Rock Someone’s Holiday – Rockwell Tools Giveaway – DIY Room Building Tutorial

Rockwell BladeRunner X2 Review and Giveaway

If you are a DIYer or have a handy man spouse, than today’s post is definitely for you! If you read my blog enough, you’ll often hear me refer to my husband as my Mr. Fix It!  Anytime I need something fixed or improved, or I want to build something, I just tell him my idea, and he puts a plan in to action.

Most recently we’ve been working on a new “Project Room” in our outbuilding. I would call it a craft room, but my husband will be working in there too, and “craft room” just doesn’t sound like a very manly place to be. (Haha!)  So it’s a project room, or workshop, if you will.

As with any project we take on, we need tools to fix up the room.  One tool that has been very helpful with this project is the BladeRunner X2 from Rockwell Tools. [Read more…]

Easy Home Makeover Projects: Part 1 – Painting The House

In the past several weeks I’ve alluded to all the home improvement projects we’ve been working on. Now my husband I are getting ready to share some of those. I say my husband and I because in the future we’ll be having some contributing posts from Mr. Simply Sweet Home on his fields of expertise, and believe me, when it comes to tools and fixing things, it’s definitely his field of expertise and not mine.  But as long as he thinks that I look cute trying, I feel good about it!  And believe me, I DO TRY!

I decided to make this part of a series on Easy Home Makeover Projects.  When it comes to home improvement, I find that a little goes a long way, and when you look at your home and try to divide the work in to a series of small projects here and there, rather than looking at it as one big never ending project, it definitely makes the work easier, and it takes all the pressure off!

Grey Porch [Read more…]

15 Must-Have Items for The Crafter’s Toolkit

15 Crafters Tools

Ever since I started crafting and making jewelry, I’ve created my own little tool box.  I find that it’s handy to have everything in one place, so I can just grab and go anytime I’m ready to work.  Today I’m sharing some tools that I believe are a must for any crafter regardless of what you like to make. [Read more…]