A Valentine Gift for Her from Ellie Activewear

Disclosure: I received free products to facilitate this post.  The opinions are my own.

When it comes to Valentine’s Day gifts a lot of girls grow tired of the traditional candy and flowers.  I personally love jewelry, but sometimes I long for something a little more practical.  If you are trying to think outside the box for Valentine’s Day (or any other occasion) consider a subscription to Ellie.  Ellie is an active wear subscription plan.  It costs $39.95 a month, and they send you a three piece outfit with a fun accessory.

Each month the company has exclusive collections to send out.  I’m really excited today to take you inside one of their boxes! [Read more…]

5 Fun Fashion Trends for Spring

The spring season is almost here, but in a lot of places, you’d never know it.  Here in the South we’ve actually had a very warm winter, but over the last couple of week’s we have some unseasonably cold temperatures.  Needless to say, everyone is ready to pack up the sweaters and coats and bring out that spring wardrobe.  Today I’m going to share 5 spring fashion trends you should be on the look out for.

yoga pants

Athleisure Wear – Yoga pants and athletic wear have been trendy for a while.  And now thanks to companies like Fabletics, the trend may be here to stay.  Now yoga pants and leggings aren’t just for home or the gym.  Now you can pair them with a cute top and wear them to the store, a restaurant and even the office.

I love this trend because it combines style with comfort.  It also adds a lot of versatility to your wardrobe, as you can use one athleisure outfit for multiple purposes and occasions. [Read more…]