Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box: October Box Review

Disclosure: I received free products to facilitate this post.  Affiliate links are contained herein. The opinions are my own.

October is here, and it is time for another  Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box unboxing!  Appropriately this month’s box has a fall theme; since that is my FAVORITE season, I was really excited to get this!

Here are a few quick facts about the Essential Oil Recipe Box:

  • Cost is just $39 / month.
  • Each box has 4 bottles of essential oil, recipe cards to help you use your oils in fun and unique ways, plus other materials you need to make the recipes.
  • Each box is specially curated with a unique theme in mind.
  • Each box is a $150 value!
  • When you subscribe you get a cool BONUS box for FREE!
  • You also get a $40 gift card for FREE when you use my referral link and coupon code:  SSHOMEFREE!

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6 Baby Must-Haves for Cold and Flu Season

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. The opinions are my own.

6 Baby Must-Haves for Cold and Flu Season

My baby boy just turned a year old.  So far we’ve been pretty lucky in the doctor visiting department.  He got his first case of the sniffles a couple of months ago, and right now we are currently battling an ear infection and virus at the same time…but considering the fact that he’s already a year old, and I hear about so many people going back and forth to the doctor that first year, I am considering us very lucky!  Today I am talking about some items that I consider to be must-haves for the cold and flu season if you have a baby.

Before we get started I have a couple of disclaimers: First off, I am not a doctor.  The medicines discussed in today’s post were recommended by our pediatrician, and I’m just passing along the information.  Second, if your child is ill, always call your doctor for medical advice and to find out if you need to bring them in.


Nose Frida

Nasal Aspirator

First off, we have the NoseFrida. Before having our son, I saw this product and was very intrigued by it.  I watched a number of videos and read reviews before buying it.  A lot of people, including my husband are grossed out by this product, but once I tried, I realized you’re not going to get any actual baby snot in your mouth.  (And let’s be honest…even if you did, I’m sure you would live, and it wouldn’t be the worst thing that every happened.)

It DOES work!  My son doesn’t like having his nose sucked out; he cries, and so it can be a little difficult for me to use it on him, but he doesn’t like the bulb syringe either, and this works so much better than the bulb syringe.

We also have the Oogie Bear. It is also a nose cleaner and an ear cleaner.


Pain Reliever / Fever Reducer

Next we have Infant Tylenol. This is no brainer, I’m sure! I always keep this on hand, along with Infant Motrin. Our doctor explained that a lot of people like to rotate between these two, but she just recommends going with what works.

Thaxton takes both medicines well. He likes the taste, and both appear to help with his fever and pain.  I often choose Tylenol, because it can be taken every 4 hours, but depending on the situation and time of day, I might go with Motrin.  (Again, be sure to read labels and consult with your own doctor for proper dosing instructions.)


Cold Medicine

For running noses and coughs, our doctor recommends Zarbee’s Cough Syrup + Mucus. This is an all natural product.  Thaxton is too young to have other cold medicines, including children’s medicines, and so an all natural product like this is really our only option.  Our son loves the taste of this, so it’s very easy to give it to him.  If you’re buying, I do recommend getting a couple of bottles.  Our son had a stuffy nose for about a week, and the first couple of days we were giving him regular doses of this, and the dose was 4 mL each time, so about midway through the week, we had to go out and buy another bottle.

The main ingredients in this medicine are agave and ivy leaf.  You can go look up the benefits of those.  I should also caution you to be sure you get the product that says, “Baby” on it if you have a child under two.  Zarbee’s does have other products on the shelf alongside this one, which contain honey and should not be given to children under two.


Chest Rub

We also Zarbee’s Baby Soothing Chest Rub.  This is also an all natural product with eucalyptus, lavender, and beeswax.  It has a nice scent to it, and it definitely opens you up.  I usually rub in on Thaxton’s chest and on the bottom of his feet before bedtime, and he’s slept very well when he was sick, so I’d like to think it helped with his breathing.

Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential Oils

We love our Essential Oil Diffuser.  We have all of the oils in this kit, and anytime someone has a cold or is congested, we use Breathe Easy. from this kit.



Finally we have a Safety First Cool Mist Humidifer. I know a lot of people swear by these and actually run them all the time. We only run one when Thaxton is congested.  Again, I like to think that it helps.


I really hope you guys stay well this winter and can avoid the cold and flu season, but if not, I really hope that you find these tips for baby helpful!

And as always, I’d love to hear from you!  If you have a tip or product you use during cold and flu season, especially sometime that can help, babies, toddlers, and small children, I’d love to hear about it.  Leave your comments on this post, and also join the conversation on social media!

5 Simple Tips and a Printable to Improve Your Health + Drink More Water with SodaStream Power

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WaterMadeExciting #CollectiveBias This content is intended for readers who are 21 and over.

