I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. #HealthcareClinic
Do you have a Walgreens Healthcare Clinic? The closest one to us is Walgreens Healthcare Clinic Nashville. It would be great if we had one in our town. As a Walgreens shopper and Balance Rewards member, we already save money on medicine, food, and other items by shopping there, and it would be great if we could see a doctor at the same place we get prescriptions filled.
With a Walgreens Clinic, we’d have a convenient place to go, not just for minor sicknesses and injuries, but also for ongoing treatments, vaccines, and more!

The following graphic shows just some of the benefits of having a Walgreens Healthcare Clinic:
For me the best thing about having a Walgreens Healthcare Clinic, would be the ability to have a walk-in appointment any day of the week. Often when you most need a doctor it is hard to get an appointment with your regular doctor. And on the weekend, we are limited to a couple of local clinics or the emergency room, both of which take up a lot of time and can be expensive.
There have been many times, when a Walgreens Healthcare Clinic would have come in handy for my family and me. Today I will discuss just a few examples that come to mind.
1. Toothache – I’ve had a couple of toothaches in the past, which eventually required pain medicine and a root canal. One of these times, the abscessed tooth started hurting over the weekend. My dentist is closed on Friday, and so I just had to sit around in a world of pain for the entire weekend. Because I didn’t have insurance at the time, I did not want to go to the emergency room, but if I’d had a Walgreens Clinic, I could have perhaps gotten an antibiotic and some pain medicine to hold me over until I could get a root canal on Monday.
2. Migraines – I’ve suffered my migraines since I was a kid, and they can often be debilitating. I have a prescription medicine that I take to prevent these and another that I take to treat the attacks. This particular medicine is limited to 10 pills a month, so it’s very easy to run out. When my prescriptions expire, it would be great to just go to a Walgreens Clinic to get my prescription renewed.
3. Wasp Sting – I’m allergic to wasps and bees. Any time I get stung, it is a big ordeal. Last time I got stung on the foot, my foot was swollen for two or three days. It’s painful; it itches, and it basically prevents me from doing anything. It’s also next to impossible to sleep. I swore the next time I got stung, I would just go to the doctor and get shot and/or medicine to help treat this and shorten the time I have to suffer.
4. Sick Kids – The time you are most anxious to find a doctor is when you have a sick child. This is the case especially on weekends, during the holidays, and on vacation. This past Christmas, my stepson was sick with a very high fever. His dad took him to the doctor very late in the day on Christmas Eve. But he spent much of the day debating and considering a place to take him. It would have been great to have a Walgreens Clinic as an option for us.
Can you think of a time when you could have used a Walgreens Healthcare Clinic? What do you think you would like best about the Walgreens clinic?
Having some place to turn to at any time of day, makes things so much easier and provides peace of mind. #client