that says, “packing, unpacking, your mind in a haze.”

We had a pretty good system though. We went through and numbered each box and gave it a “room label” and of course wrote what was on the box. And as we went, we made an inventory sheet of all the items. The list included each box number, the room the box should go in, and a breif description of what’s in the box. Hopefully this will make it easier when it comes time to unpack, so we’ll know exactly what box holds what before we open them. And on the list we also wrote down all of our furniture, “loose items,” plastic drawer sets, and plastic tubs, just so we’d be able to remember exactly what we have.

We stayed up late last night to make sure that we had everything packed up so that the movers could come in and do their thing without us getting in their way. (my husband used to move furniture, and he said people were always doing last minute packing..and arguing…when they’d get their to move…we definitely wanted to avoid that.) Now our apartment is essentially empy, with exception of the bare neccessities and a few special items that we wanted to carry ourselves. It’ll probably still be a tight fit to get everything we have left in our car and truck, but we’re gonna get it done.

Moving Check List:

Phase 1 -Boxing Up Our Lives – Stuff We’ve Already Done
-Get boxes & other supplies
-Make a list of essential items that we must have while we’re in limbo & set aside
-Pack, pack, pack
-Get Truck
-Line up people to load & unload truck

Phase 2 – Leaving it All Behind – Stuff to Do Tomorrow
-Pay electric bill and cancel service.
-Cancel internet service and pay final bill.
-Drop off book donations at library.
-Load up car and truck.
-Check mail, turn in apartment keys, and sign papers to get out of lease.
-Fill out change of address forms at post office.
-Stop by husband family to say goodbye.
-Drive up to my parents’ house, where we’ll be staying until the new floor covering is put down in the house.

Phase 3 – Living in Limbo – Stuff to do this Week & Beyond
-Get a change of location/number for our cell phones.
-Return unused Uhaul boxes.
-Get voter registration information changed.
-Make appointment for installation of satellite & internet services at the new place.
-Get address changed for magazine subscriptions & other important mail: bank accounts, student loan accounts, cell phone account, various online accounts.
-Do a pre-move in survey of the house to decide where we’ll put furniture and stuff.
-Work on anything that needs to be worked on in the new house/yard.
-Get prepared to start new jobs.
-Move in & unpack.