Preparing for your later years can be an equally rewarding yet daunting task. It’s difficult to know how to approach this planning in order to ensure that life remains as easy and simple as possible. Obviously, you can’t always control what the future has laid out for you, however, you can anticipate the potential needs and desires you may have.
Ensuring that the financial situation is taken care of is one of the biggest worries many aging individuals face. Considering a retirement home , as well as preparing a will are also somewhat confronting and, sometimes, emotional factors to think about. However, the sooner you prepare and remain open to such events, perhaps even consulting with professional retirement planning services to get you on the right path, the easier the process becomes later in life.
Creating an easy life for yourself doesn’t always have to be a technical and confusing task. Actively focusing on your mental and physical wellbeing, for example, can be rewarding and fun.
Consider Home Nursing And Aged Care
There’s no harm in researching different care options for your later years. Especially if you suffer from an ongoing illness and/or injury. There’s a wide range of home nursing and palliative care services out there, such as, if you end up requiring some extra help.
You can’t always determine how healthy and independent your physical and mental conditions will be as you grow older. You may reach the age of 70 and still be fit enough to run a marathon. You may also reach the age of 70 and face certain physical and psychological challenges. Remaining open to the possibilities is key in order to create further ease if any major life transitions occur. For example, moving from independent living to one of many aged care homes available, can be a dramatic lifestyle change.
Practical home care can consist of the following elements:
- Medication assistance – some individuals require help in knowing what medications to take and at what times
- Eating and drinking assistance – some individuals may require help with food and drink preparation, serving sizes, alternatives, and aftercare
- Hygiene and sanitation assistance – some individuals will need help with basic cleanliness
- Equipment assistance – some individuals may require extra, specialized equipment, whether in their kitchens or bathrooms, such as handrails, shower seats, and bed-pans
You never know how your living arrangements and medical requirements may alter. Looking into aged care facilities early is a good way to lessen the stress if forced to decide later. It can also relieve family members of any additional pressure if you already have a vague idea of where you may want to go. Jumping head-first into a situation without any prior preparation or thought can prove difficult, which is why doing even a little bit of research early can help. You may even enjoy wandering upon the different services, activities, social life, and home styles offered in certain facilities.
Financial/Retirement Planning
Getting your finances in check and ready for retirement can be a confusing task. However, it can be made easy if you follow a few financial recommendations. Planning is essential for once you understand your assets properly, you’ll be able to better gauge your next steps. Rather than reaching your later life only to discover you’re not financially stable and didn’t save or invest wisely enough in your earlier years, it’s smart to take a few precautionary steps.
The following tips may help you approach financial planning more efficiently:
- Reduce personal debt, such as mortgages and credit cards
- Open a back-up line of credit with your bank (be disciplined with its use, so that it doesn’t become a debt)
- Ensure your superannuation is progressing well
- Consolidate your super funds (better to do so earlier)
- Consult a financial adviser (usually, superannuation companies will offer free financial guidance upfront, so it’s always worth asking about)
- Consider healthcare costs
- Set a rough date/goal for retirement
Another key factor to consider is contemplating what you’d like to do after retirement. Many individuals willingly or forcibly retire and often face a type of ‘later-life crisis.’. Having an idea of what hobbies and projects you’d like to focus on will serve you well, rather than being stuck on what to do.
Write A Will
Writing a will can be an extremely emotional and confronting undertaking. However, there are various important reasons that may convince you to do so. The earlier you write a will and the more current it is, the easier it will be for you and your loved ones if something unexpected were to happen.
If you’re 18 or older, you’re legally eligible to write a will. It may be confusing to know at what age you should consider writing one. However, of recent times, it has become more popular to do so as a young adult. The reasons for this vary from acquiring inheritance, owning pets and/or significant assets, or working in a high-risk career.
Benefits of writing a will include, but are not limited to:
- If you’re a parent, you can appoint who is to take care of your child.
- You can decide where and to whom your belongings, assets, and estates go.
- You can specify if any money is to be donated to charities, religious institutions, and/or humanitarian organizations.
Risks of not writing a will include, but are not limited to:
- De-facto partners may not receive estate entitlement.
- Assests will be distributed according to state law and may fall to people you disapprove of.
- Your stepchildren and grandchildren may not receive what you’d like them to.
- You’ll be unable to appoint a guardian for you children.
- You’ll be unable to donate money.
Practice Clean Eating
Clean eating doesn’t necessarily mean never treating yourself and enjoying a chunky piece of cheesecake or an oily burger. It simply recommends the limitation of processed foods. The more sugar, fat, and unnatural ingredients you consume, the more likely you are to develop health problems later in life. This is why good nutrition is key in order to minimize any health scares.
Some of these issues may include:
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Weakened immune system
- High blood pressure
- Poor teeth and gum health
- Obesity
- Eating disorders
The better the quality of foods you consume, the better quality of life you’ll create. The following list contains the top recommendations for a healthy diet:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Legumes
- Beans
- Lean meat
- Nuts, grains and seeds
- Eggs
- Minimal-fat dairy products
Have A Skincare Routine
Skincare is an important part of aging gracefully. Not necessarily with regard to vanity, but more so in order to monitor and prevent any skin conditions and cancers that may develop later on. Using products that are kinder to your skin will help you avoid any irritations and allergies that can, sometimes, develop over time.
Ensuring you use high-quality sunscreen and book in regular skin cancer evaluations are also key. Adding vitamin A to your daily skincare routine has also been recommended. It supposedly helps reduce wrinkles, aging spots, and/or blemishes.
Exercise is one of the most important elements when trying to create an easy and healthy future for yourself. It not only keeps your weight down, boosts serotonin levels (improves mood), and enhances sleep, but also reduces your risk of developing serious diseases.
Getting frequent bouts of fresh air and vitamin D, depending on the type of exercise you do, is another bonus that can positively affect your overall wellbeing. Brain fog and other mental struggles can also be eased with regular health and fitness sessions. Regardless of your age, place of residence, or potential limitations, there’s a variety of sports and fitness opportunities for you.
Reduce Harmful Habits
Minimizing harmful habits, such as smoking, drug abuse, excessive drinking, and even sleep deprivation, can significantly benefit you as you grow older. There are many resources and services that may aid in this type of recovery/quitting. However, it’s best to consult with a doctor first in order to decipher the best approaches and strategies for you.
Protect Your Mental Health And Practice Mindfulness
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Reducing stress where possible, consulting healthcare professionals, and practicing personal mindfulness are all considerations to make now in order to ease anxiety in later life, or at least understand how to best deal with such symptoms and stress-inducing situations. Planning exciting events or trips for your later years is also a good idea as it gives you something to look forward to.
Some mindfulness and mental health suggestions include:
- Art
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Exercise
- Taking breaks or a holiday
- Consulting a professional
- Talking to loved ones
- Deep breathing exercises
- Writing down your thoughts and symptoms
- Eating and drinking anxiety-reducing ingredients
Final Thoughts
There are many things you can do now in order to create a somewhat easier life for yourself later on. Financial retirement planning may seem difficult, but the sooner you grasp what’s expected and required, you’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief when decisions need to be made in the future. Getting your will written, even at the early age of 18, can protect you and your family’s assets and desires in case the worst occurs. Looking into aged care facilities/palliative care, as well as doing your part now to ensure optimized physical and mental health are suggested paths to take towards an easier and healthier future.
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