American families use close to 300 gallons of water every day. A good 30% of that water gets used outdoors. This is quite a lot when factoring annual precipitation!
You’d think the water provided by Mother Nature is sufficient, right?
One way to make the most of the precipitation in your area is by capturing and reusing rainwater. This article explores the benefits of rainwater harvesting. And, offers a way to set up a system so you can do your part in conserving water.
The Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting The precipitation in the US amounts to about 30.21 inches on average. This would add up a ton if you had a way to capture and reuse it. That’s the idea behind rainwater harvesting — there are many benefits in doing so:
· It’s Purposeful — Rainwater is safe for most uses (that’s not drinking and cooking). From laundry to personal hygiene, rainwater is a perfect replacement for groundwater.
· Reduces Demand — Access to a supply of rainwater means less demand on the local, public systems. The reduced demand is ideal for sustainability!
· Cost-effective — Rainwater is free. You’re not paying that much to use it beyond the upfront cost of capturing it.
· Environmentally-friendly — Reusing rainwater for plants and everyday activities is green. You can contribute to reducing a carbon footprint by reusing what the Earth gives you!
· Simplicity — Collection systems are easy to maintain. There aren’t a ton of moving parts, almost anyone can manage one!
Imagine all that you could do by collecting rainwater. Now apply those great benefits to scale such as if you had a small farm! Let’s now shift focus and get set up with a rainwater collection system so you can explore these benefits.
How to Collect Rainwater
The process of collecting rainwater for harvesting isn’t too complex. The biggest hurdle in this process is setting up the equipment. Let’s go ahead and cover everything, though, to be sure you’re doing it right.
1. Start by Checking Local Regulations
There are no federal restrictions on rainwater harvesting in the USA. But you’ll want to check the state-level restrictions.
Local laws may dictate how much rainwater you can harvest. Rainwater harvesting is even required in some countries like Australia! In all, it’s best to know that you can versus getting set up and getting fined.
2. Source the Equipment
There are a few different types of rainwater tanks:
· Large, round
· Slimline
· Underground
· Underdeck
These tanks come in all material types, too, like:
· Plastic
· Sheet metal
· Concrete
· Fiberglass
· Stainless steel
The volume of these tanks also depend on the manufacturer and who you’re buying from. Check this page here for a good starting point when comparing suppliers.
You may also want to source:
· Flush diverter
· Water pump
· Filtration system
· Purification system
Think of the system as a large, siphoning operation with filtration built-in.
3. Get Setup
Water collects during rainfall or diverts from a structure (like a roof).
The water passes through the diverter to filter larger gunk. Then, water dumps into the storage. Water gets pumped through the system, filtered, purified, and then becomes accessible.
Kits allow you to DIY these systems. You may choose to have professionals set up a rainwater harvesting unit instead.
Rain, Rain Don’t Go Away
Consider how much water gets used every day. Then, consider the benefits of rainwater harvesting. This opportunity is a no-brainer for those wanting to improve our planet’s sustainability.
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