12 Ways To Make Your Home More Green & Healthy

Designing a gorgeous home can take a little time, decorating and DIY can sometimes feel like a slow process. With a little bit of patience, you’ll soon create the home of your dreams. If you’re looking for some ideas to create a greener and healthier home, these 12 will get you off to a great start.

1 . Purchase eco-friendly fabrics

If you’re keen to create a more eco-friendly home ensure that you purchase earth-kind fabrics. Whether you’re shopping for duvets, clothes, table runners, or cushion covers, be mindful of the fabrics that you buy. Some of the best earth-kind fabrics that you can buy include jute, seagrass, hemp, bamboo, and soy cashmere.

If you need some help looking for eco-friendly brands it can be good to check out the Good On You app. With the help of the app, you can search for companies that are green and ethical. Every green brand that you support makes a real difference.

  1. Use reclaimed wood furniture

If you want to make your home more green consider purchasing reclaimed wood furniture for your home. Alternatively, you might like to purchase second-hand or vintage items. Purchasing second-hand items for your home has so many different benefits including:

  • You can save plenty of money when you shop second-hand.
  • In vintage stores, you can pick up plenty of beautiful one-off items.
  • An amazing way to go green and look after the planet.
  • Supporting second-hand stores is a great way to support sustainable shopping initiatives.
  1. Have an energy assessment

Are you keen to make your home more energy efficient? One of the best ways to do this is to have an energy audit of your property. An energy audit officer can conduct an analysis and provide you with an energy report. Using the info from this report you can make changes to your property, to improve energy efficiency.

There are lots of ways that you might make green changes at home whether it’s switching your energy providers, or investing in solar panels. Building a sustainable lifestyle can take a little time but it’s certainly worth it in the end.

  1. Purchase an air purifier

Our indoor air contains many different pollutants and toxins. If you want to create a healthier home, it’s a great idea to purchase an air purifier. These devices will remove chemicals and allergens from the indoor air, making it safer to breathe in. There are a few different types of air purifiers, so you might want to compare a few different types before you make a decision. If you’re looking for other ideas to improve the air quality here are a few:

  • Buy house plants for your home.
  • Keep your property well ventilated.
  • If you have problems with mold or mildew, a dehumidifier can help.
  1. Upgrade your windows

When was the last time you upgraded your windows? If it’s been a long time you might benefit from some replacement windows. A new set of windows can improve the energy efficiency in your home, for example, double or triple glazed windows. If you’re looking to save money check any gaps around your windows and seal these up with caulk. Improving the quality of your windows has lots of advantages such as:

  • You’ll go green and reduce your energy bills.
  • Better quality windows can improve the security of your home.
  • Boost your curb appeal and make your property look more attractive.
  1. Make your own items

Going green is all about reducing waste, using less, and shopping mindfully. If you really want to create a more sustainable home why not consider making a few of your own items? There are plenty of items you can make to improve your home, think decor items like artwork, ornaments, table cloths, or cushion covers. You could purchase a craft kit online, watch a YouTube video or even attend a workshop. Getting creative is one of the best ways that you can improve your home!

  1. Grow foods in the garden

Want a fun way to make your home more green and healthy? Why not grow your own foods in the garden? Creating a vegetable patch is pretty easy and before you know it you’ll have lots of tasty foods to eat. To get into the swing of things focus on vegetables that are easy to grow to include salad leaves, beetroot, tomatoes, peas, and courgettes. When you grow vegetables you’ll need to learn about rotating and spacing crops, organic fertilizer, and lots more. There are plenty of different books that you can use to learn the ropes. There are so many different ways to improve your home.

  1. Collect rainwater

Collecting rainwater is a great way to go green and conserve water. You can use rainwater for many different things around the house including washing the dishes, watering the garden, cleaning the floor, and more. Collecting rainwater isn’t the only way to save water, there are many other ways that you can do this around the home including:

  • Purchase a low-flow toilet with a dual flushing system.
  • Swap your regular showerheads for aerating showerheads.
  • Add a water-saving device to your taps.
  • Use the Dropcountr app to keep track of how much water you’ll use.
  • Attempt to reduce the amount of water you use in general.
  1. Recycle food waste

The best way to make your home healthier is to recycle everything, including your food waste. You can use your food waste to make a compost pile and fertilize your garden. Creating a healthy compost pile is all about using equal brown and green materials.

Once you’ve got the right balance you’ll need to aerate your compost and keep it dry from the rain. Storing it in an outside compost bin is your best bet.

Recycling your household items is a great way to dispose of them, but there are also a few other options. You might donate items to charity stores, or sell them online. Accumulating waste is bad for the planet, but there are plenty of ways to give your old items a new home.

  1. Decorate for well being

When you’re decorating your home you should keep your mental health in mind. Try to create a space that lifts your mood and boosts your wellbeing. Focus on your favorite colors or the colors that make you feel calm. Fill your home with artwork, calming scents, and comfy furniture. Focus on anything that helps you to feel relaxed and at peace. To create a tranquil mood houseplants are the way to go. If you work from home try to design a separate workspace.

  1. Keep pests out

When pests invade the home they can be difficult to get rid of, unless you take action you could be living in an unhealthy space. Luckily there are lots of preventative measures that you can use to keep pests out. First off, ensure that all your food containers are tightly sealed and that you do not leave any food out overnight. If you live in an older property make sure that you seal any gaps so that pests cannot make their way inside.

Using these tips you’ll soon make your home a greener and healthier space. As you can see there are plenty of changes that you can make. A new year is a great time to make improvements to your home whether it’s DIY or interior design.

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