Ways Hunger Relief Programs Can Eradicate Hunger in Africa

Africa is the second-largest continent, with hungry people estimated to be around 257 million. The numbers continue to rise due to certain factors like conflict and population growth. Hunger in Africa is hidden and also chronic, resulting from the absence of food security.

Hunger is such a global problem that its elimination became one of the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs). Freedom from hunger is one of the fundamental human rights, and attaining this objective might help facilitate Africa’s growth and development. 

Poverty is the most prevalent cause of hunger in Africa, with more Africans living on less than one dollar a day while residing majorly in rural areas. Simply put, the lack of resources like money to purchase food leads to both hidden and chronic hunger. 

Accordingly, hunger also leads to poverty, seeing as hungry people underperform at work. As Africa continues to witness slow or stagnant economic growth, it has begun to affect even people living in urban areas. Presently, urban food insecurity is a major developmental problem. 

African governments need to create an enabling environment that will attract both local and foreign investments. That way, people can earn a living through these opportunities.  Investors, too, should be assured of the security of their lives and enterprises, which is often hard to accomplish in a conflict-torn part of the continent. 

Besides the role of state governments in eradicating hunger in Africa, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders have a role to play through their hunger relief programs. Through the joint effort of everyone, soon we’ll be able to leave no kid hungry again in Africa. 

Ways Hunger Reliefs Programs Can Help

The following are ways non-governmental organizations like Food for Life Global (FFLG) and civil societies can help eradicate hunger through their hunger relief programs. 

Sending Food Reliefs

All hunger relief programs provide food relief to areas with an alarming hunger rate in Africa. However, besides providing food, they also send humanitarian assistance to places in crisis. 

During emergencies such as after a natural disaster occurs, people living in that area will need relief assistance. Hunger relief programs can include food vouchers, cash transfers, or in-kind food. 

For instance, after the Ebola crisis, most families in Sierra Leone were helped with cash transfers to buy food so they can get back to their feet. Mothers were also encouraged to join a savings group to raise money and start farming or small businesses to improve their financial condition.

Boosting Incomes by Improving Agriculture 

Most impoverished people in Africa depend on farming as their source of livelihood. These farmers often live far from major markets where they can easily make enough profit selling their produce. 

Farmers in Africa face challenges such as a lack of resources, necessary skills, and access to credit, which affects their harvest. NGOs and civil society organizations can work with African governments and the UN to support smallholders with the skills and resources they require to become successful. 

For instance, NGOs can replicate what USAID did for Kenyan smallholder farmers, which helped them compete with large growers. Through the skills they gained from various programs organized, they could minimize post-harvest losses, boost their crop production, and connect to markets. 

And the best part is, some are presently producing in a surplus amount that they sell to the UN World Food Program. These foods go into feeding people in drought-prone areas.

Enlightening People on Shared Responsibility for Nutrition and Health

One way to address food insecurity is to educate people on proper hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition to stay healthy. Lack of poor sanitation, safe drinking water, and proper hygiene practices can lead to chronic intestinal infections and waterborne diseases, preventing farmers from going to their fields and children from reaching their potential.

Africans need to adopt the right behaviors like washing their hands before and after food preparation to ensure good hygiene. NGOs and other stakeholders can organize trainings for people to learn to share these responsibilities. In some places where its been implemented, this practice has changed the traditional role of some family members, providing an equitable distribution of household roles between men and women.

For instance, some men in Zimbabwe now collect water for family use which was previously a woman’s duty. They’ve also built handwashing stations and latrines while educating others on the need to use ash and soap with clean water to regularly and thoroughly wash their hands. 

Empowering Women in Agriculture

Government and other stakeholders involved need to empower women to go into agriculture to ensure there’s enough food on the continent. In Uganda, women are starting to challenge traditional gender roles by acquiring goat herding skills to generate income. Goat herding was traditionally a man’s role in the country. 

When women are empowered to start businesses, their families will have sufficient funds to feed well. Besides sending food relief to these countries with high rate of hunger and starvation, NGOs and civil society organizations can support and empower women to go into agriculture and expand their businesses to save for their kids’ future.

