Friday Favorites – Week 162

friday favorites

Hey guys! Welcome to another fun edition of Friday Favorites!  Before we get to this week’s party, I have a couple of announcements that I want to make.  First off, I am planning to schedule some guest posts for the summer time.  Last summer I had a few of you on here to share your summer recipes with us, and I found it really enjoyable.  I will be contacting some of you via email shortly to see if you’d like to be a guest.  (Just as soon as I get a free minute. haha!)  But I would love…love…love…LOVE some volunteers!  So if you’d like to be a guest on my blog this summer, please just send me an email and I will be in contact with you shortly! 🙂

And then also this Friday, in addition to hosting this party, I am going to be sharing a review for Olay Fresh Effects, and in the review I will be including my very first….wait for it, wait for it…..Youtube video!  And I have to tell you, I am like the shyest person that ever lived!  So I swore up and down that I would never post a Youtube video, but I’ve been encouraged to make a one a few different times now, and I finally decided that I would break down and just try it out!  And who knows…maybe if I get some pretty good feedback, I may try to do more of those in the future.  So, as I said, the post will go up some time on Friday, and I would love to get your comments on the video.  (I only ask that you try to  ignore my constant hand movements and childlike voice! haha!)

Now let’s take a look at this week’s features!

Starbucks Mocha Cupcakes from Spend with Pennies

Carseat Cover
Baby Carseat Cover Tutorial from I Dig Pinterest and I Did it Too
Cake Batter No-Bake Cheesecake

 Cake Batter No Bake Cheesecake Filling from Close to Home

I can’t wait to see your post! Link up below!
