Not all modern things are reliable. For example, live casino Canada is only trustworthy if it’s licensed. The same thing is with foods that have become popular recently. Not everything is healthy that is rich in vitamins and grown on organic farms. In recent years, superfoods have made their way into our lives. Even the most avid lovers of bread and pasta have fallen under the onslaught of avocados. However, such foods have some cons. Let’s take a look at why that’s the case.
Avocados are a rich source of healthy fats and various acids, but like any barrel of honey, you can find a little scoop of tar in them. For example, due to their high caloric content, avocados can contribute to obesity. A healthy and not obesogenic serving of this fruit should not exceed 50 kcal, which is about one fifth of an avocado. Anything higher is risky for your body. So our advice is to watch your portions, especially when reaching for avocado-based sauces and other spreads again. That’s usually where the extra calories are hiding.
Over the past year, curly kale has become the new chia seed – it’s eaten by everyone who cares about their health, magazines praise its miraculous properties, and supermarkets buy these funny leaves in incredible quantities. But, we hasten to disappoint you, superfood lovers, not everything that’s green and rich in vitamins is healthy. It turns out that kale can do irreparable damage to your thyroid gland.
The reason is the substance thiocyanate, which tends to accumulate in the body and slow down the rate of iodine metabolism. As a consequence, the risk of thyroid disease increases.
Another side effect of kale is a decrease in metabolism, which leads to an increase in body weight. Especially, you should be careful with smoothies and juices based on this cabbage, as the concentration of all the useful substances in them becomes prohibitively high.
It’s impossible not to love quinoa: it’s an excellent source of protein, an important supplier of amino acids, plus it’s gluten-free, which is not recommended for weight loss. Quinoa is the perfect food for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. Moreover, we don’t need to tell you about its superior taste.
So what made scientists so angry about this miracle product? They have carefully studied it and concluded that it contains saponins, which in large quantities are extremely poisonous to our bodies. Of course, you won’t find such concentrations of this substance in quinoa that a meal of grits will land you in a hospital room. Meanwhile, they are quite capable of causing discomfort and irritation in the stomach, even in small quantities. What to do about it? Control portions, watch what and when you eat.
Goji Berries
Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, polysaccharides and many other beneficial substances, goji berries improve skin and eyesight, are good for preventing colds, improve digestion, slow the aging process, nourish brain cells, improve performance and so on.
But they have a significant disadvantage, even several. Firstly, they are not suitable for everyone, for example, they are not suitable for pregnant and nursing women. Secondly, the berries can provoke bloating and diarrhea. Thirdly, goji berries are extremely caloric, so due to their high sugar content it is better to limit their consumption by thin people.
Chia Seeds
Another true superfood that boasts record levels of calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, fatty acids and antioxidants. It makes wonderful puddings and desserts. Chia seeds help increase physical endurance and improve overall health. Well, and, of course, they will especially appeal to slimmers, as they can significantly speed up the metabolism.
The only thing you may not like them for is that they are a strong allergen and are contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases. If you exceed the recommended dosage, they can severely damage your stomach, as well as provoke various symptoms of intoxication.
The benefits of fish are obvious and undeniable. Even vegetarians agree with this: there is a special dietary system – pescetarianism, which excludes all food of animal origin, except fish and seafood. It is believed that fish is extremely rich in various polyunsaturated fatty acids and other vitamins, which cannot be obtained in such an amount from other foods.
Well, it is true, though with a small caveat. Many types of fish, such as that salmon, contain mercury in the meat, which in large concentrations is dangerous to our bodies. Of course, most of the fish we eat has low concentrations of this metal, but it is better not to take the risk of eating it more than two or three times a week.
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