Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TryTENAOvernight #CollectiveBias
Six months ago I was blessed beyond words with a beautiful baby boy. I was completely clueless about pregnancy, and I spent each day reading articles about “This Week in Your Pregnancy” and looking up this symptom and that symptom, and what’s normal and not normal. But as much as I felt unprepared for pregnancy, I think I was even less prepared for the postpartum symptoms. On one hand, I had a very easy pregnancy, so maybe the easiness of it left me unprepared for the aftermath. But on the other hand, I think I was clueless because postpartum care is simply not something that gets talked about a lot. In movies and television we always see the dizzy, nauseated pregnant woman with the cravings and swollen feet, and then we see a happy woman with a baby. My doctors also never really said anything about postpartum symptoms to me, so today I decided to share some of my own tips and must-haves for postpartum care and recovery. I hope it will help some of you who may be expecting and don’t really know what to expect after that little bundle of joy arrives.
TENA Overnight Pads and Underwear
Before having Thaxton, I purchased some of the TENA underwear, as well as the overnight pads, and they really were very useful and a great convenience in the days and weeks after having him.
With TENA you have protection for the Unexpected Leak™ so that you can live your life without compromise. (Right after having a baby, you certainly don’t want to compromise!)
TENA intimates® includes a soft top layer, that quickly wicks fluid away from the skin keeping you feeling intimately fresh and clean.
TENA Overnight pads and underwear are available at your local Walmart. You can find them in the adult incontinence section of the health and beauty department. You can find the pads in quantities of 28 and 48, and you can find the under in sizes S/M, L, and XL.
On May 20 there will be an FSI in the paper where you can get $4.00 off any one (1) TENA Overnight Pad or TENA Overnight Underwear (2 week duration). This offer can only be redeemed in-store and it ends 6/3.
And there is also a $3 off coupon for the underwear available through IBOTTA starting on May 9.
Squirt Bottle
Immediately after having a baby, going to the bathroom becomes quite the ritual. The squirt bottle is used after every trip, and may also be used periodically throughout the day for extra relief.
Pain Relieving Spray
This product is a MUST. I used it after every trip to the bathroom following the birth of our son. It helps to relieve pain and itch. They provided this to me in the hospital, but I had to buy a second can.
Witch Hazel Wipes or Pads
These are also used after each trip to the bathroom. Your hospital will likely give you this item too, but if you are like me, you will require an additional package.
Medicine and Vitamins
As with any medical procedure or physical ailment, it is important to take your prescribed medications. Your doctor will likely recommend a stool softener and will prescribe you the appropriate medicine for pain, depending on your individual needs. After the first few days, I was able to get by with just the basic anti-inflammatory medicine, and I definitely advise you to take your meds if you think you need them; do not wait until you are in extraordinary pain. And don’t be afraid to ask questions about your medicine or ask for an alternative prescription if you have a problem.
Vitamins are also essential. Even though the baby has been born, women still have to take prenatal vitamins each day. (I actually find that they generally make me feel better throughout the day, so I still take one.)
Hydration continues to be important after the baby is born. Drinking plenty of water will also help with bloating and constipation, and is good for energy and general health and well being.
Warm Baths
Speaking of water, taking a warm bath each day is great aid in your recovery. It will help you to heal, and it is also great wait to sit back and relax. I’m more of a shower person myself, but for about 2 months after my baby was born, I did warm baths each night.
Sports Bra / Nursing Bra
Whether you choose to breastfeed or not, your breasts will likely get very swollen and sore beyond belief. If you are not breastfeeding a good sports bra will help with this.
Nursing Pads
I had always heard of nursing pads for nursing moms, but I had no idea, until I had Thaxton, that mothers who are not breastfeeding also need this product. I found they were an absolute MUST in the first few weeks after the baby was born, and I believe I used them for a total of 2 months after the birth.
Maternity Belt or Postpartum Belt
One of my only real pregnancy complaints was pelvic girdle pain. It set in when I got to be 6 months pregnant. I had gained about 20 pounds at that point, and this pain continued even after the baby was born, until I got to about 15 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight. Although I bought a postpartum belt, I never used it. I just continued to use the maternity belt after the baby was born. It was very helpful with support and relief.
Maternity Pillow
I got a U shaped pillow when I was pregnant, and I loved it. After the baby was born, I continued to sleep with my pillow until I lost most of the pregnancy weight. It also came in great handy for sitting on my couch. Basically I would sit with the pillow behind me at the back of the couch, and then I would turn one of the sides of the pillow over onto my lap, so the baby could lay on my lap during feedings (similar to how you use a boppy pillow, only you get back support too).
Comfortable Clothing
Comfortable clothing is crucial while you’re in the hospital and upon returning home. This is another thing I was clueless about until I had Thaxton. First off, you should know that it will take a few weeks to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
I recommend some nursing gowns or maternity gowns. I found these to be very comfortable and cool at night. Yoga pants are also good, particularly loose fitting yoga pants. (While I was in the hospital I had a lot of swelling from the IV fluids, and wide leg pants were a necessity.) And don’t be afraid to just break out the pajama pants when you get home. (I think you’ve earned it after having a baby.)
I also continued to wear my maternity jeans and just a basic cami and sweater combo for the few times I had to leave the house in the first month after my baby was born, as well as the day we brought him home from the hospital.
Stop by Walmart to pick up all your postpartum care supplies, including Tena Underwear and Pads.
If you have any thoughts on postpartum recovery or if you can think of something I should have included in this list, I’d love to hear from you. Please comment on this post or join the conversation on social media.
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