Ways to Make Some Extra Cash Online

If you are a stay-at-home mum or a career girl who is living on a tight budget, you are probably looking for ways to supplement your income and with that in mind, we spent some time Googling part-time online work to save you the trouble; here are the best options we found.

✔ Web content writer – If you have a flair for words, you can make a few extra dollars writing web blogs for SEO agencies. The rates are low, but you don’t have to go anywhere or meet anyone; all you need is a laptop and a web connection and you’re good to go. Outreach blogging is a very effective way to put inbound links onto the web and you can work when you want and be your own boss. If you fancy working long shifts, there is affordable childcare in Blacktown and the kids will love it!

✔ Teaching English – If you take an online teaching course, you can work as an English teacher in a virtual environment; Google ‘language academies, online teaching’ and a list of schools will magically appear! You will get full support and lots of resources to help you master online teaching; set up one corner of a room and invest in a whiteboard, which is a valuable teaching tool.

✔ Filling in online product surveys – While this is not for everyone, you can spend a few hours a day filling in online questionnaires and be financially rewarded for your efforts. All they ask is that you be honest with your answers. You get to learn a lot about a diverse range of products and might even get a few freebies. Click here for the key elements to help you get pregnant.

✔ Virtual call assistant – Admittedly, you need peace and quiet for this one; after training, you answer calls on behalf of clients; you might have 3 companies that you look after and you have to be available at all times during your shift, Daycare is an option, as this is a well-paying gig and if you have a pleasant phone voice, this might be for you.

✔ Set up a shopping cart website – You would need to do some serious market research and create a good business plan; not recommended if you have an already hectic schedule, but if you have time on your hands, you can build a business in the space of a couple of years. IT competence is essential and with some digital marketing, who knows how far you can go? ✔ Trading – Whether crypto or stocks and shares, there is money to be made in global marketplaces; serious research is needed and with the help of a good broker, you can trade securely in real-time. Start with a demo account and if you are ahead of the game in 6 months, you are ready for a real trading account.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways that you can supplement your income and we hope that you manage to find something you enjoy doing.

5 Weird Ways To Make Money Online

If you’re looking to start your own business, stretch your income or just want to make some extra money, then the internet can be a good place to start. There are a lot of different money-making avenues to explore, from selling goods and services, to ventures that are a little more obscure. For example, have you ever thought about online betting on lucky numbers betting sites, or other games on other betting sites? A good bet can result in a great return, and whilst there may be risks involved, it’s often worth it if you’re internet-savvy.

That’s right, the internet features some weird and wacky ways of making money. If you’ve got an open mind and want to try something a little different, you could stand to make some great money online.

Take a look at these five weird ways to make money online. 

1. Sleep

Getting paid to sleep? Sounds like a dream money-maker! And for some people, it is. Sleep researchers regularly source participants online to take part in sleep trials, including napping! As long as you can commit to the requirements set out by researchers, you could earn some great money doing something you do already.

Of course, sleep research is just one of the ways you can help researchers online. Easier, more flexible routes include completing surveys online or participating in focus groups.

2. Take pictures of your feet

People will seemingly pay for anything online, and that includes feet photos! Did you know you can sell feet pics to others and make a lot of money in the process? Pictures of your feet are relatively low-risk compared to other types of adult content, and will certainly make for an interesting money-maker.

3. Become a virtual bridesmaid

Why would someone need a virtual bridesmaid? The truth is, many brides struggle with their wedding planning and may not have bridesmaids on hand to help them get things done.

A virtual bridesmaid can provide support and carry out a range of duties, helping to make a bride’s life a little easier. Your support may only be needed in the run-up to the wedding, so you won’t have to endure dresses, rehearsals and other more traditional bridesmaid duties.

4. Write speeches for others

If you’ve got a way with words, then speech writing could be the side hustle for you. People will pay good money to have speeches written for them, including wedding and funeral speeches, conferences and more. You’ll need good writing skills for this one, but it can be a fun job that will pay well per speech.

5. Make weird noises

Have you heard of ASMR? Autonomous sensory meridian response is the practice of using sounds to promote relaxation, sleep, stress relief and more. You can make money selling these sound sequences online, with people paying money for ASMR streams and videos that satisfy their interests.

From whispering to typing, cooking and cleaning, ASMR triggers include a range of common noises you never knew could be so calming.