Preparing for Disaster and Managing Natural Resources

Countries that depend on natural resources as a source of their income need to learn about sustainable resource management. Poor management of resources like land due to overgrazing by livestock can lead to farmland degradation, making it hard for farmers to generate income from their farms. 

NGO’s should include disaster management education in their hunger relief programs. There’s a need to enlighten communities on the effects of natural disasters and how best to prepare for them. Pastoralists and farmers can access opportunities and tools to enable them and their communities to build resilience to withstand crises like droughts when they occur.

How to Join the Fight Against Hunger

While the world hunger relief organization (FFL), the UN, state governments, NGOs, and civil society groups are fighting to eradicate hunger in Africa and the rest of the world, you also have a role to play. The following are ways you can join the fight to end hunger.


  • Be Informed


You’ll need to stay informed on the level of hunger and starvation in some African communities due to war or natural disasters. Consider getting acquainted with the global goal and measures to eradicate world hunger, especially in Africa. That way, you’ll know how best to join the fight.


  • Donate


International food relief organizations like Food for Life Global (FFLG) urgently need funding to feed millions of malnourished African children. You can donate through their website here to enable them to do more. 


  • Lend Your Voice


You can join the fight against ending hunger in Africa by lending your voice to this cause. Let your families, friends, and leaders know through your social network accounts that you’re doing your part to end poverty and hunger in Africa. That way, they might become interested in joining this noble cause. 


Although so much effort has been made to eradicate hunger in Africa with visible results, the hunger rate in the continent continues to rise. Until the problem is tackled from the root, the menace will continue to exist. 


NGOs and civil society groups need to partner with world organizations and state governments to effectively address the causes of this problem while discovering new ways to increase its action against hunger in Africa. The ideas shared above can help to eradicate hunger in no distant time if effectively implemented.


Homemade Chicken, Broccoli, & Rice Casserole + Mina’s Adoption Story

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NutrishFureverHome #CollectiveBias

Did you know that October is National Pet Adoption Month?  As an animal lover and pet parent,  I’m celebrating this event today with a delicious family recipe inspired by Rachael Ray™ Nutrish® cat food, and I’ll also be sharing my own pet adoption story, plus a sweepstakes and information on how you can help shelter animals this month through Rachael Ray™ Nutrish® Furever Home™, an organization Helping Shelter Pets Find The Home They Deserve.

Let’s start with the sweepstakes!  During the month of October, you can enter to win a grand prize of $25,000 and a one-year supply of Nutrish® dry dog food or one year worth of Nutrish® dry cat or one of three first prizes of $5,000 and a one-year supply of Nutrish® dry dog food or one year worth of Nutrish® dry cat. For more information on contest rules and how to enter, check out the sweepstakes page.

[Read more…]

Sharing a Sweet Future with Truvía®

Disclosure:  Today’s post is brought to you in partnership with Truvía® brand. All opinions are my own.

World Food

Back in 2014, I had the opportunity to learn about “Sharing a Sweet Future,” and I shared it with my readers here on the blog and social media.  I enjoy sharing stories like this, because I think it’s great to see companies doing charitable work, and of course, I always welcome the chance to partner with a program that is help children.

Sharing a Sweet Future is a three-year partnership between Truvía® and the United Nations World Food Programme.  The initiative began in 2012 with a goal to fight hunger in Bolivia, and child hunger in particular.

Why Bolivia?  Bolivia was chosen because nearly 40 percent of its population cannot afford adequate food and 65 percent of all rural households cannot afford the minimum recommended caloric intake. [Read more…]

Share Your Hero with Mrs. Fields and Win!

Disclosure: This post was written by me on behalf of Mrs. Field’s. The opinions are my own.

Share Your Hero with Mrs. Fields


Do you have a personal hero? This summer Mrs. Fields® is celebrating heroes near and far. They searching for America’s hometown heroes to appear on future boxes of Mrs. Fields cookies, and you can help! Just go online to MrsFieldsMoments.com and share your hero’s story for a chance to win a year’s supply of cookies for your and your hero!

