Taco Soup

Taco Chili

In recently weeks, I’ve been enjoying a lot of comfort food with my family, including a few batches of soup!  I love soup, because it is a great way to get a good mix of protein, veggies, and often carbs in one meal.  Soups are also easy to make, generally speaking.  And soups go a long way!  You can use them to feed a large group, have a leftover meal (or meals), share with a sick friend, neighbor or family member, or you can freeze leftovers for a later time.

A couple of weeks ago I made up a batch of Taco Soup.  If you like chili, it’s pretty much very similar to chili, except that you use taco powder and ranching seasoning mix instead of chili powder.  The recipe I had actually called for a lot more things that what I used.  For example, it had 2 cans of green chilis and an additional can of tomatoes.  Since I didn’t use these ingredients, it made the soup very chunky like a stew, so I decided to add some broth to mix!

I just so happened to have some chicken broth on hand, so that is what I used.  I know the soup contains beef, but I figured chicken broth is good in everything, so why not try it?  Of course, it turned out great.  The soup tasted good, and it had a great consistency.  I think two cups of water would have worked just as well, and beef broth is another potential option that I’d try to you are unsure about using the chicken broth. But I personally recommend it!

Hope you enjoy this recipe!  And if you like, please check out my Salsa Chili!


Homemade Taco Soup

Do you love soup as much as me?  I’d love to hear what your favorite soup, stew, or chili recipe is!


Salsa Chili

Salsa Chili

 I love good comfort food, especially hot soups and chilis.  As the weather’s been colder here the last few weeks, it’s definitely put me even more in the mood for something warm and hearty.  A while back my husband and I collaborated on this Salsa Chili.  It’s the perfect chili recipe, as the tomatoes, onions, and peppers are right in the salsa, which means no peeling, chopping or dicing is required! And best of all, it’s delicious! [Read more…]

Friday Favorites – Week 252 – With Soups & Chili

friday favorites

Welcome to the party!  Last week I tried a new soup recipe, and it was so good! We ate it and ate it till the whole pot was gone!  I’ll definitely be sharing the recipe soon, but until, I decided to feature some soups this week.  I’m sure they really hit the spot on a cold and rainy (or snowy) day!

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Summer Savings & An Easy Dinner Night with Kraft Coupons

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias #PackedWithSavings

Summer Savings and An Easy Dinner Night With Kraft

With our busy schedule, it is very important to have a lot of easy, quick-fix mealtime options.  And it doesn’t hurt if those options are extra-affordable too!  At Walmart.com, I’m always finding great in-store coupons on items we use each week!  All you have to do is click on the coupons you want to clip, and then hit print.  There are no programs or apps to install.  Easy-peasy!  Here are some coupons I printed out last week: [Read more…]

Friday Favorites – Week 191 – Featuring 5 Chili Recipes

friday favorites

Happy November! Welcome to this week’s edition of Friday Favorites!  I’m very excited to have kicked off the holiday season here this week.  You can join the fun by entering our Holiday Day Gift Guide Giveaway! The giveaway features a computer and about 50 other great prizes!

I also want to announce that next week I’ll be kicking off my Six Weeks of Christmas Treats Event.  During the event I’ll be posting several great holiday recipes, and we’ll have guest contributors sharing their recipes here.  And there will also be a round up post here on Monday with a linky included.  The linky will be open throughout the holiday season for you to add your recipes. Hope you check it out and share something with us!

Now check out this week’s featured posts: 5 Chili Recipes!

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