As you can see the internet is full of wacky ways to make money online. If something a little more conventional is better suited to you, take a look at some other ways to make money from home and take advantage of what the internet has to offer.

Can you sell your used home appliances?

Do you need to sell your old appliances since you’re replacing your dishwasher, dryer, or fridge? If yes then there are several options to sell your old appliances for cash, whether you should be replacing or have simply moved into a new home. In reality, trading at trade exhibitions, thrift shops, as well as online may provide a good side income or even a high employment for some people. Continue reading to learn more!

Consider local stores:

If you would not want to market your appliances publicly or set up a yard sale, you may sell them to a local appliance business. They frequently include a used segment in addition to brand new items.

Call ahead and then do some investigation to see what type of price they have. Also, mention whether or not they will start picking up and how much it will cost. They may charge a flat cost at occasions, which is a good alternative if you do have well over one thing to sell.

Think about a Garage Sale:

Garage sales are much more traditional than selling online, but they are still an excellent method to trade your appliances for money! There are still individuals who enjoy flea markets, and applications such as Varagesale and Yard Sale Treasure Map can assist you in finding garage sales near you!

Many purchasers who go to garage sales are elderly people who prefer the personal connection and viewing the products in person. Ensure the products are in good shape and ready to be taken up right away.

Make sure to post your flea market on Craigslist in order to attract consumers. Include your finest images and a detailed summary to entice people to your yard sale.


Facebook has risen in popularity in recent years. A local buy and sell page is also available in most neighbourhood organisations.

The incredible thing about Fb is that the majority of purchasers are in your area. This might be beneficial if you need to get clear of your stuff quickly.

Local selling sites are an excellent method to transact stuff. You may also broaden your search to include local selling and buying pages. Some sites use terms like beg, exchange, and sell.

Make careful to vet your customer, just like you would with any other social media marketing page. You may check if a client or purchaser’s profile is legitimate by clicking on their account.

Selecting better things to sell:

When looking via a sales app for products to buy for resale, make absolutely sure that the things are either in fantastic functioning order or can be mended with a good cleaning or by replacing basic parts.

Trying to sell second hand appliances is possibly the best side hustle option for folks who know a great deal about appliance maintenance or are eager to learn.

Appliance repairs are frequently a lot easier than you would assume. Well in this case, you can also consider some professional appliance repair service providers especially from https://www.vanproappliance.ca/


If you’re searching for a way to make some extra money, donating your old appliances should not be the first thought that springs to mind, but listen to us out. While there are numerous methods to sell secondhand goods, interacting with shady customers who want to pay as little as possible may be a nuisance. Think about making a high-end contribution. According to Steve Feldman, creator of Renovation Angel, a luxury giving is generally a better option than selling. “Primarily,” he argues, “you’re selling to save money on taxes.” “You’re certainly going to gain more revenue from your tax break than you would from a free market sale,” he adds. “Moreover, you won’t be dealing with any logistical problems,” such as detaching or disassembling your appliances.

College Bulletin Boards:

Many college students are weary of going to shared laundromats or struggling with broken fridge, so marketing your products on campus notice boards may simply produce some money. Most individuals aren’t concerned with brand names or model numbers; they simply want a functional device.

Furthermore, marketing on these bulletin boards might attract the attention of property developers that specialise in student housing. Property maintenance businesses prefer installing a functional, refurbished appliance since it is less expensive than purchasing a completely new appliance and less expensive than bringing out repair professionals on a regular basis. Click here to find reliable appliance repair experts.

Scrap metal recyclers:

If you moved to a new appliance because your previous one wasn’t working properly, you might be able to receive some money back. Collecting scrap metal may be profitable, which is why you see vehicles driving through communities collecting metal rubbish.

You can get some money if you bring your appliance to a scrap steel recycler. Scrap metal refiners often pay in cash given the weight of something like the metal, so that an old washer or freezer might add up to a substantial sum.


At-Home Business Ideas That’ll Give You Joy

We’re in a time right now where more people are working from and spending time in their homes rather than being out there in the world. It’s led to people being far more creative than they ever have been before, starting up a business that they can work from home. Let’s be honest; everyone has figured out that their schedule is more important than they thought. They want to get their tasks done and then get on with the day, they don’t want to continue to work all of the  hours. We are in a time where we are rejecting the hustle culture that puts work before mental and personal health – but that doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t start a business of your own. 

