Cherry Cobbler from Southern Living

Pear Tart from Martha Stewart
Fried Pies from Epicurious
Life, Family, and Home - Simplified & Sweetened
Cherry Cobbler from Southern Living
Pear Tart from Martha Stewart
Fried Pies from Epicurious
I was working on the Sweet Thursday post for January when I came up with a new idea. For those of you who are not familiar with the Sweet Thursday Posts, you can read about the feature here: First Sweet Thursday Post. In a nutshell the feature is devoted to desserts. Usually I feature photographs of different desserts from around the net, and I include a link to the page where that dessert can be found. I’ve also left it open to feature resturant food and product reviews if need be, but the bottom line is that it has to be desserts.
And usually I go around and find between 5 and 10 different items to feature. I love doing the “research” and it’s fun to see all the great sweets out there, but as I was putting it together last night, I had a thought: What if I allowed fellow bloggers to submit their own desserts for the Sweet Thursday post? (just as I did with the Christmas stuff) So I’ve decided I would try it. I figure it can’t hurt anything. At the very least, I’ll get no submissions, and I’ll just go about my business as I normally would…..and at the most I’ll get some great ideas to feature.
So if any of you foodie/baking bloggers would like to see your desserts featured here in the feature, please read the following.
Here are the rules and guidelines:
1. Each month I’ll be doing a different Sweet Thursday Post. Upon publishing the post, I’ll announce when the deadline will be for the next Sweet Thursday post submission, and I’ll tell you if there is a theme for the month.
2. Your submission has to be a dessert or at least something kinda sweet. (Fruit is okay.) There’s no recipe requirement; I’ve featured a lot of recipe links in the past, but I’ve also featured plenty of links to photo blogs and flickr pages. As long as it’s something sweet, it should be okay. (So for example, if you’ve created a cake, cookies, or cupcakes that you want to share photos of, it’s okay to send that in regardless of whether you have a recipe posted for the item.) And you don’t have to have a blog!
3. Also, if you have a blog where you only feature recipes and do not feature pictures, you can still send me a link and the name of your recipe, and I’ll put that up here as well.
4. Try to pick a dessert that goes along with that month’s theme (if there is one). I wouldn’t be very strict with this rule actually….if it seems like it kind of goes with the theme, I’m sure it will be acceptable.
5. Submit your dessert by sending an email to
6. In the email, include your name, the name of your dessert, your blog’s name, a link to your post, and photo of your dessert. (Or if you’d like, send me your info, and I’ll grab the photo off your site.)
7. In my hopes of getting others involved, I would appreciate it, if you would mention somewhere in the post that you are (it is) being featured on Simply Sweet Home and link back to (You do not have to use the banner or even title your post Sweet Thursday, but you can if you want to. It’s optional, but I would appreciate a link.)
8. Also, it’s okay to send in something from an older post or something that you’ve submitted to other events.
Lady Liberty Cupcakes
Something a little different, a cute & creative treat that the kids will love.
Another cute (& easy) treat that you can make for the kids. Very festive!
Another light & sweet treat that’s easy to make.
Patriotic Cookie Pizza
Presentation is everything with this cookie & fruit pizza. Very pretty!
This trifle made from cream cheese, whipped cream, and fruit will not only taste delicious, but it will look fabulous on the dessert table at your 4th of July party. And you can have it ready in 20 minutes!
I realize that the posts on spring cleaning, taxes, and other stuff have caused me to neglect my Sweet Thursday posts, so I decided to do one for this week. And I honestly couldn’t decide what to post on for the longest, and then I got inspired this morning and decided to have some fun and do a little “taste testing.”
My husband loves powdered donuts and bought a bag at the store the other day, and as I struggled to think of what I would post on today, I saw the bag of donuts on the counter and decided to be a little wacky and put some toppings on the donuts to try out. The toppings included chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, peanut butter, pancake syrup, and strawberry syrup. (yes, I just happened to have all of that on hand, and no, I don’t weigh 500 pounds. But I do love ice cream and sweets, as you can probably tell! Luckily I have a high metabolism.) Well, anyway here are the “highly scientific” results of this experiment.
Chocolate Syrup Donut – This was quite good. It reminded me of a chocolate turnover in a lot of ways, and it reminded me of a lot of the chocolate desserts w/ powdered sugar that you get in resturants. I actually think you could make a plate of these, and it would be a really cute (and easy) dessert for the kids.
