Handy Tips for all DIY Lovers

It stands a chance that if you are a DIY lover, you will, at some point, find yourself doing some remodelling in your home. Whilst there are some jobs that you can undertake with ease – fixing shelves and installing laminate flooring – there are other projects that require a little more skill, preparation and understanding. However, lack of knowledge should never be a reason to turn away from a project. There is a wealth of information available to help you in your endeavours and to enable you to complete every project to a high standard. Here we offer you some handy tips for some of the bigger and more skill intensive projects that you are likely to want to tackle.

Installing a suspended ceiling

This one of the bigger jobs you are likely to undertake as a DIY lover, but it is also one of the most rewarding. Creating a new space can feel daunting, but knowing that your hardwork and expertise has created something long lasting will fill you with a sense of pride. Suspended ceiling consists of a framework fitted with tiles, and there is quite a lot to consider when embarking on this project. Here we provide you with a few top tips that will ensure your project is a success that you can be proud of.

Top Tips

1. Mark out the height of the new ceiling before you begin, and ensure that it is dead straight – this can be achieved by using an accurate spirit level or laser level.

2. When inserting main tees and suspension wires, make sure to measure accurately in order to ensure that the space created is a snug fit for your chosen ceiling tile.

3. Always fit cross tees. Given the length of time that it takes to fit a suspended ceiling, it is tempting to omit the cross tees from your design. However, this is not advised as it can compromise the strength of the ceiling. Invest your time wisely and always opt for the addition of cross tees.

4. Handle tiles with care. Some tiles used for suspended ceilings can be light and delicate. This has many benefits for construction and the finished product, but can lead to breakages and extra cost during the process. Store them away from the work area and handle with care during fitting.

Installing a partition wall

When it comes to changing the face of your home, there is nothing more effective than changing the size and shape of your rooms. Installing a partition wall can offer you flexibility, add value and reinvigorate your home.

Top Tips

1. When preparing the stud wall frame use brackets over joints to ensure extra sturdiness and support.

2. Seeing as every wall around your home is not perfectly straight, it is common to encounter gaps where the frame meets the wall. Using shims can help to make any gaps as small as possible and to ensure the integrity of the finished wall.

3. Use as few plasterboard sheets as possible as using too many boards can lead to a ‘patchwork’ effect on the finished wall.

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