Seven Tips To Improve Your Internet Security At Home

The internet is a wonderful thing but at the same time, it can be a challenge to stay safe nowadays. There are so many scams and scammers out there that you’re only one vulnerability issue away from being the next victim of a cybercrime. 

At the same time, policing these cybercrimes is challenging when there’s nothing governing it on a global scale. With that being said, you should look at ways to tighten your security when it comes to your home usage. 

Protecting both your family and yourself is an essential part of preventing cyber criminals from accessing your most confidential information. Here are several tips to improve your internet safety at home.

Change your home’s default WI-FI name

One of the main issues that comes with internet safety is ensuring your home’s WI-FI is secure from prying eyes. One vulnerability that can cause problems is the default name of your home WI-FI. Why? Well, it gives the hacker a better chance of breaking into your network when it broadcasts SSID (service set identifier).

This will ensure hackers have a lesser chance of breaking into your network. Resetting your network’s SSID is something that will not disclose any personal information. As such, it throws hackers off their attempts to infiltrate your home WI-FI.

If you’re struggling to think of a good name, consider picking a name that doesn’t draw attention. You could always set a note in your calendar to change it routinely. This might be helpful to further prevent any attempts of cybercrime. 

Set a strong password 

Passwords are a common problem when it comes to comprised home WI-FI. Not only that but a weak password can also be the thing that helps cyber criminals hack accounts of all kinds. From your online banking to logins online that have access to your financial information.

Setting a strong password is key to helping reduce the chances of falling victim to a cyber attack.

When it comes to choosing a password, make sure it’s unique to the WIFI and not a password you’ve used before. It should have a personal meaning to you but not contain personal information. The password should contain upper and lowercase letters that are randomized, as well as numbers.

There is also software that you can now purchase whereby all of your passwords for everything is locked under one tool that you simply add to your browser in order to automatically log you in once you give the password to the software. This might be useful for those who are often forgetful with their passwords.

Spend your money on a VPN

A virtual private network or VPN for short, establishes a digital connection by encrypting your personal data and masking your IP address. As a result, it sidesteps website blocks and firewalls on the internet.

This is useful for evading the attention of cyber criminals and it’s also a useful way of accessing sites that would otherwise be unavailable due to your country’s origin.

For example, if you wanted to watch a television program only available in a certain country, having a VPN would be useful. It’s money well spent when you’re looking to improve the security of your WI-FI and make you less noticeable. You should look to download VPN for Windows or Mac depending on what type of computer or device you have.

VPNs are extremely popular right now, so it’s definitely worth spending your money on one this year.

Make sure you have a good firewall

Firewalls are there to help protect those who are often browsing websites of all kinds. You never really know what your loved ones are searching online, meaning there might always be risks to your WI-FI and personal information.

With a firewall, it helps prevent malware, harmful intrusions, and viruses of all kinds. This often protects all of your devices, rather than just your computer. Wireless routers often come with built-in firewalls. You should check that this firewall is turned on if possible.

However, even if your router does have a firewall, you should think about getting another for your internet in general. This is going to help provide peace of mind that all of your household members are protected. There are plenty of firewall options out there, so make sure you do your research to find one that is notable for being the best.

Keep your router’s software up to date

It’s often the case that a router’s firmware is out of date. This, like any other software, is a flaw that can be a major vulnerability for those who are unaware that the software isn’t the best it can or should be.

While some are automatically updated, it’s something to be aware of in case the software provider doesn’t update it regularly. Check the devices are connected to your home network and ensure you’ve got the latest security patches downloaded. 

This will help decrease the likelihood of hackers being able to access your WI-FI network. You can always contact the router provider if you need help updating the software.

Enable network encryption

Finally, it’s a good idea to encrypt your network if possible. This is often turned on by default but it’s worth checking if this encryption is in place. Not all wireless routers come with encryption so it’s good to double-check the settings. 

Turn it on immediately once your broadband provider has installed the router. If it hasn’t been done, then it might be that your home network is comprisable and that’s never a good thing.

These tips are a great way to help ensure your internet security at home is the strongest it can be. Make sure you implement these tips and always keep on top of the methods that cybercriminals use when it comes to their cyber attacks. 

These individuals or organizations are constantly looking for ways to make another victim, so it’s a good idea to stay on top of it all. Your internet security is a vulnerability that you need to be careful of. 

Slow PC Problems? Here Are Some Quick Fixes

Today, a lot more people use computers in their everyday life and especially for work. It allows you to complete tasks more efficiently and quickly. Unfortunately, with frequent use comes performance issues like slow speeds, longer download and upload time, etc. Even the most recent operating system can experience slowdowns and ruin your PC experience. Consider the tips below to boost your computer performance if you want a pleasant remote working, browsing, or gaming experience. 

  • Check your PC for viruses and spyware

You will inevitably pick up some malware or virus while using your pic and especially when surfing the internet and transferring files from one PC to another. Fortunately, you can install several anti-malware programs to detect and remove malware and prevent some PC problems. And fortunately, many of them are easy to install. It is worth mentioning that some applications offer better features and protection than others, so research to find a program that completely removes viruses and spyware without taking a chunk of space on your computer. 

  • Delete old, unused programs 

You will likely download and install several applications during the useful life of your computer. Many of these applications, including bloatware, are small and may run quietly in the background. As a result, they can stay unnoticed on your computer for so long. No matter how small, these programs can consume your precious hardware resources. Having one or two apps running is okay, but having a little more, including disk cleaners, virus scanners, and customizations apps can slow your PC. 

