Electrical Work – Why You Shouldn’t Take It On Yourself?

Writer: Alana King

Let’s be honest, how annoyed do you feel when the electricity in your house goes on the fritz? From detecting a short fuse in the fuse box to changing a light bulb that has blown, there are some things with electricity that we take to see being that of a quick fix. 

However, in our modern world, we can often take for granted what electricity can do and forget how it can also be a dangerous thing. 

Therefore, when it comes to managing the balance of this invisible source of power, here are some of the tasks that electricians do and why you should leave the majority of it to the professionals.

Live wires: 

When it comes to tasks that deal with electricity, this is one area that you shouldn’t take on yourself.

There are reasons why electricians are highly trained and also why they receive “danger allowances” for the role they perform. Live wires are, however, among those at the top of the list. 

There are risks involved when doing any means of electrical work. However, live wires are a direct risk to life, mainly depending on the voltage and charge.

It is why it is incredibly crucial that you seek out a trusted, reputable and licensed electrician upon the installation or repair of any electrical wiring. 

Incorrect installation:

While many of us may have changed a single light bulb in our lives, any major installation should be put in by those who know how to do it correctly. 

It is not just because of the wattage of the lights. Those such as downlights in a roof cavity need to be correctly spaced. 

If you or someone else put them in the wrong place, they could be too close to hazards, such as roof insulation.

The excess heat in the roof can cause the flammable material to burn, igniting a fire and causing irreparable damage or risk to life.

Electrical Outlets and Plumbing Don’t Mix:

As many of us know, electrical current and water are a dangerous and often deadly combination.

Water is a great conductor of electricity which is why, as partners, they are so hazardous. If one comes into contact with such, you are an extreme risk of electric shock or worse – electrocution. 

Therefore, even when doing a DIY renovation, you should seek out a qualified expert in each trade, as those placed too close together, especially in wet areas, can be harmful and potentially, unlawful. 

The cost to your wallet:

While I can understand a means of being frugal with home repairs, or even how D-I-Y can save you some money in the long term, electrics is one area where you should undoubtedly use those contingency savings. 

It can be part of why you set up a contingency plan from the beginning. While DIY your electrical work may sound like a money saver, there are risks, including “the risk to your pocket.”

Amateur cabling can often not be up to Australian standard and can cost you more money than the hire in the long term. Not to mention, your safety is something on which you shouldn’t put a price.  

It is best to remember, so don’t try and install the wiring or rewire your house so that you save a bit of money because you could lose it and potentially more than that. 


Therefore, while you may consider a blown lightbulb or a faulty fuse to be annoying or a bit of a nuisance, it is best to remember that electrical work isn’t one you should attempt unless qualified. 

Take the best advice and use a reputable and licensed electrician every time. May you stay safe dear readers.


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