Things to Get Rid of When You’re Moving

Moving homes presents a unique opportunity for a fresh start, particularly in a place as diverse and dynamic as Missouri. Whether you’re settling into the bustling streets of St. Louis, exploring the scenic Ozarks, or cultivating a quiet life in a smaller town, relocating allows you to rethink what you carry into your future. Decluttering before a move not only eases the physical burden of packing and unpacking but also clears mental space, helping you to embrace new beginnings with less baggage and more room for new experiences. 

Outdated Electronics 

One of the first categories you should tackle when decluttering for a move is outdated electronics. Old computers, broken printers, unused chargers, and old cell phones often accumulate in drawers and closets, taking up valuable space and rarely, if ever, being used. Look into local electronics recycling programs where you can safely dispose of these items. Not only does this help clear out clutter, but it also ensures that hazardous materials are responsibly handled and recycled, preventing them from ending up in landfills. 

Excess Furniture 

Furniture that filled your old home may not fit or suit the style of your new place. It’s important to evaluate each piece’s function and sentimental value. Ask yourself whether each item will have a place in your new home. If not, consider selling or donating it. For residents of Sedalia Missouri storage units are a convenient option for those who need more time to decide on certain pieces. However, avoid storing items indefinitely as this can lead to unnecessary expenses and deferred decisions. Marketplaces and charity shops often accept furniture donations, and selling items online can also return some of your investment. 

Unused Clothing 

Clothing is another significant source of clutter in many households. When preparing for a move, sort through your wardrobes and drawers. Remove items that no longer fit, have not been worn in the past year, or are out of style. This not only frees up space but also simplifies packing and unpacking. Consider donating good-quality garments to charity organizations, or selling them on online platforms where they can find a new life. This purge can be particularly refreshing, symbolizing a fresh start at your new residence. 

Old Books and Magazines 

While books and magazines can be wonderful keepsakes and sources of information, they also take up considerable space and can become outdated. Review your collection and decide which books are worth keeping. Donate the rest to local libraries, schools, or second-hand bookstores. This not only declutters your home but also supports your community by providing others with access to reading material. For magazines, recycle any that are no longer of current interest or relevance, keeping only those that have sentimental value or serve as important references. 

Expired Medications and Cosmetics 

Expired medications and outdated cosmetics are not only unnecessary clutter but can also be hazardous. Check dates on all medications, supplements, and cosmetics. Safely dispose of anything that is past its expiration date. Many pharmacies offer take-back programs that allow you to drop off expired or unused medications safely. This ensures they are disposed of properly, preventing potential harm to the environment and eliminating the risk of accidental ingestion. 

Duplicates of Household Items 

A common issue in many homes is the accumulation of duplicate items, particularly in the kitchen. As you prepare for your move, take the time to go through your kitchen drawers and cabinets. You’ll likely find multiple sets of measuring spoons, extra cooking utensils, and perhaps more than one blender or toaster. Choose the best quality or most frequently used items and consider selling, donating, or giving away the duplicates. This not only frees up space but also simplifies your kitchen setup, making it easier to organize in your new home. 

Seasonal Decor 

Seasonal decorations often bring joy and festivity to our homes at different times of the year. However, it’s common to accumulate more decor than we actually use. As you pack for your move, carefully evaluate your seasonal items. Keep only those decorations that you truly cherish and use annually. For the rest, consider if they might bring joy to another family. Donating these items to thrift stores or selling them online can reduce your load and share the holiday spirit with others. 

Unfinished Projects 

Many of us have unfinished projects lying around—whether it’s a half-knitted sweater, a partially completed model kit, or an old fixer-upper piece of furniture. Evaluate whether you are likely to complete these projects in the future. If not, it might be time to let them go. Donate usable materials to schools, community centers, or craft groups who can put them to good use. Disposing of these unfinished projects can lift a mental burden and clear physical space, making your move cleaner and more organized. 

Old Papers and Documents 

Papers tend to pile up over time, from old bills and receipts to outdated warranties and manuals. Before moving, take the opportunity to sort through these documents. Shred anything that contains personal information to protect your identity and recycle the rest. For important documents, consider scanning and storing them digitally to save space. This process not only declutters your space but also secures your important information in a more accessible and less bulky format. 

Specialty Kitchen Gadgets 

It’s easy to be tempted by specialty kitchen gadgets that promise to make cooking easier, but often these tools are used once and then forgotten. As you pack your kitchen, critically assess each gadget’s utility and frequency of use. Keep only those that serve multiple purposes or that you use regularly. Selling or donating rarely used gadgets can free up kitchen space and reduce the number of boxes you’ll need to move. 


Decluttering before a move is more than just a physical purge; it’s a mental preparation for a new chapter in your life. By letting go of outdated electronics, excess furniture, unused clothing, old books, expired items, duplicates, seasonal decor, unfinished projects, old papers, and unnecessary kitchen gadgets, you lighten your load significantly. This not only makes the moving process easier and potentially cheaper but also allows you to enjoy a simpler, more organized start in your new home. Embrace this opportunity to minimize and start fresh, focusing on what truly matters in your living space. 


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