There has been a huge rise in home business opportunities, and you can do pretty much anything from home these days because there are so many options. We’re also privileged enough to be able to work remotely and comfortably with it. Instead of working for someone else from home, though, you could pick up a passion of yours and kick off your business remotely. You could even reserve a company name that makes sense now and decide what to do with it later. With a start from the confines of your house, you can create something with very few overheads, very few staff (if any) and with just your vision brought to life! We’re living in a connected world, and that means that your business has the potential to really kick off. With this in mind, here are the business ideas at home that’ll give you more joy than you could possibly imagine. Ready? Let’s go!

  1. A wholesaler. Are you living somewhere with plenty of space? Do you think you could do it better than your current clothing stores or bakery that you use? Many businesses begin and end with the simplicity of importing products and selling them on for a profit. Some people buy from eBay to sell on elsewhere, and others choose stores that allow them to buy in bulk and then sell on. It’s a good way to choose a niche in your market and it’s going to allow you to be truly niche and unique in your offerings. As long as you have the space to store products and a solid website, you’ll be able to sell products online and sell them for a tidy amount.
  2. Create a product. If you can create a product, you can turn that hobby into a business. If you can bake, you can come up with a homemade brownie business that allows you to post brownies to those who want to buy them. There’s pretty much anything that you can create at home that you can sell elsewhere. You can bake, create pottery, find a product you know you could improve and sell that. There are plenty of products that you can create at home, and selling them means you can earn money from your hobby. You can eventually create a studio in the home, and it’s this that will help you to earn cash from what you know you can do.
  3. Start a store for dropshipping. There are some businesses that you can run from home that allow you space to have your inventory outside of the home, employing a dropshipping model where a third party stores all of your things for you. This leaves them to handle the marketing and customer service aspects while you handle the shipping and storage of your products. It’s a good way to make money from home without having too much interaction with customers. You can have a supplier that’s overseas if you want to but most people choose a local dropshipping company as they can be more reliable when nearby.
  4. Start a printing business. From stickers to labels, you can print on demand as you get your orders, allowing people to come to you and get what they need with ease. You can sell print on demand clothing, apparel and even cookware – you can even sell books and mugs. Either way, you can choose to be a little broad with a unique ‘as you need it’ service, or you can focus on just t-shirts and other things that allow you to print as your customers order. It’s a good way to enjoy showcasing any design skills that you might have.  At the end whatever you choose, you need to assure the best results. It is important to consider using top-quality printing products, which can be achieved with Epson printer and its ink.
  5. Offer online services. If you want to be broad, think about what exactly it is that you can offer to others. From creative design to marketing, house cleaning and writing, you can offer a range of personal services to others that just make sense. Do a little market research here, though, and make sure that you choose just the one service. You don’t want to do EVERYTHING because you will burn out and you won’t be able to offer a targeted service. 

6. Teach. You can teach online classes that simply make sense if you have the knowledge and the know-how. You can pursue your business by identifying something you are good at and teaching it to other people. There are so many ways that you can teach online, too. You can Zoom call and tutor others, you can create a website packed with quizzes and study tools, you could even create your own study plan and work with an online university as a tutor. There are plenty of options for your teaching online and if you like to be on camera, then perhaps a career on social media and YouTube teaching others!

7.Make your service a product. If you deliver talks to businesses on health and safety, then today may be the day that you decide to package those talks to a downloadable file or DVD and sell them on. You might currently do talks in person but the idea here is to create something that you can do from home without having to be in front of others again. When you choose to make your service a product, you’re going to open a whole new world for adding products to your service-based business. There are courses, designs, eBooks, merchandise and more that you can offer to others and productize your service.

8. Learn how to grow your audience. Did you know that you can grow an audience that you can sell to? If you want to work from home, you can start to create content on social media and begin a YouTube channel, too. Eventually, this can grow to a podcast but as long as you are delivering the best content to your audience, you’re going to be on track to create something amazing. You will grow your audience, and that will help you to monetize that audience who will then want to buy from you. The key here is not to fall into the multi-level marketing trap, where you are suckered into a business where you invest your money and get nothing back. 

