Fun with Friskies Pull ‘n Play #MostPlayfulCat

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Purina®. The opinions and text are all mine.


As you know, my dog and cats aren’t just pets, they are members of the family and the Simply Sweet Home team.  If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that we recently added a new member to the family, a little black and white kitten named Mina.  Today I’m excited to let Mina make her blogging debut and do her first product review and feature.  Together she and I will be telling you about a product that every toy and treat loving cat should have: the Friskies® Pull ‘n Play. [Read more…]

SmartBones® Review and $25 Visa Giveaway

Disclosure: The SmartBones information, product samples, and gift cards, and have been provided by PetMatrix. The opinions are my own.

SmartBones Review Giveaway

I’m very excited to have my puppy girl assistant Shadow helping me out with today’s post!  It celebrates something that is very near and dear to Shadow’s heart: Food and Treats!  When it comes to her diet, Shadow, can be quite finicky, so we have certain go-to foods and treats that we always give her, but because we love “treating” her, we are always purchasing new products for her to try, and of course, I always welcome the opportunity to let her sample and review new products.

Most recently, Shadow had the chance to try SmartBones®.  SmartBones from PetMatrix are a healthy alternative to Rawhide.  They are easily digestible and will help your pet to maintain healthy teeth and gums.  And because Shadow actually ate them, I know they must taste good too!

Before we learn more about the treats here are a couple of things about rawhide and why you should look for alternatives to rawhide bones and treats. Rawhide is the inner hide from a cow or other animal that has undergone chemical processing to remove hair and other materials. The rawhide is then ground or used whole, and is formed into various dog chew shapes.  According to vets, dogs who eat rawhide, may face certain health risks such as stomach & intestinal blockage and potential ingestion of toxic chemicals used to process rawhide chews. [Read more…]

Celebrating Halloween with Our Dog Shadow

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BeyondSnacks #CollectiveBias

Celebrating Halloween with our Dog Shadow

October has got to be my puppy girl Shadow’s favorite month:  The fall weather is perfect for her to play outdoors a lot.  And we get to celebrate both Halloween and her anniversary as a member of the Birdwell Family!  For her one year anniversary in the family, Shadow got a delicious celebratory meal and presents, including Purina Beyond Snacks and some special gifts for Halloween. [Read more…]

Fighting Bad Puppy Breath with Orapup

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DogGoneBreath #CollectiveBias

Fighting Bad Puppy Breath with Orapup

Last October we adopted our little puppy girl, Shadow.  She’s now “approximately” one year old, and she’s basically the center of our universe.  (At least she believes and often insists that she is, and we’ve really given her no reason to think otherwise!)

Shadow loves snuggling and playing with her parents.  And she also loves to give and steal puppy kisses, so much so that we often call her the “Lick-o-potamus.”  As the primary targets of her campaign to spread love and licks, my husband and I always make sure Shadow is nice and clean, with regular baths and nail clippings, and we give her Orapup to eliminate bad puppy breath and make her kisses sweeter, while she’s being the ambassador of love. [Read more…]

5 Ways to Show Your Cats You Care with Fancy Feast and Litter Genie

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®, Litter Genie® and Fancy Feast®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #Catparents

5 Ways to Show Cats You Care

When I’m not blogging, I am a full time Cat Mommy and part time member of the Cat Paparazzi!  Anyone who knows me knows I’m in love with my cats, and they pretty much run the show here!  For those of you aren’t familiar with the Simply Sweet Home cats, let me introduce you! [Read more…]

Pet Health and Introducing Our New Puppy, Shadow

Pet Health
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll find no shortage of cat and dog pictures, and I think it’s safe to say, they get their share of facetime here on the blog as well.  We definitely love our fur babies!  A few weeks ago, we adopted a new puppy.  Meet Shadow!

Shadow is a very happy puppy.  We gave her the name “Shadow” because she follows us around constantly like a shadow.  Even though she’s only been with us for a little while, we already have a ton of Shadow stories.  They include everything from Potty Training Tales to Kitty-Puppy Relations.  Let’s just say, she is definitely a handful, but we do love the newest member of our family. [Read more…]