Whether it’s freshly grilled salmon or a steaming bag of fresh crawfish, seafood is beloved as an excellent source of easily digestible, lean protein. When eaten fresh, seafood provides the body with essential omega-three fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals crucial in maintaining a healthy diet. From heart health to a better mood, the benefits of eating seafood are as deep as the ocean itself. Keep in mind these healthful benefits of eating seafood for the next time you crack open an oyster or shop for your fresh catch of the day.
Low Calorie, High Protein
Compared to other protein sources such as poultry or red meat, protein from salmon or any other seafood is lower in calories but can supply the body with a superb protein source. In all its forms (fish, mussels, crabs, etc.), seafood can supply the body with the complete protein it needs. One serving of a low-fat fish makes up for around 30% to 40% of the required dietary intake for protein while only packing about 100 calories per serving, depending on how it’s prepared. Besides this, seafood is also comparatively cheaper compared to red meat or poultry.
Good For The Heart
One of the best-known benefits of eating seafood is that it is high in omega-three fatty acids. Omega-3 is widely recognized as the “good fat” because it balances out and lowers blood cholesterol levels.
Omega-3 improves heart health by reducing triglyceride levels, thus minimizing stroke risk and other cardiovascular events. People who regularly consume various types of seafood amounting to at least two servings per week can meet the dietary requirements of 250mg per day of omega-three. You can find omega-3 in many other food sources such as nuts and seeds, but one of the best omega-3 sources is fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, or trout.
Maintains Joint Health
Not only does seafood maintain good heart health, but it is essential in good joint health as well—omega-3 aids in the reduction of inflammation in individuals who have rheumatoid arthritis. Regular consumption of omega-3-rich foods can also help boost certain anti-inflammatory drugs’ effectiveness. Regular seafood consumers also report lesser joint stiffness in the morning because of a higher intake of omega-three fatty acids.
Good Source of Vitamins and Minerals
Besides omega-3, protein from salmon or any other seafood also packs a punch in supplying the body with essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function well. Depending on the source, seafood is a wonderful source of B Vitamins (B6 and B12), niacin, vitamin E, thiamin, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, vitamin A, and iron.
Besides these vitamins and minerals, consuming fish with bones (small fresh fish or canned fish with bones) also supplies the body with calcium. Seafood is also rich in iodine. Experts link iodine to neurodevelopment in pregnancy and managing and preventing certain goiters.
Fetal Development in Pregnancy
Seafood also helps in the proper development of babies in the womb. Doctors highly advise pregnant mothers to consume 8 to 12 ounces of cooked seafood per week to ensure sufficient intake of iodine and DHA, both vital in fetal brain development. Several studies show that infants whose mothers met the dietary requirements for iodine and DHA while pregnant have better cognitive and visual development. However, researchers have only explored the tip of the iceberg, and to date, there is still a lot left to explore on the matter.
Brain Booster and Mood Enhancer
Omega-3 improves cognitive function. Regularly consuming seafood, especially fatty fish, can help keep the mind sharp for adults and children. For the elderly, a diet rich in omega-3 also significantly lowers the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Besides being a brain tonic, omega-3 can also help regulate mood and maybe an adjuvant therapy to treat depression. A seafood-rich diet not only helps boost brain function but can also help to improve a person’s overall mood.
Skin Health
Omega-3 works on the brain and the heart and affects the human body’s biggest organ, the skin. It works to protect and nourish the skin to fight off skin aging caused by UV rays exposure. Recent studies show that omega-3 can help to ward off and treat acne. Talk about nourishing your skin from the inside out!
Sustainability and Eco-Efficiency
Buying your seafood from sustainable fisheries means you are getting your protein source from one of the most environmentally efficient sources on the planet. As a protein source, seafood is more efficient to raise than pigs, chickens, or cattle. When you regularly consume seafood and consider it a primary protein source, you help promote a more eco-friendly protein consumption approach.
With all the benefits that seafood can give to the body, there is no reason you shouldn’t consider it as a part of your regular diet. Plus, it’s incredibly easy to prepare, so try it today!