9. Buy an existing business. You could easily start a home-based business by choosing an existing business for sale. Rather than start from scratch, you’re going to be able to start with a business that’s warm and ready to go. That means that it already has a product and customers to consider. When this is the case, you can ensure that you are able to pick up and earn a profit pretty quickly. Many ecommerce businesses for sale are already earning money and they can be picked up and continued by you and worked from your home.

10. Start your own box business. Did you know that Netflix used to be a subscription box business? You can find so many examples of subscription boxes, and you can grow a whole new one based on choices you make for the box yourself!

How to Make Cash Online As A Stay-at-home Mom

Although being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job, it does put a restraint on your financial wellbeing. Most single-income families find it challenging to generate enough money to cater for essentials or even create savings. Fortunately, you can make money without leaving your house or sacrificing time with your children. So, are you a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to make some money? These money-making options will allow you to earn money without stress.

  • Trading cryptocurrency

According to studies, trading in crypto has made lots of people millionaires. If you’re a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to increase your income or looking to get into the investment to keep your finances intact, crypto trading is a viable possibility. Before you invest in technology, you need first to learn about it.  Before you buy BNB, Bitcoin or any other type of crypto, you need first to learn about this technology. The best way to do this is to look up each coin on the internet and read its white paper to learn more about it. You can also seek the help of a crypto day trading guide to make trading easier and more profitable. Bitcoin and coinbase would be the most excellent solution for a newbie stay-at-home mom.

The interface of Coinbase is incredibly user-friendly, while Bitcoin (BTC) has significant potential. If you are a gambler, you could even consider looking into the games at somewhere like a bitcoin casino Ireland and combine the thrill of gambling you love with this ultra-modern technology.

  • Getting crafty

Why not generate some additional money doing something you enjoy if you have an artistic side? If it’s handmade, Etsy, an online marketplace where you can display your craftiness, has a place for it. Jewelry, aprons, knitted items, scented candles, and other handmade crafts can be sold there. Etsy charges a small fee for each item you post and a separate cost for each item you sell; you’ll need to set up an online merchant account to accept payments through Paypal. The site has around 36 million active purchasers, so it could be just what you need to get your art noticed and earn extra money for the family.

  • Freelance writing

Freelance writing is one of the most profitable ways to make money online. Many influential freelance writers make a career (or supplement their income) by writing, and they have little trouble obtaining clients or writing opportunities. As a result, stay-at-home moms who can string together a few sentences will want to choose freelance writing and editing as a way to keep their minds sharp while also earning money. Freelance writing is such a versatile profession; how you approach the mechanics of sitting to write will be determined by your personality.

  • Transcriptionist

Transcription work can be an excellent fit for a stay-at-home mom’s lifestyle because it can be done from home and does not require a steep learning curve. However, while transcribing may appear to be simple typing, it does necessitate concentration and time. Freelance transcribing may be ideal for a parent with school-aged children or relatives nearby who are willing to care for them. To begin, you can use job sites like Glassdoor to search for transcription jobs. Alternatively, you can sign up to work as a freelance transcriber on sites like TranscribeMe, Go Transcript, UpWork, and Scribie.


A guide to becoming a stay at home mom influencer

For many mothers, being a stay-at-home mother is a personal choice but for some, it is not and can be very frustrating because there might exist a desire to pursue a career and be productive outside of the house. Motherhood is not easy. It is difficult and demanding and working plus taking care of a child seems impossible however it is manageable if you have the will and strength to do it. Instagram is a world-famous social media platform that allows users to share intimate parts of their lives with their followers via photos and videos. Apart from using it to connect to the people you know, brands and businesses use it to connect to their audience. Instagram is the platform that gave rise to the influencer and there are influencers of all kinds, including mothers. Becoming a mom influencer could be just the right fit for you and here’s what you need to know.

Why should you do it?

