4 Ways to Update Your Home without Major Renovation

Would you rather break the bank on a home renovation or spend little on an home update? While renovating your home may seem like the ideal way to spruce it up and raise its value, taking this approach may result in lots of huge expenses, which could end up making you take unnecessary loans. If you cannot afford a home renovation—which costs around $15,000 to $200,000, on average—here are four cool home-updating ideas to consider.

1. Painting

Don’t have $200,000 to carry out a thorough home renovation? No problem. With the right approach, you can improve the appearance and atmosphere of your home without spending too much. And how do you do that? First off, you need to paint.

Paint is a decorative element that adds magical touch to your home. It comes with features and varieties that can elevate the appearance, feel, and atmosphere of your home. While purchasing quality paint may seem like a costly move, the result will make your home look brand new. Moreover, it is far cheaper than conducting a full home renovation.

For your home interior, there are an array of available options. You can consider pastel colors for a distinct and sharp look, purple and gunmetal gray for a more dignified and sophisticated look, or orange with white to create the perfect ambiance.

2. Update Window Furnishing

Windows are an important design element in the home, yet they seem to be ignored most times. Homeowners often struggle to find the appropriate window style for their room, thus leading them to give up and leave the windows bare or just install bland windows for the sake of privacy.

By leaving your windows bare or Installing bland blinds that give your home an ancient vibe, you are missing out on an astounding layer of decoration. Of course, like paint, you have a variety of options.

If you want something bold and graphic, geometric curtain panels or beachy with gauzy white sheers are the perfect picks. Alternatively, you can consider bamboo shades for a minimalist appearance. Your options are endless!

3. Replace décor and furnishing

Some decors are too old to have any decorative effects on your home, while others are irrelevant or out of place. Audit your home carefully to understand what needs to be added and discarded to achieve that aesthetic appearance.

Is your home crammed with irrelevant décor? Remove the clutter to boost productivity and creativity. Also, consider adorning your walls with large-scale arts, mirrors, murals, or beaded wall arts, depending on your taste and wall feature.

If your furniture (throws, barstools, beds, couches, etc.) is old or faulty, you will have to change them to freshen up your interior space and enhance its appearance. Ensure you purchase quality furniture from a reliable furniture store like rustic home decor, which deals in quality furniture for various parts of the home. They also have an array of aesthetic decor items which ranges from lightning, wall decor, pottery, rugs etc.

4. Adopt a Different Layout

Adopting a different layout is another easy and effective way to update your home without breaking the bank. Inspect your living areas carefully. Take note of the current layouts and make moves to change them into something that refreshes your indoor space.

If you aren’t sure of the layout to adopt, there are several books and tutorials online which can offer inspiration. Alternatively, if you have the money, you can call in a professional property stylist to advise you on the perfect layout. This professional will also recommend the appropriate furniture for the planned layout.


A home renovation is good. However, if you cannot afford it, you may want to consider updating your home. Like a home renovation, updating your home can make it more attractive, and of course, valuable. Ensure you make the right updates for the best results.

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