You work really hard for your money. Today the internet offers an array of options to help you make money at home. You can be a blogger, do freelance work, take surveys; you can even make money through online gaming like slots available on some of the new casino sites that are appearing all around the world these days. Naturally you want to find the best prices on everything that you buy. While you watch the sales at the grocery stores and check a few sites before buying a major purchase like a new TV, you feel like there is more that you can do to find the best deals, coupons, promo codes like this Hydro flask discount code and other ways to save money.
By using a combination of some specific websites like Raise, online tools and good old-fashioned internet sleuthing, you can save even more money when shopping, whether online or in person.
Honey Chrome Extension
If you have ever purchased anything online and wondered if there is a way to save more money through a promo code you didn’t know about, the Honey Chrome extension will be one of your new best friends. Honey will automatically find and apply coupon codes when you are shopping online, which will prevent you from having to spend time poking around looking for a possibly useful code. All that you need to do is click on the Honey button during checkout and the coupon codes will be added in—it doesn’t get much easier than that.
Google the Company to Look for Savings
Another effective way to find promo codes to use when shopping online or in person is to Google the name of the company with “promo code.” This tactic can help you find additional savings for programs and services that extend beyond a typical online store, and that Honey might not pick up.
If you don’t have a specific company in mind, you could even just search using a general term for what you want to buy with the phrase “promo code.” For instance, if you are in the market for an identity theft prevention plan for your family, try searching “identity theft protection promo code” on Google—and you’ll often find a promo code for that service right up on your screen.
Get to Know
Retail Me Not Retail Me Not is another great source for people who want to find information on sales, deals and cash back offers. The only caveat is that there is a lot going on at this site, so it may seem overwhelming at first. Start by using the search bar at the top of the page to enter the name of a store that you shop at frequently; this will give you an idea of what types of offers you might find there. For instance, typing in “Target” brings up a number of promo codes. Retail Me Not also has an entire section devoted to Cash Back offers; spend some time browsing through this part of the site and learn how you can currently earn eight percent cash back when shopping online at Macy’s and three percent back at Kohl’s.
Bookmark the Procter & Gamble Site
Another great resource for saving money is the P&G Everyday site. This is a Procter & Gamble site; if you sign up, you can access an entire section of the website that is devoted strictly to coupons. You can print out coupons for products you routinely purchase, like shampoo, laundry detergent, soap and the wide selection of other items Procter & Gamble sells.
Enjoy Your Newfound Savings
It is good to know that you don’t have to devote a ton of time to saving money when you shop. By letting Honey do a lot of the work for you, using simple internet searches and bookmarking websites that are devoted to deals and coupons, you should find that your average monthly expenses will start to go down.
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