Frozen Berry Yogurt Ice Pops and Simply Sweet ColorCakes Giveaway

ColorCakes Book

I love gazing at pinterest-worthy desserts.  Today I’m featuring a book that is FULL of them! Simply Sweet ColorCakes: Wow-Worthy Desserts Anyone Can Make is 250 colorful pages of fun, drool-worthy desserts!  There are so many festive treats in this book!  And don’t let the name fool you….the book is not just cake recipes!  The section of the book include: [Read more…]

Blog Mania 2012 Giveaway

I’m really excited to be participating in Blog Mania 2012.  What is Blog Mania, you ask?  It is a fun giveaway hop, opening on April 25, where about a hundred bloggers are getting together to giveaway prize packs worth $100! Very exciting stuff!

For my giveaway today I’ve got a prize pack worth $110 dollars and featuring 3 fabulous sponsors! Check it out!

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Eco-Foil Review (and Giveaway Preview)

On Wednesday night, I’ll be posting my Blog Mania giveaway, and one of my featured sponsors is Eco-Foil.  They make 100% recyclable aluminum bakeware.

As someone who does a lot of baking, I was super excited when I got the chance to do review their products and share them with you.

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