6 Tips to Relieve Chronic Pain + a Free Printable

 Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. All opinions are mine alone. #StopPainNow #CollectiveBias

6 Tips to Relieve Chronic Pain Free Printable

Today more and more people suffer from chronic pain as the result of injury or other conditions.  A couple of years ago, my husband was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy.  This condition can affect any part of the body, but it mostly affects his feet.  Then a year ago, he was working on our nephew’s roof when he fell and broke his back.  As result, he was out of work for a couple of months, and he had to wear a brace and use a walker.  Although he recovered well from his back injury and did not require surgery, he still deals with back pain on an almost daily basis, and he has periodic pains in his feet from the neuropathy.

A lot of the pain he experiences is further exacerbated by his work, but since he can’t just go quit his job, we have to come up with ways to manage and relieve his pain.  Today I’m going to offer up some of my pain management tips that we follow. [Read more…]