Today, I wanted to share an easy Cake Pop tutorial that I know everyone can make!
These snow globes are very similar to the Gumball Machine Cake Pops I made during the summer.
These cake pops are very easy using some pre-made ingredients.
The base of the snow globe is a bell shaped caramel candy and the snowman is a Wilton cupcake topper.
You can go the extra step and make the base and decorate a centerpiece. It all depends on your time, creativity and willingness to go the extra step.
To make these, you will need to make your cake pop batter with 1/2 of a 9×11 cake and two tablespoons of frosting. Combine them with a paddle attachment until the batter is smooth.
I find that box cake and caned frosting work best. These pops were yellow cake and lemon frosting. YUM!
I took two of my standard pops and made one BIG pop. Make them round and then flatten them slightly. You should get a dozen larger pops from half the cake.
Place them into the fridge while you get the candies ready.
Take the bell candies and pierce them with a skewer. This skewer is smaller than a lollipop stick. Once the hole is made, then slide the lollipop stick through the candy. Because I used a caramel filled bell, I did not add anything to adhere the candy to the stick. It stayed in place just fine. Push the candy down so that an inch of lollipop stick is above it.
Melt your candy low and slow in the microwave being careful not to overheat it. I used 90% white candy melts and 10% blue candy to get this pale blue color.
Dip your stick into the candy melt and then insert it into the cake ball. Allow it to dry upright as you adhere all the cake pops to the sticks.
Dip your cake pop in the candy coating it completely. Attach the snowman and sprinkle on the snow.
Dry upright and then store individually wrapped or in an airtight container.
Cake Pops freeze well, so you can make these now for your holiday gift giving and cookie exchange.
If you need any more tips on how to make cake pops, please come on over and check out my videos and other cake pop tutorials.

Thanks again to Karyn for posting here today!