My Love Story + 5 Tips to Maintain a Close Connection to Your Spouse

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Love Story Stay Connected

This is my love story. Please read on to see how K-Y® TOUCH® enhances our relationship and click here for the $2 off one K-Y® product coupon.

What’s your love story?  My husband and I have a very unique story of how we met, fell in love, and eventually got married.  I originally met him in 2003.  We were co-workers.  I was 20, and he was 27.  There was an immediate connection between us from the moment I saw him;  I’d definitely call it love at first sight.  It wasn’t long before we started dating.  Over the next couple of years, we had a lot of fun; there were some talks of marriage, and I was certainly thrilled at the prospects of being a stepmom to little Noah.  But the marriage just wasn’t meant to be, at least not at that time.

Life basically took me in another direction. I graduated from college and moved on to another relationship, and even moved 6 hours away from home, but I never stopped thinking about my true love.  We kept in touch though, and we spent a lot of time (I mean years!) talking about getting back together.  Finally after a lot of talk with one another, and a lot of prayer, I saw him again!  You could say we were instantly engaged at that time, and two years later we FINALLY got married!

Our whole relationship has been a crazy whirlwind!  I do often think about and greatly regret the time we spent apart, but I know it was all part of a bigger plan, and I feel truly blessed that we are together now!

Soon we will celebrate Valentine’s Day, a whole day devoted to love.  But one thing that I’ve learned from my relationship is that you should cherish every day.  As much as I love Valentine’s Day, I feel it’s more important to find ways to celebrate your love every day and maintain a close connection.  I believe these little celebrations of love and that personal connection are the keys to a good, healthy, and long-lasting relationship.  

Today I am going to talk about 5 tips to maintain that close connection with your spouse.

Phones Unplugged

Go unplugged.  Much of our lives revolve around technology.  We’re always staring at screens: phones, tablets, laptops, and televisions.  To truly connect with your spouse, you need to get away from the electronics.

Spend some time together actually talking.  My husband and I make it a habit of sitting on the couch together and talking when he gets home for work, and we also put our phones away just before bedtime.  I’ve also heard from some bloggers who use Sundays as their “unplugged day.”

It can be quite difficult to rip yourself away from your electronics, especially if you are a blogger or have another internet-based business, but the extra time with your spouse is worth it!

Lasagna Meal

Eat a meal together.  I’m sure you’ve heard about the benefits that the traditional family meal has on children and adolescents.  Well, having a meal with your spouse also has a positive impact on your relationship.   If you’re an engaged couple or a newlywed couple without children, this is the perfect time for you to connect with one another, while also establishing a routine and traditions for the future when you do have children.

Now if you already have children, you probably have family meals with your spouse all the time, but it’s also important to have the occasional one-on-one meal together.  A lot of couples have a date night without the kids once or month or once a week.  Other couples go out to lunch together one day a week.  If neither of these options work for you, then perhaps you can have breakfast with your spouse before the kids wake up or after the kids go to school.

Kissing Picture

Do an activity together.  So much of our time is spent working or taking care of the children, and when we have down time, we often find ourselves doing solitary activities like playing a video game, watching a television show, or reading a book.  All of those tasks and activities are fine, and I’m definitely not saying that you should stop doing them!  We have to work, we have to take care of the kids, and we need personal time to ourselves.

But we should also find the time to do activities with our spouse.  This could be unplugged activities like playing a game or taking a walk, but it could also include electronic activities like playing a video game together, listening to music together, or just watching movie or television show together.  My husband and I share a lot of fun times together just watching “our shows” and cuddling on the couch.

Couple by the Cabin

Laugh and have fun together.  Having a good sense of humor is the key to any happy relationship.  Even if you’re having a bad day and everything seems to be going wrong, if you can find something to laugh about with your spouse, then you will feel so much better!  And if you can break yourself away from whatever is stressing you out or making you feel sad or angry and do something fun or have a light-hearted chat with your spouse, then you’ll find it much easier to get past whatever is bothering you.  Just remember, in the game of life you and your spouse are on the same team!

Romantic Gestures

Romantic Gestures.  Communicating and spending time with your spouse will greatly improve your relationship, and in turn, it should also open the door to more romance!  There are a lot of things you can do to make a romantic night at home even more special.  You can pour up some wine or hot chocolate and sit by the fireplace together, or you can play soft music and light candles in the bedroom.
KY Touch

You can also give your spouse a nice massage! K-Y® TOUCH® is a touch-activated gel crème that helps to increase desire and intimacy.

The massage crème and pleasure gel warms, giving you and your spouse an intense sensation, inspiring to get romantic and spice things up!

KY Touch at Walmart

I recently purchased the product at Walmart.  You can find it in the health and beauty section, alongside other sexual and feminine health items.

And just in time for Valentine’s Day, click here for the $2 off one K-Y® product coupon!

SSH Couple 2

How do you stay connected with your spouse? Got any tips to enhance intimacy? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


This Valentine’s Day, K-Y® is inspiring couples to connect more deeply via the power of touch by using new K-Y® TOUCH®, a new touch activated gel crème for massage and intimacy that gently warms and intensifies sensation with every touch. The warm sensation builds with every caress and encourages couples to slow down and explore more of each other for a more profound intimate connection. Pick up K-Y® TOUCH® at a Walmart near you! 

Also, click both the images below to receive a total savings of $6 off any one K-Y® product and see for more information on the new K-Y® TOUCH® and intimacy tips that can help you deepen your couples’ connection.

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  1. Your love story is so sweet! Thanks for sharing it! I love the idea of an unplugged, meal at home, with romantic massages. -client

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your love story and ways to connect with your partner. I love the pictures you included in this blog post! #client

  3. best article for the reading must read everyone this nyc post . I think best bond of relationship is trust and understanding thank you once again.

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