5 Easy Ways to Get Your Lawn and Garden Ready for Spring

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For anyone who adores gardening, winter can be a form of torture. Unless you have a greenhouse where you can while away the frigid months caring for your seedlings, chances are that you gaze out at the frosty landscape and dream of spring.

Spring and gardening go hand in hand, but until you can dig your hands deep into the soil and feel the warm sun on your back as you plant to your heart’s content, there are things that can and should be done to your lawn and garden to get them into top shape for planting.

These winter garden preparations not only create the best possible environment for your spring planting, but they also can help cure that burning desire that every gardener has to be outside digging and weeding, even if there is still no sign of spring. [Read more…]

Easy Home Makeover Projects: Part 2 – Revamping Your Front Steps

House Makeover

Hey everyone.  This is Gary.  The other day Jerri shared our little masterpiece we’ve been working on.  Haha!  Well, she loves it anyway, and I think it looks pretty good.  Today I’m going to talk about a very important piece of the puzzle: the front porch steps.

The old step was very…old.  It looked bad.  It wobbled.  It was unsafe.  It was old. [Read more…]

Easy Home Makeover Projects: Part 1 – Painting The House

In the past several weeks I’ve alluded to all the home improvement projects we’ve been working on. Now my husband I are getting ready to share some of those. I say my husband and I because in the future we’ll be having some contributing posts from Mr. Simply Sweet Home on his fields of expertise, and believe me, when it comes to tools and fixing things, it’s definitely his field of expertise and not mine.  But as long as he thinks that I look cute trying, I feel good about it!  And believe me, I DO TRY!

I decided to make this part of a series on Easy Home Makeover Projects.  When it comes to home improvement, I find that a little goes a long way, and when you look at your home and try to divide the work in to a series of small projects here and there, rather than looking at it as one big never ending project, it definitely makes the work easier, and it takes all the pressure off!

Grey Porch [Read more…]

Join The Home Depot Garden Club (You + Me Could Win $1000)

Home Depot Garden Club

I want to say thank you once again to The Home Depot for sponsoring my series on Creating a Stylized Outdoor Space, and thank them once again for providing me with a $50 dollar gift card for today’s promotions!  Today I want to take one last opportunity to remind you about the  The Home Depot Garden Club.

Why should you join?  For starters, you get

  • $5 off your next $50 lawn & garden purchase, just for signing up
  • Over $300 in annual email savings
  • Project ideas, how-to videos
  • Expert advice from the team at The Home Depot, customized to your region of the country

Just be sure to use this link and use the activation code: GCSweeps and you will be entered.

And on June 13th, if The Home Depot hits their sign-up goal of 500 email addresses, they will choose one blogger from to receive (2) $1,000 gift cards – one for me to keep and one to giveaway!  So please sign up and be sure to use the link and activation code provided above for it to count, and you and I could both win $1000 gift cards!
