Today is Small Business Saturday! Across the country people are supporting small business by shopping small! I’m happy to call myself a small business owner; apart from my blog and content services, I also have an Etsy shop. It feels good to be able to do something creative and use my talents to make money for my family, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity that I have a to a work from home mom! [Read more…]
Hand Stamped Jewelry & Christmas Ornaments + Small Business Saturday
Friday Favorites: Week 244 – Featuring Hand Stamped Ornaments

Hello all. Thanks for stopping by for this week’s party. I’ve had huge work load this week and I’m skipping this week’s features, but I’ll be back with more next week. In lieu of the features, I’m sharing a brief showcase of ornaments from my Etsy shop. Ranging in price from $10 to $15, these are a great gift idea. I offer a range of charms and ribbon hangers, you can choose from, and I can customize each design, stamping out any words you like.
Last year my most popular item was the customized Baby’s 1st Christmas Ornament. This year I hve that ornament back in stock, along with my family ornaments, Our First Christmas and other couples ornaments, football themed ornaments, a Merry Christmas mom/grandma/teacher, etc. ornament, and In Loving Memory Ornament, and more!
Please check out the ornaments and the custom jewelry that I have in stock. Also, take a look at the coupon code believe, and save 10% from now through the end of November.
Use the coupon code: GIVETHANKS to get 10% off. AND also look for discounts and daily deals on select items!
I love to see your projects! Link up below!
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