Adults are naturally better able to handle the pain caused by toothache than children. Kids may perceive the sensation as severe throbbing discomfort with no end in sight. When children suffer from a toothache, their parents are usually under a lot of stress as well. Some kids may stay up all night, irritable and sleepless. Others will also complain nonstop about it.
A toothache happens when plaque or dental caries stay in the mouth, thereby penetrating the tooth’s nerve chamber that contains the sensitive blood vessels and nerves. Typically, a toothache can develop due to the overconsumption of sugary drinks and beverages by children and adults alike.
In addition to going to the dentist, it pays to learn some ideas on what you can do at home to ease toothache, especially for kids. By doing so, you can provide relief to your child’s discomfort. When the pain still subsists, it’s best to see your family dentist just to be certain you get to the root of the problem and it doesn’t progress.
With that in mind, this article will present you with a thorough discussion on some of the most common and effective home remedies for toothache that are also safe for your child. It also includes other pertinent information you’ll need to know about toothaches.
The Causes Of Toothache
A toothache can be the result of a wide variety of factors. Generally, it can be due to the following causes:
- Food stuck between the teeth, particularly if these don’t get removed;
- Emerging teeth for infants;
- Tooth decay and erosion;
- Cracked enamel and chipped teeth;
- Infection at the tooth’s root or gums.
It’s important to understand the underlying causes of a toothache. This is why, beyond the use of effective home remedies, getting hold of dentists from Family Dental Health Center or any other trusted dental clinic in your local area is still the best course of action to take to address a toothache. By consulting a professional, you can tackle the root of the problem and you’ll be certain there isn’t anything more serious going on with your dental health.
Most importantly, there are instances when a visit to your dentist is absolutely necessary and non-negotiable. These include the following:
- Your toothache lasts for more than two days;
- You experience trouble swallowing and breathing;
- The pain is too severe for you to handle;
- The pain is accompanied by a fever and headache.
The Best Home Remedies For Toothache
The home remedies below are some of the best you can try out if you or anyone at home is suffering from a toothache. These are also kid-friendly, so you can have peace of mind when you use these remedies with your children.
- Saltwater Rinse
Mixing lukewarm water with salt may help ease the pain caused by a toothache. Because this is a completely safe remedy, you can use it as frequently as you wish, such as every time you or your child can feel the throbbing pain.
To create your saltwater rinse, simply add half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of water. Once your rinse is ready, gargle it for at least 10 to 12 seconds. You can even create and use a saltwater rinse regularly, even for purposes other than relieving your teeth from the pain caused by toothache. Here are the benefits of using a saltwater rinse:
- It maintains the pH level in your mouth by neutralizing the acids produced by bacteria in the throat;
- It may reduce the onset of respiratory tract infections;
- It may eliminate bad breath by flushing away oral bacteria;
- It may treat mouth ulcers.
- Garlic Paste Rub
Using a garlic paste rub is another effective way to provide relief from toothache. While you certainly wouldn’t want to smell like garlic, the positive effects of rubbing garlic paste on your mouth can’t be denied. Garlic is long known for its ability to kill harmful bacteria that cause dental plaque. Moreover, garlic is also a well-known natural pain reliever. So, it’s no surprise that it can be used as a home remedy for toothaches.
The recipe is simple. All you need to do is crush up a garlic clove or two until it forms a paste, and then rub it on the affected area using a clean cotton swab.
- Over-The-Counter (OTC) Pain Medication
If you have young children at home, you may already have a ready stock of over-the-counter medication at home. An OTC pain medication, therefore, earns a spot on this list of home remedies since most households will at least have basic pain medication in their first aid kit.
So, on the first onset of a toothache, you can also let your child drink pain medication. Just be sure of the dosage based on their age.
- Guava Leaves
Guava leaves are great for toothaches and periodontal diseases. In fact, its benefits to dental health extend beyond just keeping your teeth strong. It can also act as a strong antiplaque, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agent for the teeth. In the long run, it can become a key ingredient in maintaining strong and healthy gums.
If you’re thinking of trying out guava leaves to help provide relief from a toothache, herbalists recommend using tender leaves. Here are some ways you can incorporate guava leaves into your home remedy:
- Prepare your own natural mouth rinse by boiling four to six guava leaves in a cup of water for five minutes. Let it cool down before using it as a mouthwash.
- Chew a few well-washed, tender guava leaves.
- Cold Compress
When you get injured or experience pain in any other part of your body, applying a cold compress is one of the first home remedy options people consider. The same applies to toothaches. This is safe for children as well, and they can prepare the cold compress themselves.
If you don’t have an ice pack at home, all you need to do is to wrap small ice cubes with a clean towel and press it on the affected area. You can also do this as frequently as needed.
- Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is one of the most tolerable and tasty pain relief home remedies for children. This can be used for numbing the affected area and relaxing sensitive gums. There are generally two ways to use peppermint tea:
- Put freshly-used peppermint tea bags for a few minutes in the freezer before placing them between your child’s gums and cheek;
- Create a mixture of peppermint oil and clove oil. Apply this mixture on a cotton swab so you can easily rub it on the affected area.
For the purpose of providing relief from a toothache, you don’t necessarily have to drink peppermint tea. But if you do, it has many potential health benefits. In addition to pain relief, drinking peppermint tea may provide the following benefits:
- It may ease an upset digestive system, such as when you experience pain from contracting muscles and relieving spasms in your gut;
- It may freshen your breath;
- It may reduce daytime fatigue and improve your energy levels;
- It may help fight bacterial infections.
- Thyme Mouthwash
Thyme is another herb that you may have planted at home that has promising potential in helping relieve your children, and even yourself, from the pain due to toothache. For the purpose of pain relief from a toothache, all you have to do is boil a few sprigs of thyme and use this as your mouthwash. For the best results, you can use this homemade thyme mouthwash several times daily.
Apart from providing relief from pain, using thyme as a mouthwash may also help treat the problem at its core. Thyme is one of the herbs with very good antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Moreover, apart from using it as a mouthwash, you can boil thyme and drink it in tea form. Thyme has other promising health benefits for the body when taken orally, including the following:
- It may lower blood pressure,
- It may boost your immune system,
- It may be a good mood-booster.
- Aloe Vera
The aloe vera plant is best known for its potential benefits on the skin. However, it also has promising potential as a home remedy for toothache and any other pain, in general. Aloe vera has strong antibacterial properties that can help eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth that may lead to tooth decay. For the purpose of pain relief, all you need to do is to rub aloe vera gel on the affected area and massage it gently.
When you cut an aloe vera plant, a gel-like substance comes out. This gel contains chemical compounds that are known to be effective in helping ease pain. Additionally, it contains antiseptic agents that can inhibit the growth of fungi, viruses, and bacteria. It’s for this reason that aloe vera may also be a successful treatment for the following tooth and oral health diseases:
- Gingivitis, a type of gum disease where plaque accumulates on the teeth;
- Periodontitis disease, a serious form of gum disease coming from untreated gingivitis, which destroys supporting bone health;
- Other mouth irritations like canker sores and cold sores.
If you don’t experience any improvement in your oral health even after applying your aloe vera remedy, go and visit your trusted dentist immediately. Being mindful of your well-being involves knowing when to ask for help.
Tips To Prevent Toothache
Prevention is always better than cure. So, even if you’re aware of the home remedies for toothache pain mentioned above, it’s worth knowing what you can do to prevent toothache. Here are some of these tips for kids and adults alike:
- Brush your teeth twice a day or after every meal. This is very important to prevent plaque and other bacteria from settling on your teeth, which can then lead to the formation of dental cavities and tooth decay. When these arise, that’s also when you’ll experience pain and discomfort.
- Floss your teeth daily, as there might be small food particles stuck between the teeth, which may not be removed with just brushing.
- Visit a dentist at least twice a year for regular cleaning and checkup, so your dentist can give your mouth and teeth a thorough inspection and detect the first signs of any potential cavities.
- Prevent cavities with a healthy diet, which means minimizing the intake of sugary food. These aren’t just bad for your health but also your teeth.
- Drink lots of water, as water helps rinse the mouth from sugar, debris, and other food particles.
- Ask your dentist for a regular fluoride treatment, as fluoride can strengthen your teeth’s enamel, thereby lessening the chances of developing cavities.
- Clean your tongue. This is one of the most neglected parts of the mouth when brushing the teeth, but it’s very important in preventing toothaches. Cleaning your tongue can remove any harmful bacteria that may also settle and breed on your mouth.
- Replace your toothbrush frequently. If you’re using a disposable toothbrush, this has to be replaced every three months. With usage, your toothbrush’s ability to clean your teeth decreases. Using a new toothbrush ensures the bristles are in top condition to clean your teeth and remove the buildup of debris and plaque after meals.
Final Word
With the home remedies above, you should now feel more equipped to address your child’s toothache by providing relief. However, always keep in mind that home remedies aren’t an alternative to regular dental visits and checkups. There’s no substitute for a dental visit, especially when your symptoms persist after applying all these home remedies. As in all things, it’s best to identify and solve the underlying cause of a problem to promote long-term health and healing.
Also, ensure that your child isn’t allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned above. Otherwise, your child may suffer an allergic reaction in addition to the pain caused by the toothache. Whatever remedy you apply, always stay on the safe side.
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