  • Review your web browser 

Web browsers undoubtedly make access to the internet easier. However, it is a good idea to review before using them since they can affect how quickly web pages, videos, and images load. If you’ve been using a particular browser and notice a lag, try a different one to determine whether the loading speeds are faster. Aside from that, these programs collect a lot of information such as cache while in use and this can take a toll on your computer performance. One effective solution is clearing up cache to remove accumulated files and data clogging your PC, making it run more smoothly and quickly. 

  • Turn off automatic updates

Software updates are great for dealing with compatibility issues and protecting against various cyberattacks. Therefore, disabling automatic updates isn’t recommended if you want to stay safe online. However, it can be acceptable in some cases. For instance, your work laptop may serve a multipurpose function like gaming. However, game distributions such as Epic Games and Steam frequently release many updates and patches on your device. Turning this feature off and only updating when using the software can prevent your computing from slowing when you need the hardware resource to do something else. 

To conclude, it takes only a few minor adjustments to up your computer speed and performance. The above are a few ways to boost your computer performance when you notice a decline in speed, asking other problems.

3 TOP methods to use if you want to gain more followers on Instagram

Insta has over 1 billion active monthly users and 1000 posts uploaded on it each second – isn’t that enough to count this social media website a winning one in terms of ads and sales? It is – this is why brands, companies, individual content and products creators come here and try to make their business work online: due to lots of helpful tools that Instagram offers this is totally possible. However, today things are a little bit more difficult than they were before: to succeed today, you need to have some knowledge about how Instagram’s algorithms work and some help from the side.

What kind of help? Well, you can use a chance to buy Instagram followers, you can take on other free and paid promotional tools and mutually PR each other with fellow bloggers. In this article we will review 3 most helpful methods that will help you gain more followers than before and unveil main myths about them.

3. Working with hashtags

Some people have a common misunderstanding that hashtags don’t work anymore – they surely do, but the mechanics changed a little bit. Earlier in time people could leave up to 30 hashtags under a post and be content with that, but today this approach will make your post look worse and gain less attention. You see, today people have learned how to use the search tab in IG more efficiently and don’t quite use the “broad” hashtags anymore – they specialize their requests to make sure that they find demanded content, info or a product quicker. Make sure to choose 5-15 most relatable tags and place them in the order from the broadest one to the narrowest one. This way you will be able to not lose any helpful “keywords” and attract as many subs as possible.

2. Free PR from bloggers who have the same number of subs as you do.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to people – they will be glad to collaborate and exchange audiences. Novices should definitely do that more often, as this is free, takes not much time and can help to seriously increase the volume of the interested audience. Make sure to choose the bloggers from your or the neighboring niche though, because this is the only way you will be able to attract people who are already interested in your products or content. Save the contacts of those bloggers for later – such PR definitely shouldn’t be a one time thing.

1. A possibility to purchase subs for IG.

If you buy real Instagram followers who are real people (never purchase bots or inactive pages as readers), these will not only increase the number of your subscribers, but also show positive impact on your page’s statistics. IG will show your posts as the recommended way more often, and you will be able to induce a natural subs growth using a paid service. So check the quality of the package you’re about to purchase and never settle for the low quality offers. This way you will make yourself safe and will also make sure that the promotion you’ve planned will be working decently.

Making Your Home Smarter – 4 Gadgets To Invest In 2022

If you have been thinking about collecting a few gadgets to make your home smarter in 2022, you are one of the several tech enthusiasts in your neighborhood. Investing in state-of-the-art technology and sleek-looking appliances is fun for sure. This is because consumer electronics have taken a completely new form in the past few years. The cutting-edge technology that has made it possible can find its way to your home as well. All you have to do is look a little closer and you can make your home much smarter than it already is. Let’s begin shopping:

1. Welcome Home A Smart Assistant You can pick a spot that you want to secure for your Google speaker or Alexa. These home assistants when equipped correctly and with the right peripherals can make your life a lot easier. They can easily understand your commands and can control various of the appliances that you have connected with the internet. They can control the insulation and the temperature all across your house. They come with at least a 3-year warranty and some of them are even eligible for a warranty extension with a minimal fee.

2. Wireless Charging Pads

Wireless charging pads are not only to flaunt the fact that you are technologically savvy but to add a lot of convenience to your life. These charging pads are genuinely efficient and because of their sleek and slim size, they can fit into your travel bag quite easily. They have at least a one-year product warranty that is automatically embedded inside them. They ensure the right temperature and voltage control to make sure that your device never gets overcharged or overheated which prevents the battery from getting corroded or wearing out over time.

3. Intelligent Air Conditioners For A Smart Home

Do you know that there are intelligent air conditioners to make your home smarter than ever? But you are probably wondering whether it is worth investing in a smart window air conditioner in the first place or not. You are not the only one because a lot of people like you are not aware of its many features and benefits. These air conditioners bring a lot of convenience, comfort, along with a lot of energy efficiency to your home. They are easy to use and help you save hundreds of dollars on your electricity bills. They also come with a diagnosis and preventive maintenance tool preinstalled. They have an overall reduced carbon footprint and several smart home compatibility modes that make using these air conditioners a total breeze.

4. Beautiful Custom Water Flask

If you have been trying to keep yourself hydrated all day long, this custom water flask that comes with an inbuilt temperature display will be an ideal addition to your shopping list. It is also a perfect gift for your loved ones that love to stay fit. The flask can regulate the temperature of the liquid that it contains. It can hold it for about 6 to 8 hours and the outer shell of the flask can be personalized as per your liking.

Conclusion These 4 gadgets are definitely worth your attention. If you want to make your home a little more stylish and a lot more technologically advanced, you should consider investing in these items today.