Within the realm of diseases and ailments that one can experience in their lifetime, cancer seems to be the one most people are concerned with; we don’t blame them. In fact, new data suggests the number of annual cancer diagnoses has surpassed 1.5 million. With statistics like this rearing their ugly head, now is the perfect time to turn inward and examine your own health.
- Prostate Cancer
Most individuals have been misinformed about this type of cancer. As a result, many patients don’t take prostate cancer screening guidelines as seriously as they should. One way for men to take care of themselves and be proactive about this is through Prompt PGS, a major advancement in evaluating genetic predisposition to prostate cancer. Prompt PGS empowers men with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their health. The test is for any man who wants to better understand his lifetime risk of developing prostate cancer, enabling him to personalize his own respective approach to screening.
When asked about prostate health, many men feel as though prostate cancer is a slow-growing issue that never spreads to the surrounding area. Contrary to this belief, prostate cancer has the tendency to thrive in one of two states: slow and benign, or fast and deadly. Located below is a brief list of symptoms associated with this form of cancer:
- Increased bathroom breaks
- Inability to hold urine
- Blood within the urine Colorectal
If you’ve heard the terms “colon cancer”, “rectal cancer” or “bowel cancer”, you’re well aware of the havoc that colorectal cancer can cause in one’s life. This form of cancer begins to show itself when frequent constipation becomes part of everyday life for a patient. From here, individuals may find dark blood in their stool, a full feeling in their stomach even when they haven’t eaten and extreme fatigue.
The most important factor to address when a doctor diagnosis colorectal cancer is to make sure tumors and cysts have not formed near the lymph nodes. Should they be found, immediate surgery will be performed to try and prevent cancerous growths from spreading. From here, the doctor will customize a treatment plan to give the patient their best chance at survival.
- Lung Cancer
To find out if a patient may have lung cancer, they first need to address the most common side effects. When lung cancer first begins to form, the individual may notice a large amount of rust-colored phlegm in their system. From here, a patient will notice extreme bouts of coughing accompanied by unwavering chest pain.
The causes of lung cancer vary, from heavy smoking to taking medication that could be a possible human carcinogen.
Treating lung cancer can range anywhere from small surgery, radiation or even chemotherapy. As always, consult with your healthcare physician to plan a course of treatment in the following months.
- Skin Cancer
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer within the United States. Here is a brief list of things to watch form when examining yourself for potential areas with skin cancer:
- Moles that are adjacent to other moles of a different color.
- Moles and marks that have a dark, undefined border.
- Areas that are discolored and painful to touch.
- Marks that have multiple colors
- Breast Cancer
While breast cancer is mostly found within the female population, men are at risk too, making breast cancer awareness important for everyone. Always be aware of hard, non-moving lumps found within your breast tissue. The best way to screen yourself in these areas is to run your fingers and lightly squeeze using medium pressure over the breast on a regular basis. If found, consult with a physician immediately as the cancer may spread to the lymph nodes located within close proximity of the breast.