Bedroom Makeover and Tips for Working with Small Spaces

Don’t you just love a good room makeover? Me too!  And I especially love it when it’s dramatic! And you can make the simplest of changes sometimes and still make a BIG difference.  For me, it’s all about the bedding.  You can add a new floral quilt, and it can dramatically change the look of your room instantly!

 My husband and I are in the process of making a lot of changes in the house.  A while back we swapped out the furniture.  Shortly thereafter I purchased new bedding, and last week we moved the furniture to an entirely new room.

Here’s the old room:


Old Bedroom


This photo was taken a long time ago, so it’s not my best, but you get the idea….here I had a green bedspread, featuring red flowers.  It seemed very vibrant when I first purchased it but the pattern definitely got old for me and was starting to feel a little old fashioned.

As for the furniture, I’ve always liked this set.  It had a very classic appeal with ornate features, but it’s always nice to have a change!

Here’s the new bedroom: [Read more…]