9 Signs You Should Upgrade Your Roof

If you’ve noticed any signs of wear and tear on your roof, it might be time for an upgrade. An aging roof, persistent leaks, or damaged shingles are clear signs that your current roofing system cannot protect your home anymore. Not only does this have immense safety concerns, but it can also lead to severe safety concerns if the damage eventually extends to your neighbor’s home.

Luckily, there are a few signs to keep an eye out for and stay one step ahead of potential roof-related damage. The second you notice any of these signs, call up a roofing contractor and have your current roof replaced or repaired. These issues typically occur due to heavy storms or other extreme weather conditions.

1. Age of the Roof

As your roof ages, the materials naturally undergo wear and tear. Eventually, it’s no longer good enough to protect your home. A roof’s typical lifespan ranges from 20 to 25 years, but it can lessen due to environmental conditions. As your roof nears the end of its lifespan, it will show clear signs of age and deterioration. That includes weakened shingles, reduced insulation, and increased vulnerability to leaks.

2. Leaks and Water Damage

A leaky roof is the worst thing that a homeowner can leave unattended, as it leads to water damage in various areas around your home. Without the right attention, moisture seepage can cause irreversible damage to your home in the form of mold, wood rot, and fungal spores. If you notice persistent leaks, that means your roof is compromised, and it’s time to call in a residential roofing company. Damaged shingles may also allow water to penetrate the protective layers of your roof, while compromised flashing, the material used to seal roof joints and prevent water entry, can lead to leaks as well.

3. Curling or Buckling Shingles

In some cases, you may notice that your roof’s shingles are curling, buckling, or blistering. This just doesn’t ruin the looks of your roof but also clearly indicates that your roof has reached the end of its life. Curling shingles expose vulnerable areas of your home to rain, snow, and extreme heat. Meanwhile, buckling and blistering compromise the structural integrity, making your roof more susceptible to damage. The only solution is to upgrade to new, high-quality shingles.

4. Missing Shingles

The absence of shingles on your roof is a glaring signal that your home is exposed to potential water damage. This may occur due to severe storms, high winds, or simply the natural aging process of the roof. The shingles may roll off the roof, leaving various spots in your home vulnerable. In that case, it’s crucial to replace your roof as soon as possible. If you neglect missing shingles in your roof, water damage will lead to leaks, rot, and compromised insulation. In most cases, you may not have to replace the roof entirely.

5. Granule Loss

If you inspect your gutters, you may find accumulated granules. If the accumulation is excessive, it’s clear that the quality of your shingles is deteriorating. These granules act as a protective layer for the shingles, and their loss may indicate the end of your roof’s life. You’ll either need to upgrade to new shingles or replace the ones that show the most signs of deterioration. Modern shingles are much more durable, reducing granule loss in the long run. Make sure to check your gutters and roof now and then for this particular sign.

6. Sagging Roof

A sagging or dipping roof is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. If you see a dip or curvature in your roof’s structure, it means there is underlying structural damage. It’s absolutely crucial to take immediate action to replace your roof, or it may cave in unexpectedly. Not only does it concern your safety, but it also directly impacts the structural integrity of your home. When looking to replace a sagging roof, do an online search for ‘roofers near me‘ to find qualified experts nearby who can be at your property in a short period of time to get the job done. You’ll want to ensure your chosen contractor addresses any related structural concerns in your home. This will also help you avoid similar problems in the future and protect your home from the elements.

7. Moss or Algae Growth

You may also see moss or algae growth on your roof. Many homeowners consider this normal, but it’s actually a sign of serious water damage to your roof. It’s a warning sign that moisture is trapped in your roof, which will soon lead to long-term decay. In this case, your best bet is to upgrade to materials that resist algae or moisture and improve the structural integrity of your home. Moss and algae can compromise the durability of roofing materials, leading to deterioration over time. When installing moss and algae-resistant roofing, your contractor may also add another protective layer to protect your roof from the elements.

8. Damaged Flashing

If the metal parts around your chimney or vents on the roof are damaged, it’s like leaving a door open for water to sneak into your home. This could cause problems inside, like water damage in your walls. So, when you’re getting a new roof, it’s super important to upgrade these metal parts. Think of it like getting a better lock for that door to keep the rain out. The new, strong metal parts will make sure water doesn’t leak into your home, keeping everything safe and dry.

9. Increased Energy Bills

If you’ve noticed your energy bills suddenly going up, it could be because your roof isn’t keeping your home warm like it should. If it’s not doing its job, your heating and cooling systems will need to work extra hard, making your bills higher. To fix this, think about getting a new kind of roof that works hard to keep the temperature just right. This new roof not only makes your home feel better but also saves you money by using less energy. Checking how well your roof is doing with this regularly helps you pick what’s best for your home and your wallet, keeping things comfy and affordable.


Now that you know what signs to look out for, you don’t have to worry about extreme roof damage. Staying vigilant to the signs of roof wear and taking prompt action is crucial for the integrity of your home. Whether it’s addressing leaks, replacing damaged shingles, or upgrading to a more energy-efficient system, attending to these issues can prevent costly damage in the long run.

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