Being a stay-at-home mother can be unfulfilling sometimes because being in the house can give you a yearning to be out and about. A lot of mothers who stay at home don’t make an income and this can also be a cause of frustration. This is why being an influencer is such a fantastic idea for stay-at-home moms. Firstly, it can potentially make you some money which is great and secondly, you can create a community of other stay-at-home moms who would appreciate having an influencer represent them and their experience. But what do you need to start? Of course, you need an Instagram account – that is the first step towards becoming an influencer. The second step is gaining followers because they are the backbone of your influence. There are a few ways of making people aware of your existence on Instagram. You can either buy followers on growth services such as Growthsilo and start off big, or you can sit and wait patiently for the number of followers to grow by just posting regularly. As a stay-at-home mother, being an influencer is a great way to spend your time sensibly and share your knowledge and experiences to people that can relate to you. You can take your challenges and traumas and convert them into advice and tips for other mothers who might be experiencing the same thing that you are experiencing. Becoming a mom influencer is a great way to get inspired by your circumstances and you can establish something without having to leave the house or spend any money.

Be prepared for everything

The internet is full of negativity and once you have made the decision to be a mom influencer, you need to understand that there will be people that criticise and disagree with you and your choices. The internet loves to attack women and there is this narrative that exists that says mothers should not use their motherhood for their own interest or to make money. When faced with this kind of negativity, you need to keep your head up and persevere regardless. Remember, you cannot please everyone so just focus on pleasing yourself. Every mother has their own methods of doing things and sometimes there will be clashes. This should not discourage you or deter you from your mission of being a mom influencer.

Embrace changes

There are many niches on Instagram and changing niches at some point is worth considering. The more you establish yourself as an influencer, the more opportunities will present themselves to you and when they do, you should step out of your comfort zone and embrace them. Don’t run away from taking risks and exploring bigger niches. Also make sure to listen to feedback that you might be getting. Yes there are haters online but there are also people who give valuable feedback that can help you readjust your social media strategy and become a better influencer. It might be hard to

admit when a certain part of your campaign is not working or when others are right, but you need to keep an open mind.

Being a stay at home other does not have to be unfulfilling and boring. You can take this time and your experience and turn it into an opportunity where you can gain an influence, build a community fast by using many services available online and make some money. Mom influencers are not a saturated niche which gives you the upper hand. Remember that this market allows you to impact the lives of other stay at home mothers which is a great thing. Just remember to be prepared for anything including negative people and their opinions and always embrace changes on social media.

Tips To Help Perfect A Work-Life Balance

Having the perfect work-life balance is hard to achieve, but once you have something close to it, you can enjoy life but still have the ability to achieve those goals and aspirations you have for your career. There are a few things that can stand in the way of achieving this balance, but with these tips, you too can perfect a work-life balance.

Learn How To Switch Off

Being able to switch off from work is easier said than done. Particularly when you have a job that demands a lot, or you’re in a role where you need access to work emails and files from home. However, you cannot let your work life consume your every waking hour, and therefore, you need to learn how to switch off from your work. This starts by leaving your work devices away from your lounging space. When you’re not working, leave these devices in another room but set on loud volume just in case anyone calls or emails you with urgent responses needed. This means that you don’t carry around the device and have a constant opportunity of looking at your phone all the time. If you’re able to switch off your device completely or have a point in the evening where you know you can shut these devices off until you need them again the next day. It’s difficult to get yourself out of a habit that you’ve been in for a while, but it’s not impossible.

Take The Opportunity To Look After Your Body

Your body is important because you only get one of them, and if you’re constantly putting your body through stress, then this opens up the opportunity for you to get sick more often and to catch more illnesses. If you’re working too much, then you have the risk of losing your focus, and a lack of sleep could mean an accident and having to get skilled injury lawyers who can handle your case. You want to avoid getting to that point where work has started affecting your health, so look after yourself more. When your body is tired, listen to it, instead of ignoring it. Get a good night’s sleep each night and treat your body to a brief workout each day to get the blood pumping around your body.

Try To Unplug Once You Get Home

Make it a rule that once you get home, your home life begins, and your work life ends. That’s the best of getting yourself into the mindset and to have a more enjoyable evening and days whenever you’re not in the office. Try not to talk about work at home because that’s just going to affect your home life more.

Set Boundaries Between Work And Social Life

Having boundaries is always going to be helpful, and that can be the same when it comes to your work and social life. Sometimes you may need to work overtime for your job, but that’s something that should be optional and not necessary. It should be rewarded as time off if you need to do it, and you should have the ability to say no to things that you don’t want to do. Learning to say no in life is definitely a skill worth having. We’ll all have things in our life that we do out of not wanting to disappoint people, but then if that’s sacrificing your own happiness, that’s not right. Set these boundaries from the beginning, and if you find them slipping at any point, look at what it is that you’re not currently doing and fix it.

