4 Simple Methods for Cleaning Up Your Life

Learning how to clean up your life can seem like a massive undertaking. But now we are in a new year, this is the perfect time to start organizing the junk dotted throughout our lives. You don’t need to fix everything right away but it’s a good opportunity to start getting rid of physical, mental, and emotional issues. What are some of the things to consider? 

Addressing Any Addictive Behavior 

While you may not consider yourself to be addicted to anything that warrants a visit to one of the many rehab centers out there, if you have any addictive behaviors that are detrimental to your life, now is the perfect opportunity to look at them. For example, something like sugar is hidden in so many different foods that you could benefit from simplifying your diet. While so many people have different approaches to dieting because they want to lose weight or be healthier, there is no hard and fast rule. If anything, the one main rule is to focus on whole foods that are not processed. 

Reducing Stress

Everybody wants to learn to feel less stressful but you have got to look at the root causes of your stress and negative emotions. Stress is such a big part of mental health, which is why we need to prioritize looking at those triggers that will make us feel worse in the long run. Additionally, think about the physiological aspects of how you get stressed. A very good example is when you get stressed, you start to breathe through your chest. Breathing through your nose into your diaphragm is a very simple thing but it actually reduces the fight-or-flight and improves the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Redefine and Refine Your Decision Making

We all make little decisions every single day that can have a detrimental effect on our well-being. Additionally, we have to make so many decisions that we can run the risk of decision fatigue. Think about making life simpler and easier for yourself so you can streamline your decision-making. You don’t have to make decisions about every single thing, and, in fact, you can make life easier by limiting your decision-making, which you can achieve by having a more minimalist approach to life. You can do this by decluttering in a physical sense as well as in an emotional sense by looking at the relationships in your life and if they benefit you. 

Do Some More Detoxing

While detoxifying is one of those buzzwords that has almost lost its meaning because it’s been used so much, exercise is one of the best ways to clean up your health and get rid of any toxins from your body. While your body is pretty adapted to getting rid of toxins, anybody can benefit by speeding up the process. If you are not exercising on a regular basis or you are not breaking a sweat, think about having a steamy shower or visiting a sauna. 

There are so many ways that we can clean up our lives. These can be the first stages to improving your life in the long run and benefiting your health.

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