We’ve been talking about having a baby for a while, but as many of you know, my husband’s business was a victim of the bad economy, and since then the jobs he’s taken haven’t had benefits, which has made it a lot harder to think about having a baby.
But the good news is that my husband took a temporary job earlier in the year and just got word that he’ll be hired in a couple of weeks, and the job has great benefits, so it looks like our dream of having a family may soon be realized!
My husband talks like getting pregnant will be a piece of cake because I’m young, etc. But as you can imagine, I’m a little more “anxious” about the whole thing. I see no reason why we would have any problems conceiving, but at the same time, I know quite a few people who have had problems with conception and even miscarriages, and so it seems natural for me to have concerns.
I recently had the chance to try out the First Response Fertility Test, and I was happy to find that my FSH levels are normal, which means that my ovarian reserve is normal, and I should have no problems conceiving.
How it Works: Unlike an ovulation test, which tells you the days you are most likely to be able to conceive, The First Response Fertility Test measures your levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) to gauge your ovarian reserve, and your chances of becoming pregnant.
“Every woman is born with millions of immature eggs. Over the course of her life the quantity and the quality of her eggs — known as her ovarian reserve — decreases.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is released at the beginning of every menstrual cycle to cause an egg to mature in the ovary. If a woman’s ovarian reserve (eggs) is low, she will produce higher than normal FSH levels to attempt to stimulate her ovary to produce mature eggs.
Testing FSH levels on Day 3 of the menstrual cycle gauges a woman’s pregnancy potential. The First Response Fertility Test for Women is an early detection screening tool that assesses Day 3 FSH levels to begin answering the question ‘Am I able to get pregnant?’
Early detection of FSH levels — and by extension Ovarian reserve levels with First Response empowers women to know sooner, consult with a physician sooner and ultimately get pregnant sooner.”
My Reaction: This is really great test for someone who’s trying or planning on trying to conceive. The test is very easy to take. You just have to pee on the stick (or pee in a cup) on the third day of your menstrual cycle. Then it just takes 30 minutes for you to get the results.
Since I’m new at all of this I was especially happy to find that the instructions were very exact and easy to understand, and the results were very easy to read as well.
After taking the test, I feel a little less anxious and very happy to find that my ovarian reserve is normal.
I think this test will be a great first step for someone to take who’s thinking of having a baby. And I think in the long run, this test will help a lot of people who may have a problem to seek help from a doctor sooner than later, which is a really great thing!
Buy it! You can purchase the First Response Fertility Test at these online and local retailers. And you can save $2 with this printable coupon. Or order online and save $5.
If you’re looking for the best fertility clinic, Fertility Plus are one of the bast out there.
Disclosure: I was selected for the post by the Clever Girls Collective #CleverTTC #spon, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.
HOW EXCITING!!! 🙂 Well wishes sent your way friend!!!