5 Signs Your Loved One Has an Opioid Addiction

Although opioid medications are prescribed to provide pain relief and alleviate discomfort, many people can start to abuse the medication and develop an addiction. For example, someone can develop a cold and cough, and that one prescription they receive at the doctor may lead to Codeine Cough Syrup Abuse. There are a few important signs to look for to determine if your loved one may be suffering from an opioid addiction.

They Take Non-prescribed Opioids

You may notice your loved one has obtained non-prescribed opioids even though they haven’t visited a doctor recently. Opioids should only be used when they’re prescribed by a medical professional and for a limited period of time to avoid abuse. They may also start to borrow medications from other people or steal them in an attempt to continue their drug use. They can even “lose” their own medications as a way of getting more medication from their doctor, or they may have an accumulation of empty bottles in their room.

Mood Changes

Opioids can cause severe mood swings and can make some individuals go from highs to lows in minutes. One of the most common opioid addiction symptoms fluctuations with their moods even if their circumstances don’t change. You may notice they’re happy and elated but can quickly become hostile and aggressive. If their behavior is out of the norm, the drug use is likely causing a change in their personality. They may also lack a desire to spend time with other people and start to isolate themselves while avoiding social gatherings or situations.

Changes in Sleep Patterns

Many people who develop a dependency on prescription medication can have a change in their sleep patterns because of the drug’s effect on the brain. They may start to stay up later and sleep more during the day. They may seem to have a lot of fatigue at certain times of the day or get boosts of energy where they’re overly stimulated.

Poor Decision Making

Due to the effect opioids have on the mind, it can be difficult to think clearly when you begin to abuse the medication. Your loved one can start to make poor decisions when it comes to how they handle their money or how they spend their time. They may stop showing up for work or quit their job due to a lack of interest. Other people may develop reckless behavior where they don’t seem to consider the consequences of their actions.

Physical Side Effects

Physical side effects often accompany opioid addiction and are noticeable to other individuals in the addict’s life. They may suffer from nausea, constipation, or difficulty breathing throughout

the day. Other times, they can develop increased cravings for other types of substances like drugs or alcohol. You may even notice a significant change in their weight, whether they become malnourished or gain more than 10 pounds.

There are many signs that will reveal if your loved one is suffering from opioid addiction. Closely monitoring their behavior can allow you to offer your assistance and support to help them recover and obtain sobriety with the help of professionals.

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