Guest Article: DIY – Design It Yourself

Finding the right furniture for your home can be a nightmare, especially when you have something very personal and specific in mind. The colours don’t seem to match, the price is far too high, or the detailing just isn’t quite right. Sound familiar? Buying furniture is a huge investment and should be given a great deal of thought. After all, each piece will add to a certain atmosphere within the room, which will become your living space for years to come. In these cases, perhaps doing it your self is the best option? However unlikely this may sound, it is actually a possibility. Have you ever fancied your self a bit of an interior designer? Be your qualifications professional or non-existent, the Fashion for Home website is now offering anyone the opportunity to have their own designs brought to life.

Simply upload your design via the Fashion for Home Design Hub, where it will be included in a Voting Area. Fashion for Home customers will be able to give feedback as well as vote on their favourite designs, which may eventually be made and sold on the Fashion for Home website, with a commission per sale for the designer!

Whether you are an established interior designer or just someone with a desire to see their own ideas made into real objects, but without the know-how to accomplish that alone, this platform seems to me the best option. Even if your design doesn’t get the votes you feel it should, seeing other people’s designs might open up your mind to a world of other possibilities for your home. Equally, Evolvex offers the opportunity to customise and design your own furniture online at very affordable prices.

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