Who doesn’t love a good round up post? I love it when bloggers make us a list of must-see recipes and projects. It is so fun and inspirational. And I also love hosting these kind of posts on my blog. I have so much fun doing the “research” and I enjoy the opportunity to share with you! For today’s party, I’m featuring 3 round up posts! Two are specific to Halloween recipes, while the other is pumpkin recipes…..And I think you are sure to get inspired by them!
Also, I want to take a second today and announce that I’m running a sale in my etsy shop. If you’re a football fan, I have a lot of my team spirit necklaces, ornaments, and keychains on sale (to include custom orders), and I also have all my cameo pendant necklaces on sale. It’s a great chance to pre-order for Christmas and avoid the rush, as well as get a good deal!

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