Love Your Curls with Dove Hair

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Dove, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #LoveYourCurls #pmgdove

Love Your Curls with Dove

At an early age, I became famous in my family for my natural curls.  Below is a photo of my curls and me at the age of 3:

My Childhood Curls

Of course, every naturally curly-haired girl wants to have straight hair, so when I got to be school aged, I told my mom I wanted long, straight hair!  She let me grow it out, and for years we went through the blow dry and straightening routine, but being from the South, my straight hair would turn to frizz in no time!  We even used rollers to give me a “stylized curly look” whenever I wanted to look really great for school pictures, dates, or special occasions. [Read more…]

6 Great Apps to Help You Get Your Home in Order

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Do you constantly feel like you have too many jobs to do at home, and never enough time? Or are you in the midst of renovating your home or researching potential house and land packages, and feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices you need to make? Just remember — it is possible to take control of your household and “to-do” lists, with the help of the latest and greatest apps, designed to make a disorganised home a thing of the past. Whether you want to tick jobs off your list more quickly or find and sort information in a hurry, look no further than this list of six great organizational apps for a simpler home life, especially if you’re considering JMB house & land packages. [Read more…]