Holiday Gifts at AliLilly

All this month I’ve been bringing you some holiday gift ideas.  Today we’ve got a guest post from one of my fabulous sponsors and bloggy friends. It’s Ami from AliLilly.

Hello there Simply Sweet Home readers! I’m so excited to be a part of Jerri’s Holiday Shopping Guide! I am Ami. A Christ follower. A wife to the most amazing man, David. I am a mother to a beautiful lil 3 year old girl. I am living my dream of staying home and raising our   daughter. I love to make jewelry and other crafts.This is our story:

It all began after a five year struggle to get pregnant. Once I was pregnant I was put on bed rest for most of my pregnancy. Bored and out of TV shows to follow my sweet husband bought me several hemp jewelry making kits. I loved them. I had so much fun learning. After the first couple pieces I began adding my own influences instead of following the set directions. I must of made three pieces of jewelry for every family member and each friend I have.

Now a little more than two years later I’ve opened an etsy shop and have expanded my jewelry making skills.

I love creating pieces and especially love making custom requested pieces. I hope my love for creating can be seen in my work.

Tea Green & Pearls Earrings {HERE}

Christmas Yarn Wreath {HERE}

Christmas Bracelet {HERE}

Rosette Trio Headband {HERE}

For the holidays I’m running a 25% off sale. Use the code BLESSED. This code is good until Dec 31st of this year.


Thanks Ami! Please check out Ami’s Etsy Shop and go take a look at her blog.

Also, follow on her Facebook and on Twitter.



  1. Ami w/AliLilly says

    Thanks Jerri!! SO excited to be a part of your shopping guide!!! 🙂

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