And that’s not all!  As a proud supporter of the USO, Mrs. Fields® is also donating 25,000 cookies to our heroes in uniform. [Read more…]

Help Kids in Your Community with Champions for Kids

CFK Logo

I’m excited to team up with Champions for Kids, an organization which works to give kids what they need to thrive.  Last month they launched this year’s Snacks for Students program in Walmart stores across the country!   The Snacks for Students program is part of SIMPLE Giving, a Champions for Kids program that seeks to help kids by going directly to the people in the community, specifically by making it simple for shoppers to purchase and donate items to children need.

In 2013, SIMPLE Giving began in 24 central Arkansas Walmart stores and was extended to Walmart stores across 11 states in 2014.  And this year’s Snacks for Students program is the first of several campaigns to launch nationally, with the goal to provide resources for more than 10 million children in 2015. [Read more…]

Help Make Mom an Entrepreneur: Support her MUMZY Project

The holidays may be over, but that doesn’t mean the giving has to stop!  In 2015, you can help give moms the gift of entrepreneurship by helping to fund their project on Mumzy.  Mumzy is new crowdfunding site especially for moms.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with crowdfunding sites, I’ll explain.  They are sites where people share their idea for a product, project, a business, or even a charitable cause, and try to raise money for the endeavor through donations on the site.  And apart from giving moms the ability to raise money for their projects, Mumzy also provides them with with other support and resources, so they can grow their business, even after their fundraising goals have been met.

The site was founded by mom and marketing expert Catherine Merritt.  Mumzy sees moms as some of the most innovative and inventive entrepreneurs and hopes to help this underserved population.
Mumzy Screenshot

I love this idea.  I’m a big fan of small businesses, and I applaud all women, especially mom’s, who are trying to better themselves through a home based business or other entrepreneurial efforts.

As someone who makes money through my blog site and Etsy shop, I know all about the limitations and restrictions a lack of funds can put on your business.  And I know so many people out there are just like me.  They have great ideas and are only limited by time and that little thing called the almighty dollar!

Without crowd funding a lot of us have no choice but to do what I’ve done, which is to build a business very slowly.  But still more people will be forced to quit due to financial constraints, and some may not start the business at all!

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Another great thing about Mumzy is that it allows for fundraising for charitable causes.  Currently there are two charitable projects to donate to.  One is for PCDH19 Epilepsy Research Funding and the other is for the Choc Children’s HospitalScreenshot 2015-01-08 22.46.17

Mumzy is still a new site, and they are very excited for you to be one of the first members of this growing community by posting a project or helping to fund another member’s project. To encourage this, one of the first 100 people to post a project will win $1000 toward their funding goal!  Mumzy also invites you to give feedback and make suggestions on how they can make the community better!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Helping Babies & Families with JOHNSON’S® More Hands More Hearts Initiative

This post was written by me in partnership with Johnson’s Baby and the More Hands More Hearts initiative. The opinions are my own.
johnson 3


This week I am excited to team up with Johnson’s® Baby to promote their More Hands More Hearts Initiative.   As you know, Johnson’s® has been making baby care products for years, and apart from this, Johnson’s like to give back, supporting families and helping to ensure that every baby has a healthy and happy life.  They’ve done this over years through a number of education programs, as well as product and financial donations. [Read more…]

Share Your Love Is A Gift Story

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Love is a Gift
Blogging and social media make it so easy for us to help out worthy causes. This week I am joining MassMutal’s Love is a Gift Campaign  This campaign celebrates the people who matter most to us, while also raising funds to benefit Easter Seals.  Easter Seals is an organization that helps people with disabilities, providing information and access to services to both patients and caregivers. #LoveIsAGift

You can join us too!  All you have to do is share your story of the transformative power of love by uploading a photo of you and your loved one.  For every story shared, MassMutual will donate $1 to Easter Seals, up to $50,000.  Simply upload your story to the campaign site or on public Instagram accounts using hashtag: #LoveIsAGift.

Check out this video for more details and to see some lovely examples:


For this campaign, I’m sharing a few pictures of family:

Gary and Jerri

Of course, my hubby was the first person who came to mind when I read about this campaign.  There is so much I could write about him here, but I know if he were reading this, he would say, “Please don’t!” Haha!  Despite those potential objections,  I will say that Gary and I had to go down a long road for us be together and get to where we are now, and I think we are living proof every day that LoveisaGift.

