Working mothers tend to give their all in the workplace and at home. While you may be the master of juggling responsibilities, the truth is that all of the stress eventually adds up. Over time, trying to balance your work schedule with your family’s needs can leave you feeling drained. These tips are specifically designed to help you stay happy and healthy while maintaining your role as a working mom.
Create a Realistic Schedule
A routine helps you and your family know what to expect each day. For example, having a set time for your kids to go to bed and wake up eliminates those stressful family squabbles. You should also have a bedtime for work nights that helps you get enough sleep to have the energy for the next day. Once you have the start and end times set, add in the rest of your activities. If your schedule looks overfilled, then you may need to drop something such as a sports event that does not make your kid happy.
Practice Responsible Drinking
Nights out are your chance to be surrounded by other adults, and you may use this time to network or find a relationship if you are single. While happy hour is a great time to connect with other working parents, you also need to remember to avoid overindulging. The relationship between a hangover and anxiety is well-established, and drinking too much can lead to issues the next morning that slow down your productivity. Always limit your drinking to one or two beverages and consider having a glass of water in between.
Make Time for Exercise
Physical activity helps to alleviate stress through the release of hormones called endorphins. It doesn’t matter whether you work out in the morning, at night, or on your lunch break to benefit from exercise. In fact, you might even have time on your lunch break to take a brisk walk that helps to reset your mind to positive thoughts. Exercising also helps to prevent other health issues since it revs up your immune system. Being well helps you keep up with all of your responsibilities.
Get the Kids to Help With Chores
You may feel like you should do it all, but your kids can also help out around the house. Try assigning older kids chores such as to vacuum the floors or help put dishes away. Even the youngest children can help to wipe down tables and countertops and put their toys where they belong. Try establishing a regular time at night when everyone does a household task. Family clean up days on the weekend can also help you get a handle on messy bedrooms and cluttered closets.
Take Time Out for Yourself
Everyone deserves a break, and you need to find ways to take some time for yourself. However, this may mean sneaking in little self-care breaks throughout the day. Try storing a novel on your phone that you can read while you are sitting at your kid’s sports practices or waiting for an appointment. You can also enjoy a bubble bath in the evenings or just listen to a favorite song during your commute. These little moments of happiness help you to stay on top of your daily stress.
Your life as a working mom requires you to always be ready to handle anything that comes up during the day. Taking a greater focus on developing healthy practices in your life helps you stay calm and stress-free. Remember that your kids are always watching, and finding ways to balance both work and family helps them learn the importance of staying healthy.
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