Friday Favorites – Week 228 – With Sweet Berry Treats

friday favorites

Happy Friday! As summer is drawing to an end, I decided to feature some berry recipes that look great for summer but would also be good for the fall season.  Hope you enjoy!

PS – I’m looking for featuring some back to school ideas, especially breakfasts, after school snacks, and organizational posts, so if you have anything to fit in to one of those themes I invite you to link it up (old posts and new welcome).

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Friday Favorites – Week 176 – Featuring Blackberry Recipes

friday favorites

Hey guys! Welcome to Friday Favorites!  This week I decided to celebrate with all things blackberry!  As I surf the blogs and pinterest, I don’t usually see a lot of blackberry recipes, so I was surprised to see a few of them here at last week’s party.  It seemed like it would be a great feature theme.  I’ve also included my own Blackberry Cobbler to make this a full a blackberry round up!  Hope you enjoy! [Read more…]