In school, the education of social–emotional competence is often overshadowed by academics and sports. However, studies have shown that social–emotional skills taught to students at a young age help them grow up to be more successful and satisfied adults.
The Positive Effect of Social and Emotional Functioning on a Student’s Academic Performance and Progress
Children who struggle with social–emotional functioning are more likely to lack resilience, have low self-esteem, and exhibit poor academic performance. When social–emotional skills are not taught, students can have long-lasting negative effects later in life, such as poor job history, lower life satisfaction, and an increased likelihood of suffering societal disapproval.
On the other hand, children with social–emotional competence demonstrate improved capacities for finding solutions, managing negative emotions, and maintaining healthy relationships. Developing the self-concept of children can enhance their social skills and emotional intelligence. Self-concept is a complex social construct that describes an individual’s self-perception about their surrounding environment. When students improve their self-concept, better understand how to navigate the world and thus perform better both academically and socially.
The Importance of Self-Concept to Improve Social and Emotional Functioning
Self-concept is integral for developing the tools necessary to improve social–emotional functioning. Teens with enhanced self-concept have shown the exhibition of better social practices. Social–Emotional Learning programs are known to show improvement in self-concept. Thus, SEL programs are crucial in the development of social–emotional competence. It is important to note that self-concept is highly influenced by a child’s particular environment. When creating SEL programs, one must be aware of your student’s lifestyles, personalities, and identities to set them up for success.
The Relationship Between SEL Programs and Academic Progress and Performance
Many studies have demonstrated the correlation between SEL programs and positive outcomes in academics, well-being, and social interactions. An enhanced academic self-concept was associated with improved academic performance. Developed intellectual self-concept, resilience, and competence in social skills showed a negative association with depression. Moreover, children with intellectual disabilities were associated with lower global, academic, and behavioral self-concepts.
The Importance of Social–Emotional Functioning Beyond Academic Performance
The lack or low levels of social–emotional competence influences a child’s world-preparedness and health. Non-cognitive skills are better predictors of job success in the future than cognitive skills measured by IQ and test scores. Moreover, a child is more likely to commit a crime in the future if they do not have social empathy or lack emotional control. Thus, SEL programs are crucial to help students make better life decisions, succeed in their careers, and lead more satisfying lives.
Your Source for SEL Programs and Screening Tools
Developing a child’s self-concept through SEL programs can pave the way for their success later in life. The positive impact of these programs can extend to the world’s social climate.WPS aims to create the programs and screening tools necessary for improving children’s social skills and emotional intelligence. Learn more at WPS about how to help young students with our assessment tools.
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