Best Stroke Rehabilitation Centers

The stroke rehabilitation programs at the specialized healthcare facilities cover every aspect of the post-stroke condition. Program for stroke rehabilitation usually includes regular examinations to monitor recovering from stroke, therapeutic measures, and preventive procedures. The patient is supervised by a physician in the hospital, allowing the regimen to be adjusted to his progress and health state.

What is a person dealing with after a stroke?

Every lesion of the brain is associated with severe consequences. Untimely medical care and the severity of stroke result in the death of one in three patients. For those who survive, the severity of the complications and the likelihood of recovery depend on several factors:

● The extent and localization of the brain lesion

● Timeliness of the first aid

● The quality of immediate rehabilitation

● Individual physiological features of the patient: age, concomitant diseases, etc.

When the threat to life is behind, the patient’s health condition is further assessed and a rehabilitation regimen is tailored. Several months in, the patient’s health state is restored, functions normalize, and evaluating them a doctor corrects the rehabilitation program.

Rehabilitation programs usually include:

● Physical therapy

● Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

● Ergotherapy

● Massage

● Kinesiotherapy

● Classes with a speech therapist and neuropsychologist

● Symptomatic therapy

Psychological rehabilitation and why it matters

Psychological rehabilitation after stroke is often considered of secondary importance. Specialists know that this isn’t true; and that is why psychological support of patients is another priority in the leading rehabilitation hospitals.

The incidence of depression during the first year after a stroke is over 35%, peaking at 44.7% in the early recovery period. Post-stroke depression occupies a special place in the clinical picture of stroke. It is a universal response to various aspects of the disease development, including organic brain damage and the social consequences of stroke.

Psychological rehabilitation improves readiness for treatment, compliance, attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, self-acceptance and self-help, understanding a new social role, and rebuilding or reevaluating foundational beliefs. These are all without which the potential for recovery decreases significantly.

Autogenic training or relaxation techniques, as a method of psychotherapy, is indicated for psychological rehabilitation in order to build greater confidence in the patient’s strength and abilities. Of particular importance is the calming effect of autogenic training. It’s necessary to instill optimism and cultivate a belief in one’s own strength, as well as in the therapeutic possibilities of the technique used.

Specialized hospitals for stroke rehabilitation

The best rehabilitation hospitals for stroke provide services for comfortable living and complete recovery such as regular medical examinations, a full range of rehabilitation procedures, as well as medical and psychological care. You can find reliable information about the best rehabilitation hospitals for stroke at the Booking Health website. Booking Health is the medical tourism provider with international certification. The company offers comprehensive assistance in the organization of rehabilitation after stroke in the leading centers.

If you want to start a rehabilitation program immediately or have any additional questions, feel free to leave a request for a medical advisor to help you.

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