Noah and Odie

 As many of you know, I haven’t had the opportunity to have my own baby, but I love my stepson Noah as if he were my own.  His fun-loving attitude and sense of humor can always make me smile and laugh.  And as I spend my days with him, he gives me the motivation I need to be a good role model and work hard to accomplish things I want to with my blog, business and other areas of my life.

Jerri and Rebel

 There’s no love as unconditional as the love we get from our pets! I can always count on my Fur Babies to put a smile on my face no matter how I’m feeling or what kind of day I’m having.  Rebel says, “I love you” every day by incessantly meowing until I pet him or sit down next to him.

Sugar and Jerri


Sugar is a little more on the quiet side.  She says, “I love you” just by snuggling up next to me or giving me a “love bite” while I’m at my computer, as if to say, “Pet now!”

And while most people wouldn’t fall for any of these tactics, I’m pretty much a sucker for them!  I adore the Fur Babies and feel their #LoveIsAGift.

Twitter Party! MassMutual is also having a #LoveIsAGift Twitter Party on Wednesday, November 5 between 8:00 am – 9:00 am PST/ 11:00 am – Noon EST.   Please note this is a completely separate event from the Easter Seals donation initiative.  Hope to see you at the party!


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the MassMutual.

Treat Yourself to a Jr. Frosty and Help Support Adoption

I love Wendy’s!  My dad took me there when I was a kid.  At the time they still the taco bar.  (Does anyone remember that?)  Then when I was 12 or 13, I had my first Wendy’s hamburger.  I got their Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, and I was in love!  To this day I still order this along with fries, and I never leave without a Jr. Frosty (chocolate flavor of course).

Dad and Jerri Edited

This fall you and I can have our Jr. Frosty and eat it too, while helping to benefit a great cause, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®.

In 1990, Wendy’s founder, Dave Thomas accepted an invitation from President George H.W. Bush to be the spokesman for a national adoption awareness campaign.  After two years, the foundation was started.   The goal of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®  is to help children in foster care get adopted.

Did you know there are more than 100,000 children in foster care who are awaiting adoption?  Dave Thomas said that foster children are not “someone else’s responsibility.  They are our responsibility.”  As there are foster children in every community throughout America, I believe he was correct.  While there are a lot of great foster parent’s out there, nothing compares with having a permanent, stable home environment.  In fact, my neighbors actually have 3 teenage boys who were adopted out of foster care, and I know the boys are happy to be part of this loving family.

Since its founding, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption® and Wendy’s customers have helped 4,000+ children have found adoptive families, and this year Wendy’s® aims to give $10 million to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®, so they can continue this great work.

You can help this great causing by purchasing a Wendy’s® Halloween Coupon Book for $1 at participating Wendy’s.  Ninety cents of every $1 Halloween Coupon Book sold between September 13 and October 31, 2014 will benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®. And  you can use these coupons to get more delicious Jr. Frostys from  November 1, 2014 till February 1, 2015, so it is a definitely a win-win.


Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption


Visit your local Wendy’s® to purchase a Jr. Frosty™ Halloween Coupon Book* for $1, which benefits the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®!

*Coupon book may contain coupons for 5 or 10 free Jr. Frosty™ treats. Prices and participation may vary. Ninety cents to every $1 coupon booklet sold between 9/15/14 and 10/31/14 will benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption®. Coupons valid from 11/1/14 through 2/1/15. ©2014 Oldemark LLC

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Shopping for a Good Cause: Breast Cancer Awareness


It’s October, which means a lot of people and places will Go Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Will you?

For me, the easiest way to go pink is to buy Breast Cancer Awareness merchandise.  I especially like to buy apparel, because the money you spend on the products will support Breast Cancer Awareness, and then you can give further support by wearing what you bought.  And with the weather finally feeling fallish, I’m wanting to buy some new clothes anyway, so why not shop and make a difference in support a good cause?

Go Pink Sweatshirt

The Breast Cancer Site Store offers stylish items to help you show your support.  This includes great apparel like the sweatshirt above, but also includes pink ribbon jewelry and gifts.  I found a lot of great shirts and shoes that I’d love to wear.  And there are so many cute bracelets and necklaces to wear or give as gifts. [Read more…]