It’s a been a few weeks since I shared any printables, so here we go!
As much as I love party decor printables, I also love finding printables for use in other areas of life as well. Today I’m focusing on something that any new or expecting mom can use: Potty Training Charts. Potty training can be a difficult chore. It’s hard knowing whether your child is ready. Furthermore, it can be difficult to be consistent with your potty training techniques and practices, especially if you’re very busy or you have more than one person watching your child. For this reason, it’s good to have plans and strategies in place, and potty charts are certainly helpful with this.
I found a great website featuring a variety of free charts to help you and your little one get started on this journey! And they also have some great tips for you, the parent.
I love the idea of a potty training chart and incentive/rewards program. All kids, no matter how old, often question the things we are trying to teach them or train them to do. How many times have you heard the word, “Why” this week? I know I’ve heard it at least a few times!
So the charts and a rewards program are a really great way to give your child a reason why they need to use the potty (beyond just being a “big boy/girl”).
This will also give them encouragement, and it will help you to track their success. Basically it’s a win-win!
Hloom has 39 printable & editable potty charts for boys and girls. And I love their collection, not only for the fun colors and graphics, but because they have charts that serve different purposes. You have charts to help you track the number of days your child stayed dry. And then you also have charts to help teach them about the whole potty routine.
My favorite chart is the Hello Kitty:
And I also love this Elmo chart:
Go over to Hloom and take a look at these and other potty charts.
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