10 Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Environment

Protecting the environment is crucial. That has become only more obvious as the years have passed. Let us talk about some ways you can do that right now.

Buy and Use a Solar Kit

Solar kits are all the rage these days, and for good reason. When you buy a solar kit, you can often retrofit or modify your home so that you’re making use of the sun’s rays in various practical ways.

Plant Trees

Another thing you can do is to plant trees. Often, you can contact entities near you who can help you find land where you can do this and who will give you the necessary materials as well. The more trees we have, the better.


You can make sure to recycle whenever possible. That involves putting your paper goods and other recyclable materials in the proper bins instead of throwing them away. It doesn’t take much effort to do this, but it’s helpful.

Walk More

If you walk more instead of driving, you will get some much-needed exercise, but you will also help the planet. You may not be able to avoid driving 100% of the time, but try to walk as much as you can when the weather permits it.

Cycle More

You can also ride your bike to get places if that is a possibility for you. Like walking, cycling lets you get some exercise, and you will also not burn any gas in your car when you turn to bike riding.

Take Public Transportation

You might also use public transportation. If you ride the bus or train instead of driving, that’s one less car causing pollution on the road.

Get Rid of Your Car

You might even consider getting rid of your car altogether. Not everyone has the option to do this, but those who do are doing the environment a great service. If you can’t get rid of your car, you can also get an electric one that won’t cause any pollution. Getting a hybrid is also a better option than owning a vehicle that runs on gasoline alone.

Clean Up Your Neighborhood

You can find an entity in your area that does cleanup work. That might involve picking up trash around your neighborhood or on a highway. That’s something that helps the environment, and you can often make some new friends this way as well.

Eat Less Meat

Eating meat means supporting a system that is inherently wasteful. Becoming a vegan or a vegetarian is always good, but if you do not feel that you want to make that dramatic of a change, simply reducing the amount of meat you eat is a good place to start.

Use Less Plastic

Using less plastic is also helpful to the planet. You might bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store so you’re not accepting any new plastic bags with every trip. You can also bring some reusable bags to the farmer’s market or anywhere else you go to buy things.

4 Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The conversation surrounding climate change is getting larger, especially because the world is experiencing its effects. A UN research has linked a chunk of greenhouse gas emissions to individual households. Unfortunately, this can cause catastrophic changes to sea levels, food production, and animal and fish survival. Minimizing your carbon footprint is one of the things you can do to reduce or manage climate change. Below are five simple strategies to lessen your carbon footprint. 

  • Try to avoid fast fashion

The garment industry accounts for 10% of total world carbon emissions and is the second largest industrial polluter after the oil industry. The mass-market shops quickly produce cheap throw-away apparel in reaction to the newest trends. Around 70 million trees are taken down annually to make cheaper materials like viscose, modal, and lyocell. There is also water contamination caused by plastic microfibers, cotton crop insecticides, and poisonous coloring chemicals. So, avoiding fast fashion and choosing sustainable and ecologically friendly clothing will dramatically lower your carbon footprint while still looking fairly handsome in ecological or vintage attire.

  • Avoid single-use plastics 

Repurposing jam jars and reusing tin cans are no longer enough to preserve the world. To truly affect environmental change and lessen one’s carbon footprint, the world must consider becoming plastic-free or adopting a zero-waste lifestyle. Research by Our World in Data also shows that over 380 million tons of plastic are manufactured worldwide yearly. Without action, it may cost up to 17% of the global carbon budget to manage emissions caused by plastic production and use. You can do the following instead shun single-use plastic and make a major difference. First, bring your own sustainable shopping bag with you to the store. Say no to plastic straws and stirrers. Avoid foods that are excessively or needlessly packed in plastic. Bring your own food containers, cups, and utensils to reduce unnecessary waste, especially when traveling. And purchase a recyclable water bottle with you.

  • Recycling and composting 

Recycling and composting minimize landfill waste that would have generated greenhouse gases. These two processes can conserve or minimize the required resources to produce a new product and eliminate the need to dig for raw materials, all of which help protect our natural resources. Today you can recycle almost anything, so you can inquire about it before hiring a garbage removal service. Considering the time and work required to properly remove the rubbish yourself is reason enough to hire pros like www.evergreenjunkremoval.com.   

  • Consider other modes of transportation

Road transport is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. One study attributed around 1.4 billion tons of greenhouse gases to highway vehicles. Each gallon of fuel consumed produces 20 pounds of GHG. And a normal car emits between five and nine tons of GHG annually. For a more sustainable option, you can choose public transport, ride a bike, or take advantage of ride-sharing services. If driving less is not an alternative, consider purchasing an EV or hybrid car. You can also work remotely to eliminate the need for commuting.