Boppy Review (And How I Used it Every Day!)

Disclosure: I received product samples to facilitate this review. The opinions are my own.

As a mom, I can’t say enough about the Boppy Boppy Original Nursing Pillow and Positioner.  After you have your “baby basics” (diapers, bottle, crib/bassinet, car seat), it should be next on your list!  When I was pregnant, I knew I had no plans to breastfeed, so I honestly wasn’t sure if I needed a Boppy.  Right after Thaxton was born I realized it was a MUST!  I used the product multiple times a day, every day during Thaxton’s first year!  Today I’m going show you some great ways to use the product and show you why every expecting mom needs a Boppy! [Read more…]

6 Baby Must-Haves for Cold and Flu Season

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. The opinions are my own.

6 Baby Must-Haves for Cold and Flu Season

My baby boy just turned a year old.  So far we’ve been pretty lucky in the doctor visiting department.  He got his first case of the sniffles a couple of months ago, and right now we are currently battling an ear infection and virus at the same time…but considering the fact that he’s already a year old, and I hear about so many people going back and forth to the doctor that first year, I am considering us very lucky!  Today I am talking about some items that I consider to be must-haves for the cold and flu season if you have a baby.

Before we get started I have a couple of disclaimers: First off, I am not a doctor.  The medicines discussed in today’s post were recommended by our pediatrician, and I’m just passing along the information.  Second, if your child is ill, always call your doctor for medical advice and to find out if you need to bring them in.


Nose Frida

Nasal Aspirator

First off, we have the NoseFrida. Before having our son, I saw this product and was very intrigued by it.  I watched a number of videos and read reviews before buying it.  A lot of people, including my husband are grossed out by this product, but once I tried, I realized you’re not going to get any actual baby snot in your mouth.  (And let’s be honest…even if you did, I’m sure you would live, and it wouldn’t be the worst thing that every happened.)

It DOES work!  My son doesn’t like having his nose sucked out; he cries, and so it can be a little difficult for me to use it on him, but he doesn’t like the bulb syringe either, and this works so much better than the bulb syringe.

We also have the Oogie Bear. It is also a nose cleaner and an ear cleaner.


Pain Reliever / Fever Reducer

Next we have Infant Tylenol. This is no brainer, I’m sure! I always keep this on hand, along with Infant Motrin. Our doctor explained that a lot of people like to rotate between these two, but she just recommends going with what works.

Thaxton takes both medicines well. He likes the taste, and both appear to help with his fever and pain.  I often choose Tylenol, because it can be taken every 4 hours, but depending on the situation and time of day, I might go with Motrin.  (Again, be sure to read labels and consult with your own doctor for proper dosing instructions.)


Cold Medicine

For running noses and coughs, our doctor recommends Zarbee’s Cough Syrup + Mucus. This is an all natural product.  Thaxton is too young to have other cold medicines, including children’s medicines, and so an all natural product like this is really our only option.  Our son loves the taste of this, so it’s very easy to give it to him.  If you’re buying, I do recommend getting a couple of bottles.  Our son had a stuffy nose for about a week, and the first couple of days we were giving him regular doses of this, and the dose was 4 mL each time, so about midway through the week, we had to go out and buy another bottle.

The main ingredients in this medicine are agave and ivy leaf.  You can go look up the benefits of those.  I should also caution you to be sure you get the product that says, “Baby” on it if you have a child under two.  Zarbee’s does have other products on the shelf alongside this one, which contain honey and should not be given to children under two.


Chest Rub

We also Zarbee’s Baby Soothing Chest Rub.  This is also an all natural product with eucalyptus, lavender, and beeswax.  It has a nice scent to it, and it definitely opens you up.  I usually rub in on Thaxton’s chest and on the bottom of his feet before bedtime, and he’s slept very well when he was sick, so I’d like to think it helped with his breathing.

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential Oils

We love our Essential Oil Diffuser.  We have all of the oils in this kit, and anytime someone has a cold or is congested, we use Breathe Easy. from this kit.



Finally we have a Safety First Cool Mist Humidifer. I know a lot of people swear by these and actually run them all the time. We only run one when Thaxton is congested.  Again, I like to think that it helps.


I really hope you guys stay well this winter and can avoid the cold and flu season, but if not, I really hope that you find these tips for baby helpful!

And as always, I’d love to hear from you!  If you have a tip or product you use during cold and flu season, especially sometime that can help, babies, toddlers, and small children, I’d love to hear about it.  Leave your comments on this post, and also join the conversation on social media!

Relief from Baby Eczema with AVEENO

Disclosure: This post contains product recommendations based on my own experience as a mom.  Please consult your doctor if you suspect your child has eczema or other skin conditions. This post contains affiliate links. The opinions are my own.

I love that face!  Skin conditions can be a pain and annoyance for adults, but it is even worse when your child suffers from them. As a new mom I was very diligent about keeping our son’s face clean. I was constantly wiping away spit up and applying lotion as needed to avoid skin irritations. However, when Thaxton was around 3 months old I noticed some redness in his cheeks. [Read more…]

Baby Updates and Simmons Kids Slumber Time Bassinet Review

Hi. It has been so long since I’ve done my “regular blogging.”  Needless to say, I have been very busy getting to know my new best friend and future office assistant.  Thaxton is growing, growing, growing.  He is now 5 months old and weighs 16 pounds!  He also recently started eating baby cereal and is now on his way to eating his fruits and vegetables.

He is a happy baby…he only cries when he is sleepy or not feeling well, and is just a pure joy to be around.  (I often call him “Mr. Happy” or “Mr. Smiley” among other fun nicknames.)  I honestly don’t think we could ask for anything better in a baby!  And of course, he is super cute and beautiful. (Although his dad and I may be a little biased there.)

The only road bump we’ve hit along the way is that Thaxton is one of many babies to be diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly, and so he has to wear a helmet for a few months.  (I will try to post more on that later.)  But other than that, the past 5 or 6 months have been just amazing!  I get a lot less sleep, and I feel I am always on my feet….but it’s all truly amazing!

As I get back in to blogging, one of the things I want to start adding to my site is reviews of some of my favorite baby products and some baby tips and tricks that I’m using.  This is extremely hard, because I have SO MANY IDEAS and SO LITTLE TIME! [Read more…]

Our Nursery Furniture – Preview and Products

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. The opinions are my own.

As many of you know, I’m getting ready to welcome a new little one into the world.  HE is scheduled to arrive on November 17, and I’m currently in the process of getting the nursery decorated.  Today I’m sharing the nursery furniture that has been purchased.

Chest and Changing Table

First we have the South Shore Fundy Tide Changing Table and 4-Drawer Chest.  I purchased these on Amazon.  The set is available on other websites, but Amazon had the best pricing.

This is a great looking set. The color is espresso, but I think there are other colors available. It was very important to me to find a changing table with drawers, because I like to have things stored so that they are hidden.  The South Shore Fundy Tide Changing table has two drawers, plus a shelf for storing items.  And another great thing about this item is that we can still use it in the baby’s room long after a changing table is no longer needed.  I figure I could use for toys, extra clothes, art supplies, or anything else in his room, and then I just have to remove the changing pad, and there is a place to display items.   [Read more…]

Friday Favorites – Week 117


Welcome to another Friday Favorites!  I hope everyone has a lovely Memorial Day Weekend!  And I want to say a very special Happy Memorial Day to our soldiers and their families, and especially to those of you who are mourning the loss of a loved one this holiday weekend!


This week’s party is sponsored by The Baker’s Daughter, a fine maker of handmade wreaths! Please check out her latest selection of spring and summer wreaths, as well as baby and holiday wreaths!

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