Caramel Syrup Donut – This was not bad, but somehow the powdered sugar just seemed to overpower the taste of the caramel. Maybe if I had some of that extra thick caramel like the kind they use at some resturants and fast food joints, it would have been better. But in this case, I wasn’t very satisfied.
Peanut Butter Donut – I actually used some peanut “syrup” that they sale in a bottle for ice cream. It basically tastes just like regular peanut butter, only maybe a little sweeter. I really did this one just for fun, but it was actually a lot better than I expected. It had an “interesting” taste that I’m not sure how to explain, and it was actually one of my favorites over all.
Pancake Syrup Donut – On this one, my results are inconclusive. I didn’t really care for this combination. However, this was the last thing that I tasted, and I think by that time I was getting a little “donut-ed out.” Also, it may not have been the combination but the kind of syrup I used. I had a different brand of syrup from what I usually get, and incidentally I tasted the syrup by itself and didn’t care much for it. So perhaps with my usual brand (log cabin) I would have liked the combination better.
Strawberry Syrup Donut – This was made with Hershey’s Strawberry Syrup, which I highly recommend to you, if you’ve never tried it. (by the way, add it to vanilla ice cream and milk for an awesome strawberry shake!) But back to the donuts, I figured that the strawberry syrup would taste good. I mean, if donuts, strawberry, and powdered sugar can’t go together, what can? I’m usually more of a chocolate person myself, but I actually liked this better than the chocolate. It reminded me of strawberry shortcake. In fact, I imagine you could top these donuts with a little bit of strawberry syrup, a handful of strawberries, and a little whipped cream, and it would be excellent. So….yeah, I think this was probably the best overall. And again, you could make a tray of these, and it would look like a bunch of little gourmet desserts.
All in all, this was a fun little activity, and the food wasn’t too bad either. If you like powdered donuts, you might want to give it a try. Hope you guys enjoyed the post!
This post is two-fold. It is an opportunity to tell you about one of my favorite desserts, but it’s also a chance for me to tell you about a couple of great organizations.
1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Dash salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup shortening
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3 drops oil of cinnamon (optional)
1/4 cup hard cinnamon candies, finely crushed
1. In a small bowl combine flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a medium bowl beat sugar and shortening with an electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy. Add the egg, vanilla, and oil of cinnamon, if desired; beat well. Add flour mixture; beat well. Cover and chill in the refrigerator about 2 hours or until firm.
2. Cut a 10×8-inch heart pattern from paper. Halve dough. Line 2 cookie sheets with foil. Place half of the dough on each cookie sheet; roll into 10×8-inch rectangles. With pattern, cut dough into heart shapes. Reserve scraps. (If dough seems too soft, freeze 30 minutes or until firm.) Use alphabet- and heart-shaped cutters to cut out a message from each cookie. Remove dough from cutters.
3. Spoon candy into cutouts to fill holes to level of the dough. Bake in a 375 degree F oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until candy is melted and cookies are done. Cool on cookie sheets. Peel foil from cookies. Reroll dough scraps; cut with 3-inch cookie cutters. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in the 375 degree F oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until done. Cool on pan. Makes 2 large and 6 small cookies (18 servings).
In a medium bowl, combine chopped almonds, light-brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg; set aside. In another medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; set aside.
Introducing Sweet Thursday! I’ve received a lot of positive feedback on recipes and other food related posts. For this reason, some of the new features I’m planning on trying are about food. Sweet Thursday would/will specifically feature desserts and sweets. Why Sweet Thursday? When thinking about the new features, I wanted to come up with catchy titles, perhaps using words from the title of the blog. When thinking of desserts, what better word to use than Sweet? Then the phrase “Sweet Thursday” entered my head, as in the book by John Steinbeck. Since I’m a big fan of Steinbeck’s writing, I fell in love with the idea of borrowing his title for my blog feature.
The feature will include anything from pictures of baked items from the web(as in this first example), a featured recipe, featured links, featured websites, featured desserts from resturants, product reviews, and basically anything having to do with desserts & sweets.
For this first installment of Sweet Thursday, I decided to feature some snowman cupcake photos. All of the pictured cupcakes were found on flickr, and the link beside each pic will take you to the profile of the person who created the cupcake. If you’re a cupcake fan, you’ll love these! Enjoy!
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