Remember To Spend Time With Loved Ones

Your loved ones and those you value most in your life are important, and all too often, work gets in the way of spending more time with them. Yes, you can be passionate about your work, but the last thing you want to do is let work stop the opportunities that come by to spend time with people and to create memories. If you’re putting your work above that, then you are going to be unhappy with the lack of social connection. Not only that, but you do put your relationships in jeopardy by prioritizing your work life. Remember to make time for those who matter and that you want to make as many memories as you physically can do.

A work-life balance can be hard to achieve, but it’s definitely something you should be doing in order to live a happier life and a healthier one too.

10 Ways to Make Money from Home

Disclosure: Today’s post is a sponsored article and may contain some affiliate links. The opinions are my own.

As a new mom I am very thankful that I have the chance to stay home and raise my son.  As I do this, our family is effectively taking a pay cut, but I feel that it is worth it for my son to be raised by ME and not strangers.  And luckily we live in an online world which has taught me how to me more productive and allows me a few avenues to make money from home.  Today I will discuss a few ways in which Moms just like me can earn an income from home while staying home to raise their kids. [Read more…]

5 Ways to Sell Your Used Items

Since my husband and I have gotten married, we have done a TON of decluttering, as well as redecorating in our home.  As we purchase new items, from table lamps to furniture, we often sell the items we no longer need.  You’d actually be amazed at how much extra cash you can make by selling your old stuff.  Today I’m going to discuss a few means and methods for selling your used items.

Yard Sales

If you have a lot of stuff to sell, a yard sale is a great way to get rid of it and make extra money.  At a good sale, we’ve made over a thousand dollars, and this is after we’ve already sold larger items online ahead of the sale.  You wouldn’t think selling items for quarter, 50 cents, a dollar, and so on, would yield much profit, but when you have a lot of stuff, and you add in some higher priced items as well,  there is a ton of potential for profit.


If you have a lot of name brand clothes in good shape, a high end consignment store might be your best bet for selling.  It is a lot easier than selling online, and you can generally make more money on clothes than you can with a yard sale.

Online Consignment and Sites that Buy Your Stuff

Websites like Swap and Thredup provide online consignment for clothing, jewelry, and other items.  Just send in your items and they do the selling.  As with offline consignment, fees will apply, but it is an easy and effective way to sell.

There are many websites out there such as swifttechbuy that will buy your old cell phones, electronic gadgets etc.  In most cases you simply ship them your items, and they pay you.  It’s very easy!

Craigslist, LetGo, Facebook

We have listed a lot of stuff online for sale.  I like these sites because your basic listings are free.  Of these three,  I’ve had the most success with Craigslist.  If we have anything for sale over $25 we list it on Craigslist before we would put it in a yard sale.  We’ve sold everything from cell phones, video games, and electronics to clothing, antiques, lawn mowers, and furniture.  Posting items is very easy, and we often sell items within a couple of days.

Posting on these sites is a great way to sell local, but we’ve found it is also possible to sell larger items to people further away, if someone is willing to travel, or if you are able to take online payments and ship items.

For large items like furniture, you can use Shiply to find a courier, like Ask Absolutely.  In the event you are selling furniture to someone local and nobody has a truck to make the pick up or delivery, Shiply can also help you to find a courier.

Ebay, Amazon, Etc.

And of course, Ebay and Amazon are great places to sell used items.  Listing and transaction fees may apply, but you can definitely be sure that your items will have a huge audience and potential buyers.  There are also great ways to market your items on these sites.  Learn about amazon cost of sale acos.

As someone who makes and sells jewelry, I can tell you that it is easy to use these sites once you have your initial set up complete.  It is also very easy to ship small items directly from your home or local post office, or Shiply can help you to arrange for shipment of your furniture and larger items.


With so many options available for selling your used items, there is no reason to not get rid of unwanted clutter.  And you’ll enjoy having a cleaner home and a few extra dollars in your pocket!





Blogging with Advowire


As a blogger, I’m always looking for new companies to connect and work with.  Having said that, anytime the subject of blogging comes up in conversation, I am always asked how you make money doing it and how you connect with companies.  This can be a hard question to answer, especially if you are talking to someone who is unfamiliar with the concepts of blogging and online marketing. [Read more…]