Drink More Water with SodaStream

With Christmas just over a week away and New Year’s immediately following, it may be time for you to start thinking about those New Year’s Resolutions.  The last few years I’ve focused on small, simple goals to improve my life, rather than a large-scale grandiose scheme that probably won’t work out for me!  And I think if everyone focused one or two little things, we’d all have more success.  Today we are talking health goals.  I have some “small, simple tips” for tracking and improving your health in the new year! [Read more…]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Oatmeal

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PowerInProtein #CollectiveBias

Building Muscle with EAS

The fall season is almost upon us, but that doesn’t mean we have to let our summer health and fitness routines fall by the wayside.  Didn’t have a summer health and fitness routine?  Well, in that case, the fall season is a great time to start one!

My husband and I are both at a good weight and are in fairly good health.  In my case,  I’m in my early 30s (and holding).  I’ve still got a lot of energy, and I’m fairly strong for my tiny size, if I do say so myself!  But I’m the Skinny Minnie who wants to be Mighty Mouse! Haha!  My husband and I are always working on DIY projects, and I hate it when we get to the parts where I can’t help!

As for my husband, he’s getting ready to turn the big 4-0.  He was actually very sick a few months ago.  And although, he’s mostly recovered, he lost a lot of his muscle strength, and he also struggles with neuropathy, which sometimes keeps him down. He’s always been an active person, and he loves working and fixing things, so I definitely want him to get back in shape, so he can do activities he loves!

Regardless of your age, size, fitness level, and situation, I believe the right supplements and fitness products are a MUST if you really want to get serious about your health and/or fitness levels!  With 42 grams of protein and 24 vitamins and minerals, EAS Myoplex Ready to Drink Shakes are a great choice to help you build muscle and strength. [Read more…]

V8 V-Fusion + Energy and 5 Energy Boosting Foods and a Giveaway

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #V8EnergyBoost #CollectiveBias

V8 V-Fusion Energy and 5 Energy Boosting Foods


Are your lazy days of summer not so lazy?  For a lot of moms, the summer season is anything BUT lazy!  Since we have an older kid, I don’t have to worry about planning activities for him during the day, but I still have to make sure he’s taken care of and has lunch and snacks for the day (and this is in addition to my other regular duties of making dinner, working, and taking care of the house).

And then in July when band camp comes around, look out! For my husband and I, band camp starts early, ends late, and is basically a day of driving back and forth.  Since I do most of my work at night and generally get very little sleep, a day of driving back and forth is definitely not good for me!  By the end of last year’s band camp, I think I was more tired than Noah!

I’ve always been known as an energetic person…people are usually amazed at how much energy I have, but as I’ve entered my 30’s I am starting to feel (dare I say it?) older and with everything I’ve got going on, my energy levels are sometimes zapped to virtually nothing!  But I’m working to combat this!  One key way to boost energy is with Energy Boosting Foods! [Read more…]

LISTERINE® 21-Day Challenge Recap and Tips

Disclosure: I received LISTERINE® Brand products and a Walgreens gift card from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE® 21-Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.

Listerine 21 Day Challenge


A few weeks ago I introduced you to the Listerine® 21-Day Challenge.  In case you missed it the first time around, let me explain.  This year Listerine is challenging everyone to make one easy lifestyle change, which can greatly benefit their oral hygiene and overall health.  All you have to do is rinse with Listerine twice a day.  That’s it!

Why 21 days, you ask?  The challenge is 21 days long because studies show this is how long it takes for us to develop and keep new habits.  In my previous post, I talked about some of my own dental problems (including the aftermath of braces from my teen years), so the 21-Day Challenge is something that I definitely needed to try, and I did!  (I just finished the 21 days last week! Woohoo!)

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Take the LISTERINE® 21-Day Challenge

Disclosure: I received LISTERINE® Brand products and a Walgreens gift card from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE® 21-Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own.

It’s February! Are you still going strong with your New Year’s resolutions, or have they sort of fallen by the wayside? Wherever you stand, it’s never to early or late to set new goals toward healthy living.  I recently turned 32, so I’m starting to look more and more at health matters.  It’s very hard to make lifestyle changes, so I always like to start with small and simple goals.  This month I’m making a simple and small change by joining the Listerine® 21-Day Challenge!  And I’m inviting all my readers to join too.  So who’s coming with me?

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Soft Soap’s New Home Decor Collection – Dress Up Your Sink.

Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap Collection


Soft Soap is known for its moisturizing hand soaps and body washes.  Now they have a new  Liquid Hand Soap – Decor Collection line. This Decor Collection features lovely packaging to help dress up your sink.  It is like buying designer/specialty soaps without the designer price tag.  The line currently includes three scents.  They are:

  • Wild Basil & Lime
  • Orchid Petals & Mint Water
  • Peony & Plum [Read more…]

Top 4 Times I Needed A Walgreens Healthcare Clinic #CollectiveBias #HealthcareClinic

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. #HealthcareClinic


Do you have a Walgreens Healthcare Clinic?  The closest one to us is Walgreens Healthcare Clinic Nashville.  It would be great if we had one in our town.  As a Walgreens shopper and Balance Rewards member, we already save money on medicine, food, and other items by shopping there, and it would be great if we could see a doctor at the same place we get prescriptions filled.

With a Walgreens Clinic, we’d have a convenient place to go, not just for minor sicknesses and injuries, but also for ongoing treatments, vaccines, and more! [Read more…]