How Your Real Estate Value Is Impacted By the Quality of Your Roof

The roof is an important feature of a house, but most people overlook the effect it has on the value of a home. According to research by Remodeling Magazine, a well-maintained roof increases the value of a house by an average of 14.23. In simple terms, if you install a new roof, your house value will increase by an average of 76.5%. Therefore, installing a new roof is a better return on investment compared to other house investment projects such as remodeling your kitchen, bathroom, and so on. How does the quality of your roof impact the value of your house? Click here to learn more.

Makes Your House Look Appealing

If you repair or install a new roof, it will boost the appearance of your home. House appearance says a lot about the house before anyone gets in. If your house has a dirty, roofs or unattractive landscaping, this shows the buyers that the house is not well maintained. When your home looks unappealing from the outside, the potential buyers may not even alight get out of their car to look at it.

This simply shows the buyer that you have not been taking care of the house. Therefore, they avoid purchasing it as they see the issues as expensive projects they have to start once they enter the house. That is why it is nice to look for reliable roof repair services to ensure it is always in good condition. They have enough experience in roof installation and repair to get the best services. Furthermore, they use quality materials when installing the roof and follow all the company’s instructions.

Increase Sales

When you repair or install a new roof, your house will be attractive to potential buyers, and so you will sell it faster. A quality roof with different colors from the homes surrounding you will make your house stand out. On the other hand, a house with a broken roof will take forever to sell. Since no one wants to invest in a home, one has to spend thousands repairing it.

Improved Roof Technology

These days cost efficiency continues to become popular, and roofing materials are not left behind. Nowadays, there are many asphalt shingles in the market that help reflect solar energy. As a result, it enhances the overall energy efficiency of your home. A house with modern roofing will fetch good money and attract more buyers.

Do You Have To Repair The Roof Before Selling The House?

If you notice that the house you are selling has roof issues, it is advisable to replace it before listing it. Installing a new roof is expensive, so talk to professionals to ensure the house requires it. Here are signs to look for to know whether you need to repair the roof.

  •                     Cracked shingles
  •                     Buckling shingles
  •                     Sagging roof
  •                     Leaks
  •                     Lost granules (most found in gutters)
  •                     Ice dams during winter
  •                     Hail or wind damage

 Consider These Three Things Before You Install a New Roof

The Current Condition of Your Roof

Generally, repairing your roof should be regular home maintenance. As you have seen, the roof adds aesthetic appeal to your home. It is one of the things potential buyers will notice when they visit you. Therefore, they expect your roof to be in good condition. If you have a new roof on your house, customers will be more interested.

You can talk to appraisers to help you know the condition of your roof. Also, they will help you understand how much the roof damage affects the entire value of your house.

House Market Value in Your Area

Ensure you talk to the appraisers to know whether installing a new roof will increase the value of your house within your area. It is also important to know the percentage increase. This way, it will be easy to determine whether a new roof is worth it or not.

Roofing Material Used

There is no specific material you should use to repair your roof. However, if you replace a part of the roof, ensure that it matches the existing roof material. However, if you are replacing the entire roof, you have more options to choose from, such as asphalt shingles, composite shingles, metal roofing, wood shingles, tile, or cement and slate.

As you have seen, having high-quality roofing increases the value of a house. So, if you want to get good money for a home, ensure you repair or install a new roof. Therefore, talk to roof professionals to repair the roof.

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