Sunday Funday is for Preparing for the Week Ahead

In the days of old, Sundays were the day of rest and spending time with family for many people. It was a day to relax and take part in big family meals, hobbies and resting, before starting back up the hard work on Monday morning. With industrialization and the modern day work schedules being more lax, and ironically, more demanding simultaneously, it’s easy to get caught in the pattern of needing to keep busy and not scheduling down time on the weekends for relaxation and connecting with family and friends. For many families, Sundays are the only days without full calendars of obligations like games and practices, date nights and social obligations, thus making Sunday the only day to get some rest and prepare for the week ahead. If you’re like most working professionals, you’ll need a comfortable and stylish outfit to get you through the day without a fuss, as well as throughout the work week in comfort and style. Let’s look at some current popular outfit components for such a career:

  1. Comfortable pants. These are a must for anyone. If you’re uncomfortable while you’re working, which is where we spend a majority of our time, it’s going to make your days at work far less enjoyable than it has to be. Going through your workday shouldn’t be met with restriction and discomfort when your legs need to move swiftly through tasks and helping others. Having comfortable pants, with just enough pockets to hold your daily tools, depending on your work environment requires, is a must have for your time at work, whether in a hospital, doctor’s office or other healthcare environment.
  2. A comfortable and stylish top. This is the piece that most people will see first when you greet them, so you’ll want to have something on that is not only comfortable, but clean and stylish and if your workplace allows it, shows a little of your own personality. Wearing those same old ill-fitting, torn and faded scrubs doesn’t communicate your professional status, so take the time to upgrade that part of your work wardrobe to something new that makes you feel good, confident, organized, competent and happy everyday. The last thing you’ll want to stress over when running room to room, project to project, is what you’re wearing and how it’s fitting. Prepping for your Sunday errand day can easily include a quick assessment of needs for the upcoming week and put on a nice comfy outfit and greet the day with gusto and self-confidence.
  3. Great shoes. I mean a really well made pair of sneakers or slip ons to carry you through your workday, that are safe and comfortable for your long shifts, moving from patient to patient. Working as a healthcare professional, having slip resistant shoes is a must in most working environments, as the rush of patients and activity can sometimes be a bit messy. It’s always to be better safe than sorry, especially when your focus is on caring for others. Our shoes are what connect us to the rest of the world, so having well fitting, slip resistant and safe shoes to wear everyday is an absolute must have for your working wardrobe.

While Sunday nights may be the new Monday mornings for some, they don’t have to be dreaded by any means, and making your Sundays time to prepare for the week ahead by having reliable outfits and shoes you know are comfortable, safe and reliable, makes for an enjoyable and pleasurable use of your precious time, not a burden or something to loathe. How can you make your Sundays preparing for your week ahead more enjoyable? 

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