10 Tips for Landscaping Your Backyard

Beautiful backyard landscaping and a fabulous façade leave a lasting impression on people. Landscapes add curb appeal to your home, but many homeowners find it hard to create and maintain them. If you’re planning to sell your house, investing in landscaping projects can help you increase your property’s value and get your house listed at a higher price.

Below are some tips and tricks to design and build captivating landscapes in your backyard that make your house stand out in the neighborhood and increase the value of your home:

1. Steer Clear of Diseased Trees and Plants

Trees and tall plants play an important role in creating exquisite landscapes. They not only beautify your outdoor living spaces but also cleanse the air and provide shade and fruits. However, diseased and dead plants or trees around the landscapes not only spoil the look of your backyard but also risk the health of other plants and trees in the surroundings. Moreover, overgrown trees with widespread roots can potentially damage your landscape and house structure.

While keeping your landscape prim is easier in less fertile places, what can you do if you live in a suburb where tall trees overcrowd your yard? For instance, Austin, Tx, has a wide variety of magnificent trees. Those living here constantly have to deal with common tree diseases like oak wilt, which can only be eradicated by removing trees. So what do they do? They call in a professional tree removal service Austin Tx to ensure the safety of their landscapes and house structure.

Taking the lesson from the above example, you should do the same and take the help of an expert near you to protect your yard. Professional tree removal services not only help you get rid of diseased plants, but they can also determine which trees can harm your landscape, backyard, or house

structure with deep or expanding roots. They can also help you maintain plants and trees and provide a complete long-term tree plantation plan for your backyard.

2. Create a Combination of Hardscaping and Softscaping

Landscaping is not just about plants. To create a stunning backyard landscape, you need to add various hardscaping elements that bring out the beauty of your plants. Hardscaping includes all the elements in your backyard that need to be built. Simply put, hardscaping means all the hard elements added to beautify the landscape and surrounding areas together with soft elements like plants, trees, herbs, and shrubs. You can construct fountains and add vintage pots, stones and boulders, fairy houses, wooden fences, and other exquisite hardscaping elements to your soft scapes to create a spectacular landscape. You can also follow some simple DIY project ideas to construct stunning driveway paving, pergolas, decks, pathways, fountains, etc., that complement your landscape, add visual appeal to your backyard, and increase your property value.

3. Create a Small Ecosystem

Take your backyard up a notch with a beautiful artificial pond or any other water feature, some water-based plants, rocks, and pebbles. This water feature will become a small pond ecosystem for animals and bugs and spruce up your backyard look. Small ecosystems and water features are among the most popular landscaping trends. You can also try putting some water pumps into your backyard landscaping to create a natural water spring effect.

4. Fill up the Empty Spaces with Lush Green Grass

A lush green grass around your backyard landscape creates a natural contrast to landscaping elements and boosts the overall look of your backyard. Certain fertilizers and natural minerals like Epsom salt help the grass retain a bright green color and maintain its health. Nurture the soil under the turf in fall to allow the grass roots to absorb nutrients. Strong roots sprout healthy grass during the spring and summer seasons. Spare a few minutes to pull out weeds and seasonal grass every now and then.

5. Add Some Colorful Plants to the Pathways

Who doesn’t adore seasonal plants and colorful flowers? A splash of color from flowers is the finest way to create a captivating landscape and add curb appeal to your backyard. However, you need to be careful in your plant selection. Make sure you read all the instructions for sunlight, water, and nutrient requirements. If your backyard receives plenty of sunlight, avoid choosing plants that cannot survive over-exposure to sunlight.

6. Create a Sitting Area and Fire Pit

Give your backyard an aesthetic boost and create a sitting area and fire pits. Place a couple of chairs and a table and slip a rug under it to create an attractive sitting area. Or, if you have a lot of space to fill, you could even explore getting one of these Large Summer Houses built in your backyard to add a real luxury touch, as well as provide a focal point that is sure to be the envy of those who see it. Play with bright colors that go along well with the flowers and plants in your backyard and pathways.

7. Spruce Up Your Backyard with Perennials

Perennials are plants that bloom all year round. Investing in some lovely perennials and planting them in the proper area, together with rocks and other landscaping features, can result in an alluring appearance. The best thing about perennials is that they do not require frequent upkeep. All you need to do is a little tweak and trim during spring and summer and water them only when the surrounding soil is dry. These easy maintenance tips will keep them healthy and blooming throughout the year.

8. Install Pathway and Landscape Lights

Spruce up your pathways and landscapes with walkway LED lights. They brighten up the path and give an illusion of space. Moreover, landscape lights highlight the natural features of your backyard and bring out the colors of your seasonal plants even in the darkness of night. You can try solar or battery-powered lights instead of hard-wired lights. They are easier to maintain without electrical hazards.

9. Plant in a Pot to Control Growth

Some perennials and seasonal plants can grow exponentially and spoil the look of your landscape. The best way to control the growth of plants that spread quickly is to plant a pot instead of putting the plant directly into the backyard. Plant pots prevent roots from spreading inside and thus control their growth on the outside. To give a more natural look, bury the plant pots at ground level and surround them with natural rocks.

10. Concentrate on Size and Plant Repetitions

The scale or size of a landscape and the repetition of perennial plants and trees are the most difficult parts of landscape planning for homeowners and novice landscape designers. However, a well-thought-out scale and pace plan give your yard a stylish yet well-organized look. Repeating tall plants are best suited against the house’s structure, near patios, fire pits, or pathways. The variation in size, type, and plant color creates a perfect trail of plants that spruce up your outer living space. However, you must strike a balance between repetition and new plants and hardscaping elements. Repetition creates a sense of coherence, but it should not be monotonous. An occasional new element is preferable to create a variety instead of a year-round dull and repetitive look to your backyard landscape.

Final Thoughts

A stunning landscape design can boost your house’s overall appearance and increase its curb appeal. However, you don’t need to spend a lot to create a captivating landscape in your backyard. Use these expert techniques to enhance your landscape’s beauty and utility and boost your property’s value.

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